WHLK device 問題



請問我在測WHLK時有遇到 Runjob Disk-setup(Device ID) 都有Fail的問題, 我們也有買有支援WHLK 的SSD 來驗證

  1. SN740 WD PCIE
  2. Intel 545S M.2

但都還是Fail 請問是為甚麼呢? WHLK 有一個完整的report 嗎? 因為現在不確定是不支援那個項目? 還是有其他的測試問題 還是需要購買認證套件?

Windows Server 效能和維護 應用程式技術和相容性

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  1. 匿名


    Thank you for posting in Microsoft Community forum.

     Sorry about the inconvenience we caused, you can try troubleshooting the issue by the instructions below.

    Troubleshooting Windows HLK Setup | Microsoft Learn

    Or you can provide more details about the issue of WHLK, for example, the error code or screenshot of disk setup failed.

    Best Regards,

    Zack Lu

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  2. 匿名

    Hi Zack

    Since I can't attach a picture with a detailed log here, can I send you an e-mail?

    Or send me a message to my e-mail. --> ******@innodisk.com Thank you very much

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