RSoP WMI Classes
The classes that the RSoP WMI Method Provider supports can be grouped in the following manner. An alphabetic list follows:
- Group Policy core classes
- Policy setting template classes
- Registry policy classes
- Application management policy classes
- Folder redirection and script policy classes
- IEAK policy classes
- Access method classes
- RSoP WMI Classes—Alphabetic List
For information about security issues and WMI applications, see Maintaining WMI Security.
Represents client-side extensions' event log message sources.
Represents the association between a client-side extension's event log message source and the extension's status.
Provides information about the overall status of a client-side extension's processing of policy.
Represents the links from a site, domain, organizational unit, or local scope, to one or more GPOs.
Provides information about a GPO.
Represents an RSoP session. There can be only one instance of this class per namespace.
Represents a scope of management (SOM) which can be a site, domain, organizational unit, or local scope.
The class from which client-side extensions' policy objects are inherited. An instance of this class corresponds to a specific policy setting.
Represents the association between a policy setting and the setting's status.
Provides a link to an event in the event log that corresponds to an error that occurred while applying a specific policy setting.
Policy class for IEEE 802.11 Network Policy.
Represents the policy data for wireless network extension.
Policy class for IEEE 802.3 Network Policy.
Represents the policy data for the IPSec extension.
Represents an administrative template (.adm) file.
Represents the policy object for registry or administrative template extension.
Represents the list of programs in the Add or Remove Programs Control Panel utility.
Represents the policy data for application management extension.
Provides information about a folder-redirection extension.
Represents a script command and its parameters.
Represents a script policy setting.
Represents the abstraction for an administrative template (.adm) file for Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Represents the policy data for general settings related to management and customization of Internet Explorer.
Represents the details of customized settings for Internet Explorer that designate software publishers and credentials agencies as trustworthy.
Represents the settings used by the RasDial function when establishing a dial-up (remote access) connection to the Internet using Internet Explorer.
Represents the association between an Internet Explorer Administration Kit (IEAK) policy setting and the dial-up credentials for a given Internet Explorer Internet connection.
Contains the details of a phone-book entry for connecting to the Internet; corresponds to the RASENTRY structure.
Represents the association between an IEAK policy setting and its imported dial-up settings for a specific connection of Internet Explorer to the Internet.
Represents the details of an Internet connection made using Internet Explorer, including details related to auto-configuration.
Represents the association between an IEAK policy setting and the policy's Internet connection settings.
Represents the settings used by the RasDial function to establish a remote access connection to the Internet using the Microsoft Win32 Internet (WinInet) application programming interface (API).
Represents the association between an IEAK policy setting and WinInet connection settings for a remote access connection to the Internet.
Contains details for ESC attributes for a security zone.
Contains details for privacy attributes for the Internet security zone. Extends the RSOP_IEPrivacySettings class.
Contains details for security zone attributes for a given zone. Extends the RSOP_IESecurityZoneSettings class.
Represents an item or folder in a user's Internet Explorer Favorites list.
Represents the association between an IEAK policy setting and an item or folder in a user's Internet Explorer Favorites list.
Parent class from which Internet Explorer Favorites, Favorite folders, and Link toolbar items (Links) are inherited.
Represents the association between an IEAK policy setting and its imported program settings for Internet Explorer.
Represents an Internet Explorer Links bar item (a Link).
Represents the association between an IEAK policy setting and an item in a user's Internet Explorer Links bar.
Represents the privacy settings imported for Internet Explorer URL security zones.
Contains details about the imported programs to use for Internet Explorer.
Represents the details of a proxy server connection for Internet Explorer.
Represents the abstraction for registry extension policy data for Internet Explorer.
Represents customized settings or attributes related to security content ratings that should be used with Internet Explorer.
Represents customized settings or attributes to use with Internet Explorer for a particular URL security zone.
Represents the toolbar button object for Internet Explorer.
Represents the association between an IEAK policy setting and a custom Internet Explorer toolbar button.
Contains methods that the RSoP MMC snap-in (rsop.msc) calls to take a snapshot of actual policy data in the logging mode.
Contains methods that the RSoP snap-in calls to create resultant policy data in a what-if (planning mode) scenario.
- RSOP_AdministrativeTemplateFile
- RSOP_ApplicationManagementCategory
- RSOP_ApplicationManagementPolicySetting
- RSOP_ExtensionEventSource
- RSOP_ExtensionEventSourceLink
- RSOP_ExtensionStatus
- RSOP_FolderRedirectionPolicySetting
- RSOP_IEAdministrativeTemplateFile
- RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting
- RSOP_IEAuthenticodeCertificate
- RSOP_IEConnectionDialUpCredentials
- RSOP_IEConnectionDialUpCredentialsLink
- RSOP_IEConnectionDialUpSettings
- RSOP_IEConnectionDialUpSettingsLink
- RSOP_IEConnectionSettings
- RSOP_IEConnectionSettingsLink
- RSOP_IEConnectionWinINetSettings
- RSOP_IEConnectionWinINetSettingsLink
- RSOP_IEEE80211GroupPolicySetting
- RSOP_IEEE80211PolicySetting
- RSOP_IEEE8023GroupPolicySetting
- RSOP_IEESCPrivacySettings
- RSOP_IEESCSecurityZoneSettings
- RSOP_IEFavoriteItem
- RSOP_IEFavoriteItemLink
- RSOP_IEFavoriteOrLinkItem
- RSOP_IEImportedProgramSettings
- RSOP_IELinkItem
- RSOP_IELinkItemLink
- RSOP_IEPrivacySettings
- RSOP_IEProgramSettings
- RSOP_IEProxySettings
- RSOP_IERegistryPolicySetting
- RSOP_IESecurityContentRatings
- RSOP_IESecurityZoneSettings
- RSOP_IEToolbarButton
- RSOP_IEToolbarButtonLink
- RSOP_IPSECPolicySetting
- RsopLoggingModeProvider
- RsopPlanningModeProvider
- RSOP_PolicySetting
- RSOP_PolicySettingLink
- RSOP_PolicySettingStatus
- RSOP_RegistryPolicySetting
- RSOP_ScriptCmd
- RSOP_ScriptPolicySetting
- RSOP_Session