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This package contains the classes for EventHubManagementClient. Azure Event Hubs client.
AccessRights |
Defines values for Access |
CaptureDescription |
Properties to configure capture description for eventhub. |
CheckNameAvailabilityParameter |
Parameter supplied to check Namespace name availability operation. |
DefaultAction |
Defines values for Default |
Destination |
Capture storage details for capture description. |
ErrorResponse |
Error response indicates Event |
ErrorResponseException |
Exception thrown for an invalid response with Error |
EventHubNamespaceSkuType |
Defines values for Event |
MessagingRegionsProperties |
The Messaging |
NWRuleSetIpRules |
Description of Net |
NWRuleSetVirtualNetworkRules |
Description of Virtual |
NetworkRuleIPAction |
Defines values for Network |
OperationDisplay |
The object that represents the operation. |
RegenerateAccessKeyParameters |
Parameters supplied to the Regenerate Authorization Rule operation, specifies which key needs to be reset. |
Sku |
SKU parameters supplied to the create namespace operation. |
SkuName |
Defines values for Sku |
SkuTier |
Defines values for Sku |
Subnet |
Properties supplied for Subnet. |
AuthorizationRule<RuleT> |
The base type representing authorization rule of event hub namespace and event hub. |
AuthorizationRule.DefinitionStages |
Grouping of commons authorization rule definition stages shared between event hub namespace authorization rule and event hub authorization rule. |
AuthorizationRule.DefinitionStages.WithListen<T> |
The stage of the event hub namespace or event hub authorization rule definition allowing to enable listen policy. |
AuthorizationRule.DefinitionStages.WithListenOrSendOrManage<T> |
The stage of the event hub namespace or event hub authorization rule definition allowing to enable listen, send or manage policy. |
AuthorizationRule.DefinitionStages.WithManage<T> |
The stage of the event hub namespace or event hub authorization rule definition allowing to enable manage policy. |
AuthorizationRule.DefinitionStages.WithSend<T> |
The stage of the event hub namespace or event hub authorization rule definition allowing to enable send policy. |
AuthorizationRule.DefinitionStages.WithSendOrManage<T> |
The stage of the event hub namespace or event hub authorization rule definition allowing to enable send or manage policy. |
AuthorizationRule.UpdateStages |
Grouping of commons authorization rule update stages shared between event hub namespace authorization rule and event hub authorization rule. |
AuthorizationRule.UpdateStages.WithListen<T> |
The stage of the event hub namespace or event hub authorization rule update allowing to enable listen policy. |
AuthorizationRule.UpdateStages.WithListenOrSendOrManage<T> |
The stage of the event hub namespace or event hub authorization rule update allowing to enable listen, send or manage policy. |
AuthorizationRule.UpdateStages.WithManage<T> |
The stage of event hub namespace or event hub authorization rule update allowing to enable manage policy. |
AuthorizationRule.UpdateStages.WithSend<T> |
The stage of the event hub namespace or event hub authorization rule update allowing to enable send policy. |
AuthorizationRule.UpdateStages.WithSendOrManage<T> |
The stage of the event hub namespace or event hub authorization rule update allowing to enable send or manage policy. |
DisasterRecoveryPairingAuthorizationKey |
Type representing access key of DisasterRecoveryPairingAuthorizationRule. |
DisasterRecoveryPairingAuthorizationRule |
Type representing authorization rule of EventHubDisasterRecoveryPairing. |
DisasterRecoveryPairingAuthorizationRules |
Entry point to manage disaster recovery pairing authorization rules. |
EventHub |
Type representing an Azure Event |
EventHub.Definition |
The entirety of the event hub definition. |
EventHub.DefinitionStages |
Grouping of event hub definition stages. |
EventHub.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of a event hub definition. |
EventHub.DefinitionStages.WithAuthorizationRule |
The stage of the event hub definition allowing to add authorization rule for accessing the event hub. |
EventHub.DefinitionStages.WithCaptureEnabledDisabled |
The stage of the event hub definition allowing to enable or disable data capturing. |
EventHub.DefinitionStages.WithCaptureOptionalSettingsOrCreate |
The stage of the event hub definition allowing to configure data capturing. |
EventHub.DefinitionStages.WithCaptureProviderOrCreate |
The stage of the event hub definition allowing to specify provider to store captured data when data capturing is enabled. |
EventHub.DefinitionStages.WithConsumerGroup |
The stage of the event hub definition allowing to add consumer group for the event hub. |
EventHub.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via WithCreate#create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified. |
EventHub.DefinitionStages.WithNamespace |
The stage of the event hub definition allowing to specify the name space in which event hub needs to be created. |
EventHub.DefinitionStages.WithPartitionCount |
The stage of the event hub definition allowing to specify partition count for event hub. |
EventHub.DefinitionStages.WithRetentionPeriod |
The stage of the event hub definition allowing to specify retention period for event hub events. |
EventHub.Update |
The template for a event hub update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified. |
EventHub.UpdateStages |
Grouping of event hub update stages. |
EventHub.UpdateStages.WithAuthorizationRule |
The stage of the event hub definition allowing to add an authorization rule for accessing the event hub. |
EventHub.UpdateStages.WithCapture |
The stage of the event hub update allowing to configure data capture. |
EventHub.UpdateStages.WithConsumerGroup |
The stage of the event hub update allowing to add consumer group for event hub. |
EventHub.UpdateStages.WithPartitionCount |
The stage of the event hub update allowing to specify partition count for event hub. |
EventHub.UpdateStages.WithRetentionPeriod |
The stage of the event hub definition allowing to specify retention period for event hub events. |
EventHubAuthorizationKey |
Type representing access key of EventHubNamespaceAuthorizationRule. |
EventHubAuthorizationRule |
Type representing authorization rule of an event hub. |
EventHubAuthorizationRule.Definition |
The entirety of the event hub namespace authorization rule definition. |
EventHubAuthorizationRule.DefinitionStages |
Grouping of event hub authorization rule definition stages. |
EventHubAuthorizationRule.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of event hub authorization rule definition. |
EventHubAuthorizationRule.DefinitionStages.WithAccessPolicy |
Stage of the authorization rule definition allowing to specify access policy. |
EventHubAuthorizationRule.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via WithCreate#create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified. |
EventHubAuthorizationRule.DefinitionStages.WithEventHub |
Stage of the authorization rule definition allowing to specify the event for which rule needs to be created. |
EventHubAuthorizationRule.Update |
The entirety of the event hub authorization rule update. |
EventHubAuthorizationRules |
Entry point to manage event hub authorization rules. |
EventHubConsumerGroup |
Type representing consumer group of an event hub. |
EventHubConsumerGroup.Definition |
The entirety of the consumer group definition. |
EventHubConsumerGroup.DefinitionStages |
Grouping of consumer group definition stages. |
EventHubConsumerGroup.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of a event hub definition. |
EventHubConsumerGroup.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via WithCreate#create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified. |
EventHubConsumerGroup.DefinitionStages.WithEventHub |
The stage of the consumer group definition allowing to specify the event hub to be associated with it. |
EventHubConsumerGroup.DefinitionStages.WithUserMetadata |
The stage of the consumer group definition allowing to specify user metadata. |
EventHubConsumerGroup.Update |
The template for a consumer group update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified. |
EventHubConsumerGroup.UpdateStages |
Grouping of consumer group update stages. |
EventHubConsumerGroup.UpdateStages.WithUserMetadata |
The stage of the consumer group update allowing to specify user metadata. |
EventHubConsumerGroups |
Entry point to manage event hub consumer groups. |
EventHubDisasterRecoveryPairing |
Type representing disaster recovery pairing for event hub namespaces. |
EventHubDisasterRecoveryPairing.Definition |
The entirety of the event hub disaster recovery pairing definition. |
EventHubDisasterRecoveryPairing.DefinitionStages |
Grouping of disaster recovery pairing definition stages. |
EventHubDisasterRecoveryPairing.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of a disaster recovery pairing definition. |
EventHubDisasterRecoveryPairing.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via WithCreate#create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified. |
EventHubDisasterRecoveryPairing.DefinitionStages.WithPrimaryNamespace |
The stage of the disaster recovery pairing definition allowing to specify primary event hub namespace. |
EventHubDisasterRecoveryPairing.DefinitionStages.WithSecondaryNamespace |
The stage of the disaster recovery pairing definition allowing to specify the secondary event hub namespace. |
EventHubDisasterRecoveryPairing.Update |
The template for a disaster recovery pairing update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified. |
EventHubDisasterRecoveryPairing.UpdateStages |
Grouping of disaster recovery pairing update stages. |
EventHubDisasterRecoveryPairing.UpdateStages.WithSecondaryNamespace |
The stage of the disaster recovery pairing definition allowing to specify primary event hub namespace. |
EventHubDisasterRecoveryPairings |
Entry point to manage disaster recovery pairing of event hub namespaces. |
EventHubNamespace |
Type representing an Azure Event |
EventHubNamespace.Definition |
The entirety of the event hub namespace definition. |
EventHubNamespace.DefinitionStages |
Grouping of event hub namespace definition stages. |
EventHubNamespace.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of a event hub namespace definition. |
EventHubNamespace.DefinitionStages.WithAuthorizationRule |
The stage of the event hub namespace definition allowing to add authorization rule for accessing the event hub. |
EventHubNamespace.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via WithCreate#create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified. |
EventHubNamespace.DefinitionStages.WithEventHub |
The stage of the event hub namespace definition allowing to add new event hub in the namespace. |
EventHubNamespace.DefinitionStages.WithGroup |
The stage of the event hub namespace definition allowing to specify the resource group. |
EventHubNamespace.DefinitionStages.WithSku |
The stage of the event hub namespace definition allowing to specify the sku. |
EventHubNamespace.DefinitionStages.WithThroughputConfiguration |
The stage of the event hub namespace definition allowing to specify the throughput unit settings. |
EventHubNamespace.Update |
The template for a event hub namespace update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified. |
EventHubNamespace.UpdateStages |
Grouping of all the event hub namespace update stages. |
EventHubNamespace.UpdateStages.WithAuthorizationRule |
The stage of the event hub namespace update allowing to add authorization rule for accessing the event hub. |
EventHubNamespace.UpdateStages.WithEventHub |
The stage of the event hub namespace update allowing to add new event hub in the namespace. |
EventHubNamespace.UpdateStages.WithSku |
The stage of the event hub namespace update allowing to change the sku. |
EventHubNamespace.UpdateStages.WithThroughputConfiguration |
The stage of the event hub namespace update allowing to specify the throughput unit settings. |
EventHubNamespaceAuthorizationRule |
Type representing authorization rule of an event hub namespace. |
EventHubNamespaceAuthorizationRule.Definition |
The entirety of the event hub namespace authorization rule definition. |
EventHubNamespaceAuthorizationRule.DefinitionStages |
Grouping of Event Hub namespace authorization rule definition stages. |
EventHubNamespaceAuthorizationRule.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of event hub namespace authorization rule definition. |
EventHubNamespaceAuthorizationRule.DefinitionStages.WithAccessPolicy |
Stage of the authorization rule definition allowing to specify access policy. |
EventHubNamespaceAuthorizationRule.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via WithCreate#create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified. |
EventHubNamespaceAuthorizationRule.DefinitionStages.WithNamespace |
Stage of the authorization rule definition allowing to specify the event namespace for which rule needs to be created. |
EventHubNamespaceAuthorizationRule.Update |
The entirety of the event hub namespace authorization rule update. |
EventHubNamespaceAuthorizationRules |
Entry point to manage event hub namespace authorization rules. |
EventHubNamespaces |
Entry point to manage Event |
EventHubs |
Entry point to manage event hubs. |
NestedResource |
A type contains subset of ARM envelop properties in com.microsoft.azure.Resource namely id, name and type. |
EncodingCaptureDescription |
Defines values for Encoding |
EntityStatus |
Defines values for Entity |
KeyType |
Defines values for Key |
ProvisioningStateDR |
Defines values for Provisioning |
RoleDisasterRecovery |
Defines values for Role |
UnavailableReason |
Defines values for Unavailable |