NETMF Partners in Nuremberg

Here are some pictures of the partner booth at Embedded World in Nuremberg.  Enjoy

Partners Booth: Nuremberg  

Left to Right:


Andreas Schloffer

Alexander Hofstaedter

Thomas Volz

Jan Kucera

Simon Taylor

Markus Holzer

Tor Trygstad

Martin Welford

   PArtners booth:Nuremberg

Partner Booth:Nuremberg


  • Anonymous
    March 03, 2010
    Fist of all cool to see the MF getting some love at a big tradeshow like this! Now the bad (sorry) Maybe tip for next time, have a larger booth or better lay out, I walked by the booth and all partners where pretty much along the wall in a half circle waiting for someone to walk in, I'm sure there was cool stuff in the booth and that you are all actually pretty nice people but the thought of 'they are all going to hassle me while i just want to look at their stuff' kept me out, and i'm fairly sure i'm not alone in that. So you could have gotten alot more exposure by making the place a little bit more inviting to visit.

  • Anonymous
    March 04, 2010
    See some more photos taken later in the evening while eating Nürnberger Bratwürstchen... Michael