Suggested content for a Viva Glint Distress survey

When societal or global events introduce instability and disruption to our natural patterns in work and personal lives, it causes distress. COVID-19 is an example of this kind of event. It introduced a personal impact on our core human needs for safety and security. Without leaders addressing fundamental concerns, organizations can't run business as usual.

What do people need at work to remain happy and successful?

People always need these things at work:

  • To feel valued and confident about the future of their organization and their place in it.
  • To feel a sense of belonging.
  • To feel trust in their leaders.
  • To clearly understand how to be their best and do their best work.

During times of distress, they need more.

People need reassurance that their leaders are prioritizing their safety and wellbeing. During times of uncertainty, employees have a heightened urgency to receive timely, fact-based communications about what’s happening, why, and the impact on them. They need the opportunity to express fears and concerns and feel a sense of control over their circumstances.

Instances where a distress survey benefits your org

Change-management, uncertainty, and other unexpected factors bring a feeling of unsettlement and the unknown. To learn how your people are feeling and what they need, consider adding the Viva People Science templated Distress Survey to a scheduled engagement survey or creating an Ad Hoc Distress Survey

  • Major political, social, hostile, or economic events
  • Sudden catastrophic (local or global) natural disaster events
  • Disease outbreaks and pandemics
  • Local disasters affecting employee populations or communities
  • Any other events that cause threat and fear for some or all employees

Choose from three different distress survey options

When deciding whether to survey, when to do it, and how to position it, consider these options:

  • Engagement Survey – Continue with your existing engagement survey schedule but update it to consider the current environment to receive feedback which helps shape your internal response.
  • Ad Hoc Survey – Deliver an unscheduled survey at a pivotal time when employees need support mechanisms in place and their feedback is essential.
  • Always-On Survey – Provide an open channel to allow employees to give feedback at any time. Viva Glint suggested distress survey items

Viva Glint suggested Distress Survey items

Find any of these suggested survey items in the Question Library on your Glint admin dashboard. Search for them by Item Name.

Item Name Item Text
Belonging I feel a sense of belonging at <COMPANY_NAME>.
Boundaries I am able to disconnect from work during nonwork time.
Change for Better As a result of these challenging times, what do you see changing for the better?
Communications <COMPANY_NAME_UPPERCASE> is doing a good job communicating with employees.
Contribution I understand what I can do to help our company during the current situation.
Customer I know how I can best support my customers right now.
Decision Making Overall, I am satisfied with how decisions are made at <COMPANY_NAME>.
Employee Connection <COMPANY_NAME_UPPERCASE> is doing a good job helping employees feel connected to one another.
Empowerment I feel empowered to make decisions regarding my work.
eSat How happy are you working at <COMPANY_NAME>?
Furlough I am returning from a furlough or temporary layoff.
How Are You? How are you doing?
Ideal work setting Once restrictions on businesses and schools are lifted and your workplace is safe to reopen, what is your ideal work setting?
Important Pre-Return What's most important to you as you think about returning to the workplace? (Skip if you are currently in the workplace.)
Manager Support I can get the support I need from my manager right now.
Plan <COMPANY_NAME_UPPERCASE> has an appropriate plan in place.
Prioritization I know what I should be focusing on right now.
Prospects I am confident about <COMPANY_NAME>'s future.
Purpose The work that I do at <COMPANY_NAME> is meaningful to me.
Remote work I have what I need to be productive while working remotely.
Resources I have the resources I need to do my job.
Response Satisfaction I am satisfied with <COMPANY_NAME>'s response.
Return Concern What is your biggest concern as it relates to returning to the workplace? (Choose up to two options. Skip if you are currently in the workplace.)
Speak My Mind I feel free to speak my mind without fear of negative consequences.
Support I feel well supported by <COMPANY_NAME> at this time.
Team Precautions I am confident my team is taking the right precautions to minimize impact.
Team Priorities Our team is focused on clear priorities.
Technology <COMPANY_NAME_UPPERCASE> is providing the technology resources I need to be productive.
Top Needs What is most critical as you think about your needs right now? (select up to two)
Transparency <COMPANY_NAME_UPPERCASE> communicates openly and honestly.
Wellbeing <COMPANY_NAME_UPPERCASE> takes a genuine interest in employees' wellbeing.
What else What else is on your mind?
What would help? What would help you feel more supported right now?

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