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Submit packages to Windows Package Manager

Learn how to contribute packages to Windows Package Manager that can be installed with the WinGet command line client as an ISV business, publisher, or member of the community.

Independent Software Vendor (ISV) or Publisher

If you are an ISV or Publisher, you can use Windows Package Manager as a distribution channel for software packages containing your applications. Windows Package Manager currently supports installers in selected formats.

To submit software packages to Windows Package Manager, follow these steps:

  1. Create a package manifest that provides information about your application. Manifests are YAML files that follow the Windows Package Manager schema.
  2. Submit your manifest to the Windows Package Manager repository. This is an open source repository on GitHub that contains a collection of manifests that the winget tool can access.

Ensure your submission adheres to the Windows Package Manager repository policies.

Community member

If you are a GitHub community member, you may also submit packages to Windows Package Manager following the steps above.

Optionally, you may also request help to have a package added to the community repository. To do so, create a new Package Request/Submission issue.