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The Systems Internals Newsletter Volume 6, Number 2

Copyright (C) 2004 Mark Russinovich

July 30, 2004 - in this issue:


    • Dave Solomon Guest Article on Digging into Thread Details with Process Explorer

    • Tools Updates
    • Sysinternals is a Microsoft Windows XP Community Site

    • Send us your success stories and win a Sysinternals T-shirt!

    • PsExec
    • The Memory Optimization Hoax

    • San Francisco - September 27-October 1

    • TechMentor
    • Windows Connections
    • Microsoft IT Forum

The Sysinternals Newsletter is sponsored by Winternals Software, on the Web at http://www.winternals.com. Winternals provides Intelligent Recovery for the Microsoft Enterprise.

The soon-to-be-released Windows XP Service Pack 2 will deliver numerous benefits, but may result in unwanted or unforeseen behaviors within the OS and within applications. Winternals Recovery Manager allows you to safely and quickly roll back systems that are adversely affected by patches and service packs, even if the systems have been rendered unbootable. To learn more about Recovery Manager, and to request an evaluation CD, please visit: http://www.winternals.com/es/solutions/recoverymanager.asp


Dave Solomon and I are still hard at work on the next edition of "Inside Windows 2000" (to be called "Windows Internals", 4th edition) and are expecting to have the manuscript complete in the next few weeks. The book, which covers Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003, is showing growth of about 20% over the 3rd edition. We think that you'll find the book even more valuable than the previous edition because in addition to expanding the existing material and adding new text to cover XP and 2003 changes, we've added troubleshooting material for topics such as crash dump analysis, system startup, memory, CPU, file system and the registry.

Because I'm focusing my time on finishing the book this newsletter is brief, but I'll continue regular newsletters once the book is finished. In the meantime I'm including a guest article from Dave Solomon on more advanced usage of Process Explorer than what I covered in the last newsletter.

Enjoy and please pass the newsletter on to people you think will find it interesting!

  • Mark Russinovich

Digging into Thread Activity with Process Explorer

By Dave Solomon (daves@..., http://www.solsem.com)

Process Explorer provides easy access to thread activity within a process. This is especially important if you are trying to determine why a process is running that is hosting multiple services (such as Svchost.exe, Dllhost.exe, Inetinfo.exe, or the System process) or why a process is hung.

To view the threads in a process, select a process and open the process properties (double click on the process or click on the Process->Properties menu item) and click on the Threads tab. This shows a list of the threads in the process, the percentage of CPU consumed (based on the refresh interval configured), the number of context switches to the thread, and the thread start address. You can sort by any of these three columns. As you select each thread in the list, Process Explorer displays the thread ID, start time, state, CPU time counters, number of context switches, and the base and current priority. There is a Kill button which will terminate an individual thread, but this should be used with extreme care.

New threads that are created are highlighted in green and threads that exit are highlighted in red (the highlight duration can be configured with the Options->Configure Highlighting menu item). This may be helpful to discover unnecessary thread creation occurring in a process (in general, threads should be created at process startup, and not every time a request is processed inside a process).

The context switch delta represents the number of times that thread began running in between the refreshes configured for Process Explorer and is a different way to determine thread activity than the percentage of CPU consumed, since many threads run for such a short amount of time that they are seldom (if ever) the currently running thread when the interval clock timer interrupt occurs and hence are not charged for their CPU time.

The thread start address is displayed in the form "module!function", where module is the name of the .EXE or .DLL. The function name relies on access to symbol files for the module, which you get if you configure Process Explorer to use the Microsoft Symbol Server (see the help including with Microsoft Debugging Tools for Windows, which you can download from Microsoft's web site at http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/debugging/default.mspx). If you are unsure what the module is, press the module button. This opens an Explorer file properties window for the module containing the thread's start address (e.g. the .EXE or .DLL). For threads created by the Windows CreateThread function, Process Explorer displays the function passed to CreateThread, not the actual thread start function. That is because all Windows threads start at a common process or thread startup wrapper function (BaseProcessStart or BaseThreadStart in Kernel32.dll). If Process Explorer showed the actual start address, most threads in processes would appear to have started at the same address, which would not be helpful in trying to understand what code the thread was executing.

However, the thread start address displayed may not be enough information to pinpoint what the thread is doing and which component within the process is responsible for the CPU consumed by the thread. This is especially true if the thread start address is a generic startup function (e.g. if the function name does not indicate what the thread is actually doing). In this case, examining the thread stack may answer the question. To view the stack for a thread, double click on the thread of interest (or select it and press the Stack button). Process Explorer displays the thread's stack (both user and kernel, if the thread was in kernel mode). While the user-mode debuggers (Windbg, Ntsd, and Cdb) permit you to attach to a process and display the user stack for a thread, Process Explorer shows both the user and kernel stack in one easy click of a button. You can also examine user and kernel thread stacks using Livekd from Sysinternals, however it is more difficult to use; note that running Windbg in local kernel debugging mode, which is only supported on Windows XP or Windows Server 2003, does not show thread stacks.

[Personal note from Mark - this helped me solve why Powerpoint was hanging for one minute every time I started it. I used Process Explorer to look at the stack of the one thread in the Powerpoint process; it was waiting on a call to connect to a network printer; turns out I had a connection to a network printer that was not responding, and because the Microsoft Office applications connect to all configured printers at process startup, Powerpoint was "hung" until the attempt to connect to the printer timed out. After I deleted the connection to the printer, the problem went away.]



A number of tools have been updated since the last newsletter in April. Here's a summary of enhancements:

Process Explorer

Process Explorer is a Task Manager replacement (you can even replace Task Manager altogether with a selection in Process Explorer's Options menu).

  • TCP/IP tab on process properties displays TCP and UDP connections; changes are highlighted in color, making it easy to see new and closed connections
  • 64-bit version for AMD64 systems
  • Support for setting process affinity masks on SMT (hyperthreaded) and SMP systems
  • Display update performance enhancements



DebugView is a developer utility that lets you capture user-mode and kernel-mode debug output without a debugger locally or across the network.

  • Larger kernel-mode and user buffers
  • More highlighting filters
  • Log file wrapping
  • Support for Windows XP SP2 kernel debug output
  • Clears output when it sees special "clear output" debug string



Pendmoves is a new Sysinternals utility that shows file move and delete commands that have been scheduled on a system to take place the next boot.



Adrestore is a command-line utility that takes advantage of Windows Server 2003 Active Directory (AD) "tombstoning" to provide a limited undelete capability for AD objects.


Bluescreen Screen Saver

This screensaver, which mimics the blue-screen of death, now supports multimonitor systems and Windows Server 2003.



This new command-line utility shows the list of logon sessions on a system, including network, interactive and batch, and also shows the processes running in each session.



The Pstools suite consists of 11 administrative command-line tools that work locally and remotely. Many of them have been updated in the past several months to include support for multiple computer systems that you can specify on the command-line or in a text file.



Autoruns shows the most comprehensive list of Windows registry and file system locations that applications can use to configure themselves to automatically start during the boot process.

  • File system and registry locations now span multiple columns for easier reading
  • Option to display only non-Microsoft entries, making it easy to see what non-MS software is configured to start when you log in
  • Can now disable an entry without deleting it from the registry (makes Autoruns now a superset of Msconfig)
  • Option to display services configured to start at boot time


In addition to tools updates, there's an update to a technical article:

Boot.ini Option Reference

This reference now includes boot.ini switches added in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003.



Sysinternals has been a community site for Windows XP Embedded at Microsoft.com for several years and now I'm proud to announce that Microsoft has also made Sysinternals a community site at the Windows XP Expert Zone page:



Audiences in my seminars and conference presentations love to hear real-word success stories, so if you have one troubleshooting with the Sysinternals tools I'd love to hear about it. When you send one to me at mark@... I'll enter you in a monthly drawing to win a limited edition out-of-print Sysinternals t-shirt. Please be as detailed as possible about how you used the Sysinternals tool to solve the problem, and if possible and applicable send screenshots and/or log files (Filemon and Regmon can both save their output to a text file).



This article I wrote for the July issue is currently only available to subscribers of Windows and .NET Magazine. It covers advanced Psexec usage and describes how it works and interacts with Windows security.


The Memory Optimization Hoax

In this Windows and .NET Magazine, which is available to non-subscribers, article I describe the deceitful behavior of so-called "RAM optimizers".



Sep 27- October 1, 2004 - San Francisco

For the first time open to the public, David Solomon and I are presenting the 5 day hands-on version of our Windows 2000/XP/2003 internals & advanced troubleshooting class in San Francisco, September 27-October 1, 2004. (Attendees must bring their own laptop; configuration details will be supplied in advance--no purchase of additional software is required).

This is the same class we teach to Microsoft employees around the world. It covers the internals of processes & threads, thread scheduling, memory management, security, the registry, and I/O system. Delve into mechanisms such as system threads, system call dispatching, interrupt handling, & startup & shutdown. Learn advanced troubleshooting techniques using the Sysinternals tools and how to perform crash dump analysis.

Why take this class? If you're an IT professionals deploying and supporting Windows servers and workstations, you need to be able to dig beneath the surface when things go wrong. Having understanding of the internals of the Windows operating system and knowing how to use advanced troubleshooting tools will help you deal with such problems and understand system performance issues more effectively. Understanding the internals can help programmers to better take advantage of the Windows platform, as well as provide advanced debugging techniques. And because the course was developed with full access to the Windows kernel source code and developers, you know you're getting the real story.

For details and registration, visit



After speaking at Microsoft TechEd US and TechEd Europe in May and June, I'm enjoying the summer at home in sunny Texas. Here are my next three conference speaking engagements:


September 27-October 1, 2004 San Jose, CA

I'm delivering four sessions at this conference, all on September 29, including "Windows and Linux: A Tale of Two Kernels" as a keynote. The other sessions I'm presenting are "Windows Hang and Crash Dump Analysis", "Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 Kernel Changes", and "Troubleshooting Windows Boot and Startup".

You can read my abstracts and find a link to the conference registration page at



October 24-27, 2004 Orlando, FL

At this conference I'm delivering my "Troubleshooting Windows Boot and Startup" talk as a general session and am also presenting "Troubleshooting Windows with the Sysinternals Tools", both on the 24th (I'm proud to say that Microsoft Network - MSN - has invited me to present as the key-note address a day-long Windows troubleshooting session at their annual MSN Engineering Excellence Conference that week in Seattle).

Read the abstracts and go to the conference site from



Copenhagen, Denmark

I'm delivering a day-long pre-conference tutorial session with Dave Solomon on Windows core security internals as well as several breakout sessions on my own that are yet to be determined. You can find the pre-conference tutorial abstract and registration information here: http://www.microsoft.com/europe/msitforum/

Thank you for reading the Sysinternals Newsletter.

Published Friday, July 30, 2004 4:39 PM by ottoh

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