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Create consent models in consent management (preview)

Microsoft Priva Consent Management (preview) allows your organization to build customizable and regulatory-independent consent models.

Consent management supports the creation of consent models that can be deployed across several different regions at once. This allows you to create one or two consent models to support your entire compliance region and can be deployed on all your websites, without having to create site-specific models.

Consent management supports two types of consent models:

  1. Tracker: Is used to turn on and off cookies.
  2. Generic: A type of consent not related to collecting cookie consent.

Consent type controls what the consent needs to do when a visitor comes to a website.

Explicit: A visitor must make an affirmative choice to accept trackers. All nonessential trackers are off by default until a visitor affirms that they consent to the use of such trackers. This type is often referred to as an “opt-in” consent.

Implicit: A visitor’s consent is implied through their inaction. Nonessential trackers are on by default. This type of consent assumes that the visitor consents to the collection of data through trackers until the visitor says no. This type is often referred to as “opt-out” consent.

Models and layout page

The Models and layout page in consent management is where you can create and manage your organization’s consent models and layouts used for consent models.

The Consent models tab on the Models and layout page displays cards representing each consent model and basic details including type (tracker or generic), implicit or explicit, description, and status (draft, in progress, complete, published). Select a consent model to go to its details page, where you can edit and preview the model, select translations, and view its tracker categories and associated websites.

Layouts tab

The Layouts tab on the Models and layout page displays cards for each available layout. These layouts include the built-in layouts provided in consent management, and any custom layouts created by your organization. Select a layout to go to that layout’s details page, where you can edit and preview the layout, and view associated consent models.

Tracker categories tab

The Tracker categories tab displays the tracker categories set up by your organization. The tracker categories feature is shared with Priva tracker scanning, and you can create new tracker categories from here or in tracker scanning. Visit Create tracker categories for full instructions.

Create a custom layout

Creating a custom layout for your consent models allows you to customize the look and feel of the consent experience to align with your organization’s brand and website. Creating a layout isn’t required. Each consent model type in consent management includes out-of-box layouts that you can use to build your consent models. However, if you want to create a specific layout and design for your web properties, creating a layout provides a high level of personalization for your consent models.

To create a layout:

  1. In consent management, go to the Models and layout page.

  2. Select the Layouts tab, then select New layout to enter the layout builder.

  3. On the Basic details page, enter a Name and Description. For Contacts, enter the email address of the user in your organization who serves as the owner of the layout. For Layout type, select the consent model that is used for this layout: Tracker consent or Generic consent. Then select Next.

  4. On the Base layout page, select one of the layout templates displayed. Then select Create, after which you can open the designer to customize the layout.

  5. Select Components and choose a component, such as an image, to add to the layout. Drag it to the spot where you want it to appear in the layout.

  6. Edit specific components by selecting the component and adjusting settings like dimension, font, and color.

  7. You can add Pages to your layout if you need to link to a "Learn more" page or select specific consent objects.

  8. After the custom layout is complete, select Save and exit.

  9. On the layout's overview page, select Mark Complete so that the layout can be used for consent model creation.

You arrive at the layout details page for your new layout. From here, you can select Preview to preview how a consent model looks in the layout. Select Edit to make any modifications to your layout.

  1. In consent management, then go to the Models and layout page.

  2. On the Consent models page, select New consent model and select Tracker consent to enter the consent model builder.

  3. On the Basic details page, enter a Name (names can’t contain spaces), Description, and a Contact (yourself or another user in your organization who serves as the consent model’s owner).

  4. At Consent type, select Explicit to have trackers off by default, or Implicit to have trackers on by default.

  5. At Target countries/regions, select one or more countries or regions in which this consent model will display.

  6. At Default language, select a default language to use for the consent model’s content if a translation isn’t available for the language code detected by a visitor’s browser settings. Then select Next.

  7. On the Layouts page, select a layout from the options listed. The layout options include the default layouts provided in consent management, and any custom layouts created by your organization. Select Preview to view the layout with the basic details you provided in the previous page. Then select Next.

    • If you select a layout that involves multiple components, such as links, the next step in the builder will ask you to provide those components.
  8. On the Banner text page, enter text for the header, description, and button text for the banner. The text fields provide editing commands that allow you to format and hyperlink text. When done, select Next.

  9. On the Preferences text page, enter text for the header and description for the container that involves details about managing preferences. You can hyperlink text to go to websites, such as your organization’s privacy page. Then select Next.

  10. On the Preview page, preview the text and layout of your consent model. To further customize style elements, select Customize. In the Customize consent model area, select a form factor of Desktop, Mobile, or Tablet. Then select a component to change various style aspects such as dimensions, font, background color, and other options. When done, select Save.

  11. When done previewing and customizing, select Save and close.

The consent model builder closes, and you arrive on the details page for your new consent model. From the details page you can add translations, edit the consent model, and preview it.

The Overview tab on the left navigation lists tracker categories and associated websites. The Translations tab is where you go to view and add language translations to the consent model.

After creation, the consent model is in Draft stage. Anytime work is performed on a model, such as when translations are added, the model’s state shows as Active while it’s processing. When work is completed, the model goes back to Draft state. You can’t edit the model while it’s in Active state.

After you create the consent model, add translations, and check that it looks as desired in preview, you’re ready to mark as complete so that you can deploy it.

Add translations

There are three ways you can add translation to your consent model:

  1. Manual translation – add translations one at a time.
  2. Import translations – use a downloadable template.
  3. Auto translation – use a machine-based translation.

Once you add a translation, the language is listed on the Translations tab of the consent model details page.

Manual translation

  1. On the consent model details page, select New translation and then select Manual translation. A Translation window appears.

  2. From the Translation language dropdown menu, select a language.

  3. Select Save.

The language now appears on the Translation tab of the consent model details page.

Import translations

  1. On the consent model details page, select New translation and then select Import translations.

  2. On the Import consent model translation flyout pane, select the link to download a sample JSON file to use as template for reference.

  3. Create your own JSON file for each language based on the template. Then at Select files, choose one or more of your JSON files to upload.

    Example of JSON sample:

    {"properties":{"lcid":"en_00","data":{"header":"Please add header text","description":"Please add description text","saveButton":"Please add saveButton text"}}}

    Example of completed JSON import:

    {"properties":{"lcid":"es","data":{"header":"Contoso.com uso de cookies","description":" 
    Contoso utiliza cookies para ofrecerle una mejor experiencia de usuario. Al hacer clic en "Aceptar todas las cookies", acepta el almacenamiento de cookies en su dispositivo de acuerdo con nuestra Política de cookies","saveButton":"Guardar selección"}}}
  4. A validation process runs to ensure that your translation matches the model in the JSON template. A warning icon appears next to any files that need attention, such as the presence of a duplicate translation or another problem, with actions to take to fix the problem. When all imported files are validated, select Import.

The flyout pane closes and the new translations are listed on the Translations tab of the consent model details page.

Auto translation

Auto translation begins with a source language and allows you to multi-select other languages to provide a starting point for translations. Follow these steps:

  1. On the consent model details page, select New translation and then select Auto translation.

  2. From the Languages dropdown menu, select one or more languages for which you want to provide a translation.

  3. Select Translate. The auto translate widow closes and the consent model is in Active state while the translation is being performed.

The consent model is in Active state while the translations are processing. Once completed and back in Draft state, you can preview how your model looks in their translations by selecting Preview.

During Active state, the model's processing and can’t be edited. When done processing, it goes into Draft state.

There are two ways you can preview your consent model before you deploy it. Use one of the following commands on a consent model details page:

  • Live preview – once you generate a package, allows you to preview how your consent model would appear on your website before you deploy it.

  • Preview - a simple mockup of your consent model. Here you can select a language to view any added translations.

Mark as complete

After setting the layout, adding and customizing text, and adding translations, review all the details to make sure the model looks right. The last step is to mark it as complete by selecting Complete in the upper right of the page. Once a consent model is complete, it can be added to a consent model package for deployment to a website.

Version history

The last two versions of a consent model are accessible on a consent model’s details page. You can select a previous version to access it or promote it to the top.

What’s next

Now you’re ready to create a package so that you can publish your consent model. Visit Create a consent model package to learn more.

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