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Bi-directional relationship guidance

This article targets you as a data modeler who works with Power BI Desktop. It provides you with guidance on when to create bi-directional model relationships. A bi-directional relationship is one that filters in both directions.


An introduction to model relationships is not covered in this article. If you're not completely familiar with relationships, their properties or how to configure them, we recommend that you first read the Model relationships in Power BI Desktop article.

It's also important that you have an understanding of star schema design. For more information, see Understand star schema and the importance for Power BI.

Generally, we recommend that you minimize the use of bi-directional relationships. That's because they can negatively impact on model query performance, and possibly deliver confusing experiences for your report users.

However, there are three scenarios when bi-directional filtering can solve specific requirements:

Special model relationships

Bi-directional relationships play an important role when creating the following two special model relationship types:

  • One-to-one: All one-to-one relationships must be bi-directional—it isn't possible to configure otherwise. Generally, we don't recommend creating these types of relationships. For a complete discussion and alternative design patterns, see One-to-one relationship guidance.
  • Many-to-many: When relating two dimension tables, a bridging table is required. A bi-directional filter is required to ensure filters propagate across the bridging table. For more information, see Many-to-many relationship guidance.

Slicer options "with data"

Bi-directional relationships can deliver slicers that limit options to where data exists. (If you're familiar with Excel PivotTables and slicers, it's the default behavior when sourcing data from a Power BI semantic model or an Analysis Services model.) To help explain what it means, first consider the following model diagram.

Diagram showing a model containing three tables. The design is described in the following paragraph.

The first table is named Customer., and it contains three columns: Country-Region, Customer, and CustomerCode. The second table is named Product, and it contains three columns: Color, Product, and SKU. The third table is named Sales, and it contains four columns: CustomerCode, OrderDate, Quantity, and SKU. The Customer and Product tables are dimension tables, and each has a one-to-many relationship to the Sales table. Each relationship filters in a single direction.

To help describe how bi-directional filtering works, the model diagram has been modified to reveal the table rows. All examples in this article are based on this data.

Diagram showing that the model now reveals the table rows. The row details are described in the following paragraph.

The row details for the three tables are described in the following bulleted list:

  • The Customer table has two rows:
    • CustomerCode CUST-01, Customer Customer-1, Country-Region United States
    • CustomerCode CUST-02, Customer Customer-2, Country-Region Australia
  • The Product table has three rows:
    • SKU CL-01, Product T-shirt, Color Green
    • SKU CL-02, Product Jeans, Color Blue
    • SKU AC-01, Product Hat, Color Blue
  • The Sales table has three rows:
    • OrderDate January 1 2019, CustomerCode CUST-01, SKU CL-01, Quantity 10
    • OrderDate February 2 2019, CustomerCode CUST-01, SKU CL-02, Quantity 20
    • OrderDate March 3 2019, CustomerCode CUST-02, SKU CL-01, Quantity 30

Now consider the following report page.

Diagram showing the report page containing three visuals. The details are described in the following paragraph.

The page consists of two slicers and a card visual. The first slicer is based on the Country-Region field, and it has two options: Australia and United States. It currently slices by Australia. The second slicer is based on the Product field, and it has three options: Hat, Jeans, and T-shirt. No items are selected (meaning no products are filtered). The card visual displays a quantity of 30.

When report users slice by Australia, you might want to limit the product slicer to display options where data relates to Australian sales. That's what's meant by showing slicer options "with data". You can achieve this behavior by setting the relationship between the Product and Sales tables to filter in both directions.

Diagram showing a model that the relationship between the Product and Sales tables is now bi-directional.

The product slicer now lists a single option: T-shirt. This option represents the only product sold to Australian customers.

Diagram showing the report page containing three visuals with Product called out. The details are described in the following paragraph.

First, we recommend that you consider carefully whether this design works for your report users. Some report users find the experience confusing because they don't understand why slicer options dynamically appear or disappear when they interact with other slicers.

If you do decide to show slicer options "with data", we don't recommend you set up a bi-directional relationships. Bi-directional relationships require more processing and so they can negatively impact on query performance—especially as the number of bi-directional relationships in the model increases.

There's a better way to achieve the same result: Instead of using bi-directional filters, you can apply a visual-level filter to the product slicer itself.

Let's now consider that the relationship between the Product and Sales tables no longer filters in both directions. And, the following measure definition has been added to the Sales table.

Total Quantity = SUM(Sales[Quantity])

To show the product slicer options "with data", it simply needs to be filtered by the Total Quantity measure by using the "is not blank" condition.

Diagram showing that the Filters pane for the Product slicer now filters by Total Quantity is not blank.

Dimension-to-dimension analysis

A different scenario involving bi-directional relationships treats a fact table like a bridging table. This way, it supports analyzing dimension table data within the filter context of a different dimension table.

Using the example model in this article, consider how the following questions can be answered:

  • How many colors were sold to Australian customers?
  • How many countries/regions purchased jeans?

Both questions can be answered without summarizing data in the bridging fact table. They do, however, require that filters propagate from one dimension table to the other. When filters propagate via the fact table, summarization of dimension table columns can be achieved using the DISTINCTCOUNT DAX function—and possibly the MIN and MAX DAX functions.

As the fact table behaves like a bridging table, you can apply the many-to-many relationship guidance to relate two dimension tables. It will require setting up at least one relationship to filter in both directions. For more information, see Many-to-many relationship guidance.

However, as already described in this article, this design will likely result in a negative impact on performance, and the user experience consequences related to slicer options "with data". So, we recommend that you activate bi-directional filtering in a measure definition by using the CROSSFILTER DAX function instead. You can use the CROSSFILTER function to modify filter directions—or even disable the relationship—during the evaluation of an expression.

Consider the following measure definition added to the Sales table. In this example, the model relationship between the Customer and Sales tables has been set up to filter in a single direction.

Different Countries Sold =

During the evaluation of the Different Countries Sold measure, the relationship between the Customer and Sales tables filters in both directions.

The following table visual present statistics for each product sold. The Quantity column is simply the sum of quantity values. The Different Countries Sold column represents the distinct count of country-region values of all customers who have purchased the product.

Diagram showing that two products are listed in a table visual. In the Different Countries Sold column, Jeans is 1, and T-shirt is 2.

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