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The format pane in Power BI custom visuals

Starting from API version 5.1, developers can create visuals that use the new Power format pane. Developers can define the cards and their categories for any property in their custom visual, making it easier for report creators to use these visuals.

The new API uses the FormattingModel method to customize parts of the format and analytics panes.


The getFormattingModel method replaces the enumerateObjectInstances method in earlier API versions.

The getFormattingModel returns a FormattingModel that defines how the visual's formatting and analytics pane look.

In addition to all the old formatting pane capabilities, the new formatting model supports new format pane capabilities, new properties, and new hierarchies.

Screenshot of the new formatting pane.

Create a visual that supports the new format pane

General steps to add the new format pane support to a custom visual:

  1. Set the apiVersion in your pbiviz.json file to 5.1 or later.

  2. Define all the customizable objects in your capabilities.json file. These objects are then mapped to the properties of the formatting pane. The following properties are required for each object:

    • object name
    • property name
    • property type

    All other properties, including DisplayName and description, are now optional.

  3. Build the custom visual FormattingModel by doing one of the following:

Define the properties of your custom visual formatting model and build it using code (not JSON).

  1. Implement the getFormattingModel API in the custom visual class that returns custom visual formatting model. (This API replaces the enumerateObjectInstances that was used in previous versions).

Example of formatting model implementation

Map formatting properties

If you have a custom visual created with an older API and you want to migrate to the new format pane, or if you're creating a new custom visual:

  1. Set the apiVersion in your pbiviz.json file to 5.1 or later.

  2. For each object name and property name in capabilities.json, create a matching formatting property. The formatting property should have a descriptor that contains an objectName and propertyName that matches the object name and property name in capabilities.json.

The objects properties in the capabilities file still have the same format and don't need to be changed.

For example, if the circle object in your capabilities.json file is defined like this:

"objects": {
    "circle": {
        "properties": {
            "circleColor": {
                "type": {
                    "fill": {
                        "solid": {
                            "color": true

The formatting property in your model should be of type ColorPicker and look like this:

control: {
    type: "ColorPicker",
    properties: {
        descriptor: {
            objectName: "circle",
            propertyName: "circleColor"
        value: {
            value: this.visualSettings.circle.circleColor

You get an error if one of the following conditions is true:

  • The object or property name in the capabilities file doesn’t match the one in the formatting model
  • The property type in the capabilities file doesn’t match the type in formatting model

Formatting model

The formatting model is where you describe and customize all the properties of your format pane.

Formatting model components

In the new formatting model, property components are grouped together in logical categories and subcategories. These groups make the model easier to scan. There are the five basic components, from largest to smallest:

  • Formatting model The largest pane container, used for formatting the pane's frontal interface. It contains a list of formatting cards.

  • Formatting card The top level properties grouping container for formatting properties. Each card consists of one or more formatting groups, as shown here.

    Screenshot of formatting model with individual formatting cards.

  • Formatting group
    The secondary-level properties grouping container. The formatting group is displayed as a grouping container for formatting slices.

    Screenshot of formatting cards divided into formatting groups.

  • Formatting container
    The secondary-level properties grouping container. The formatting container groups formatting slices into separate container items and allows to switch between them using a drop-down list.

    Screenshot of formatting container.

  • Formatting slice
    Property container. There are two types of slices:

    • Simple slice: Individual property container
    • Composite slice: Multiple related property containers grouped into one formatting slice

    The following image shows the different types of slices. "Font" is a composite slice consisting of font family, size, and bold, italics, and underline switches. "Color", "display units", and the other slices are simple slices with one component each.

    Screenshot of format pane composite and simple slices.

Visualization pane formatting properties

Every property in the formatting model should match and object type in the capabilities.json file.

The following table shows the formatting property types in capabilities.json file and their matching type class in modern formatting model properties:

Type Capabilities Value Type Formatting Property
Boolean Bool ToggleSwitch
  • numeric
  • integer
  • NumUpDown
  • Slider
  • Enumeration list enumeration:[]
  • ItemDropdown
  • ItemFlagsSelection
  • AutoDropdown
  • AutoFlagsSelection
  • * See note below
    Color Fill ColorPicker
    Gradient FillRule GradientBar: property value should be string consisting of: minValue[,midValue],maxValue
    Text Text
  • TextInput
  • TextArea
  • Capabilities Formatting Objects

    Type Capabilities Value Type Formatting Property
    Font size FontSize NumUpDown
    Font family FontFamily FontPicker
    Line Alignment Alignment AlignmentGroup
    Label Display Units LabelDisplayUnits AutoDropDown

    * The enumeration list formatting property is different in the formatting model and in the capabilities file.

    • Declare the following properties in the formatting settings class, including the list of enumeration items:

      • ItemDropdown
      • ItemFlagsSelection
    • Declare the following properties in the formatting settings class, without the list of enumeration items. Declare their enumeration items list in capabilities.json under the appropriate object. (These types are the same as in the previous API versions):

      • AutoDropdown
      • AutoFlagSelection

    Composite slice properties

    A formatting composite slice is a formatting slice that contains multiple related properties all together.

    For now we have two composite slice types:

    • FontControl
      This keeps all font related properties together. It consists of the following properties:

      • Font Family
      • Font Size
      • Bold [optional]
      • Italic [optional]
      • Underline [optional]

      Screenshot of font composite slice with font family, font size, bold, italic, and underline options.

      Each of these properties should have a corresponding object in capabilities file:

      Property Capabilities Type Formatting Type
      Font Family Formatting: { fontFamily} FontPicker
      Font Size Formatting: {fontSize} NumUpDown
      Bold Bool ToggleSwitch
      Italic Bool ToggleSwitch
      Underline Bool ToggleSwitch
    • MarginPadding Margin padding determines the alignment of the text in the visual. It consists of the following properties:

      • Left
      • Right
      • Top
      • Bottom

      Each of these properties should have a corresponding object in capabilities file:

      Property Capabilities Type Formatting Type
      Left Numeric NumUpDown
      Right Numeric NumUpDown
      Top Numeric NumUpDown
      Bottom Numeric NumUpDown

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