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What's New in PlayReady Version 4.2

This page contains an overview of the most significant changes between PlayReady version 4.0 and PlayReady version 4.2.

General Changes in PlayReady Version 4.2

The SecureStop2 feature is added. This provides a higher level of security than the previously-extant SecureStop1 feature.

Changes in PlayReady Server SDK Version 4.2

Windows now supports CBCS for both hardware and software DRM. Additionally, the PlayReady license server extends CBCS support for SL2000.

The server can now process SecureStop2 messages. For more information, see PlayReady Secure Stop.

The server's Certificate class now correctly returns ManufacturerName, ModelName, and ModelNumber for certificates coming from Windows clients.

Changes in PlayReady Device Porting Kit Version 4.2


The client now sends SecureStop2 messages to the server. For more information, see PlayReady Secure Stop.

The client application can now choose to reject individual licenses during Drm_Reader_Bind. For more information, refer to enum and structure documentation in source code file source/inc/drmcallbacktypes.h.

It is now easier to change compiler settings and add OEM-specific error codes. For more information, refer to source code files source/inc/oemcompiler.h and source/inc/oemresults.h.

The drmcipher_test.exe and drmcrypto_test.exe tools are no longer included in compiled form. They can still be compiled using source code files source/test/cipher/* and source/test/crypto/*.

The DrmFileViewer.exe tool and its corresponding source code are no longer included. It only supported file formats which are no longer in widespread use.

The term "batch ID" has been globally replaced with "session ID". This impacts certain public structures. For example, in source code file source/inc/drmlicacqv3.h structure definition DRM_LICENSE_RESPONSE, the member m_oBatchID was renamed to m_idSession. (The term "batch ID" and the term "session ID" have historically been interchangeable in the PlayReady Device Porting Kit.)


Migration from previous versions of PlayReady has been simplified with respect to the Output Protection structures passed to the DRMPFNPOLICYCALLBACK callback. For more information, refer to source code file source/inc/drmoutputleveltypes.h.

The DRM_CDMI_DecryptOpaque API has been updated to support decryption of AES128CBC content. For more information, refer to source code files source/inc/drmcdmi.h and source/modules/cdmi/real/drmcdmireal.c.

The following public API has been removed.


The following OEM APIs have been renamed.

OEM_TEE_BASE_SignHashWithDeviceSigningKey -> OEM_TEE_BASE_ECDSA_P256_SignHash

The following OEM API now has some of its parameters changed to optional (they may be NULL on input). For more information, refer to source code file source/oem/common/inc/oemtee.h.


The following OEM APIs have been added. For more information, refer to the corresponding source code file where the default implementation of the API resides.


The following OEM APIs have been removed.
