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Usage report

The Usage report in Partner Center lets you see how customers on Windows 10 or Windows 11 (including Xbox) are using your app, and shows info about custom events that you've defined. You can view this data in Partner Center, or download the report to view offline.

Apply filters

Near the top of the page, you can select the time period for which you want to show data. The default selection is 30D (30 days), but you can choose to show data for 3, 6, or 12 months, or for a custom data range that you specify.

You can also expand Filters to filter the data on this page by package version, market, and/or device type.

  • Package version: The default setting is All. If your app includes more than one package, you can choose a specific one here.
  • Market: The default filter is All markets, but you can limit the data to one or more markets.
  • Device type: The default setting is All, but you can choose to show data for only one specific device type (PC, console, tablet, etc.).

The info in all of the charts listed below will reflect the date range and any filters you've selected (except for New users in the Usage chart, which won't appear if any filters are selected). Some sections also allow you to apply additional filters.


This report only includes usage data from customers on Windows 10 or Windows 11 (including Xbox) who have not opted out of providing telemetry info. The usage data for Xbox games is included here regardless of whether the customer was signed into Xbox Live.


The Usage chart shows details about how your customers are using your app over the selected period of time. This chart doesn't track unique users for your app or unique user sessions (that is, a user is represented in this chart whether they used your app only once or multiple times).

This chart has separate tabs that you can view, showing usage by day or week (depending on the duration you've selected).

  • Users: Shows the total number of user sessions over the selected period of time. Each user session represents a distinct period of time, starting when the app launches (process start) and ending when it terminates (process end) or after a period of inactivity. Because of this, a single customer could have multiple user sessions over the same day or week. The total number of Active users (any customer using the app that day or week) and New users (a customer who used your app for the first time that day or week) are also shown. If you've applied any filters to the page, you won't see New users in this chart.
  • Devices: Shows the number of daily devices used to interact with your app by all users.
  • Duration: Shows the total engagement hours (hours where a user is actively using your app).
  • Engagement: Shows the average engagement minutes per user (average duration of all user sessions).
  • Retention: Shows the total number of DAU/MAU (Daily Active Users/Monthly Active Users) over the selected period of time.

When the 30D time period is selected, you might see circle markers when viewing the Users, Devices, or Duration tabs. These represent a significant increase or decrease in a given value that we think you'll want to know about. The date on which the circle appears represents the end of the week in which we detected a significant increase or decrease compared to the week before that. To see more details about what's changed, hover over the circle.


You can view more insights related to significant changes over the last 30 days in the Insights report.

User sessions

The User sessions chart shows the total number of user sessions for your app per market, over the selected period of time.

As with the User sessions info in the Usage chart, a user session represents one distinct period of time when a customer interacted with your app, and this chart doesn't track unique users for your app.

You can view this data in a Table form. Table form will show five markets at a time, sorted either alphabetically or by highest/lowest number of user sessions. You can also download the data to view info for all markets together.

Package version

The User sessions chart shows the total number of daily user sessions for your app per package version over the selected period of time.

As with the User sessions chart, a user session represents one distinct period of time when a customer interacted with your app, and this chart doesn't track unique users for your app.

Custom events

The Custom events chart shows the total occurrences for custom events that you've defined for your app. This might include multiple occurrences for the same customer. You can use the filters to select the specific custom events for which you want to see this data.

Custom events are implemented using the StoreServicesCustomEventLogger.Log method in the Microsoft Store Services SDK.

For more info, see Log custom events for Dev Center.

Custom events breakdown

The Custom events breakdown chart shows more details about how often each of your custom events occurred. This can help you determine if events are occurring more often for a particular market, device type, or package versions.

For each event, the event name and an event count that correspond to a specific combination of the user's market, device type, and package version is shown. Typically, an event is listed multiple times along with different combinations of these factors.