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Set up and manage live chat

Live chat allows your website's visitors to chat easily with your business through a chat widget on your customer-facing website. Visitors submit queries to your website’s chat, connecting them directly to your support team in Teams.

This article teaches you how to set up and manage the live chat widget for Microsoft Teams.

Requirements and limitations for live chat

  • Live chat is available only to Microsoft 365 Business Basic, Microsoft 365 Business Standard, and Microsoft 365 Business Premium users.
  • The Teams admin must be on a business license to set up live chat.
  • The handoff support team should all have Business license.
  • There's a limit of up to 25 users who can be added to the handoff support team.
  • Any user in the tenant can be added to the Teams Live chat requests team. They can view visitor conversations but aren't tickets.

Set up and manage live chat's settings

You must be a Global admin to set up live chat in the Teams Admin app.

  1. Sign in to the Teams app using your Global admin credentials.
  2. If you don’t already have the Admin app added to your Teams client, search the Teams Apps store for Admin and add it to Teams.
  3. Open the Admin app in Teams.
  4. Select Live chat in the left-rail Admin app menu.
  5. Select Get started to start the set-up process.
  6. Customize the chat widget by adding a business logo and name.
    1. This step also creates a default greeting for the bot to greet your website visitors.
  7. Select Next: Handoff to continue to the next step.
  8. When a customer on the website asks a question, Teams creates a request and automatically assigns it to the next available customer service member. In this step, add users to be assigned customer requests.
    1. Only users with a Microsoft 365 Business license can be added to the handoff team, with a maximum of 25 users.
    2. You and members listed in the hand-off team are added to the Live chat requests team, which is created automatically. All incoming requests are posted in the General channel in the Live chat requests team.
  9. Select Next: Set support hours to continue to the final step.
  10. Set which days and time your team is available to chat with customers.
    1. You can also customize what the bot should say when no one is available to chat with a customer or if customers reach you outside the service hours.
  11. When you're finished managing Live chat’s settings, select the Save changes button.

Add the live chat widget to your website

You must consent to adding the live chat bot to your organization.

  1. Sign in to the Teams app using your Global admin credentials.
  2. Open the Admin app in Teams.
  3. Select Live chat in the left-rail Admin app menu.
  4. Select Create to start the live chat widget creation.
    1. The live chat widget is created in the background. Teams notifies you once the set-up process is complete.
  5. Test the chat widget by sending a message via the chat widget right within the Admin app and see how it connects website visitors to someone on your team by selecting Test under Next steps.
  6. To add the chat widget to your website, select the Add to website button.
  7. Add your website’s full URL as a trusted website.
    1. The chat widget can only be embedded on this website.
  8. Once you add the website, the code snippet is generated. Select Copy code to copy the JavaScript code snippet.
  9. Paste the code snippet into your website’s code and publish your website.

The Live chat widget is now added to your website and ready for customers to use.

What your customers and support people experience

Once a customer opens the Live chat widget on your website and submits a query, a request is made in the Live chat requests team. The admin and users in the Live chat team can view all tickets in the General channel under the Requests tab.

On your website, the customer initially talks to the Live chat bot until they're connected to a support agent in your business.

Live chat finds an available support person and connects the customer to the support person in your business. Live chat automatically assigns the ticket to someone in your support team and connects them to the customer in Teams Chat where the support person can chat with the customer in real time.