Control transcript access and retention
When an agent interacts with an end user (or with a maker using the test chat), a record of the conversation is retained as a transcript and saved in Dataverse. This transcript includes the conversation between the agent and the user. It also includes metadata about the conversation, such as the time it started and ended, and the triggered topic.
Transcripts are saved to Dataverse automatically and, by default, makers in your organization can view and download transcripts for agents they can access. Makers can download transcripts from Copilot Studio or download transcripts from Power Apps.
However, you might need to prevent the retention, access, or download of transcripts for specific environments. For example, you have business needs and organizational requirements for your agents to act on or retrieve sensitive data and information and don't want that information to be downloaded. You might also want to control the size of the conversation transcript table in Dataverse, which can grow quickly as agents are used.
For agents created in Copilot Studio, you can control whether transcripts are saved to Dataverse, and who can view them. You can also control how long transcripts are retained before they're deleted.
This article describes how to control whether transcripts are saved to Dataverse, and who can view and download them. For details on what is included in the transcripts and more information on accessing and downloading them, see these articles:
- View and download conversation transcripts in Copilot Studio
- Download conversation transcripts in Power Apps]
- Makers with the Environment maker role don't automatically have access to transcripts.
- To view transcripts in Power Apps, makers need the Transcript viewer security role. Only admins can grant this role by assigning the Transcript viewer security role during agent sharing.
- If a maker doesn't have the Transcript viewer role, the controls to prevent viewing and downloading transcripts in Power Apps have no effect, as the maker is already unable to view or download transcripts in Power Apps.
- The Environment administrator role to configure individual environments
- The System administrator role to configure environment rule groups
Learn more about security roles and managing high-privileged admin roles in Power Platform.
If a System administrator configures an environment rule group to control transcript access and retention, the group settings have precedence over the settings for individual environments.
Configure transcript recording and download
You control whether makers can view and download transcripts, and whether transcripts are saved at all or not, in the Power Platform admin center. You can configure these settings individually for each environment, or you can use environment groups to apply the same settings to multiple environments at once.
Configure transcript settings for a single environment
In Copilot Studio, on the side navigation pane, select the three dot menu icon (...), and then select Power Platform Admin Center.
In the Power Platform admin center, select Manage on the side navigation pane, then select Environments.
Select the environment you want to configure.
On the top menu bar, select Settings.
Expand Product, and then select Features.
Scroll to the Copilot Studio agents section. Set or clear these settings, then select Save at the bottom of the Settings page.
Allow agent owners and editors to see session transcripts from conversation interactions in their agents.
When turned on, makers and admins can see and download transcripts in Copilot Studio for agents in the environment. When turned off, the options to see or download transcripts is unavailable.Allow conversation transcripts and their associated metadata to be saved in Dataverse (required for enhanced reporting).
When turned on, transcripts are saved in Dataverse and can be viewed and downloaded in Power Apps. When turned off, transcripts aren't saved for any conversations that occur in the environment. Transcripts for conversations that occurred before saving was disabled are still available.
If this setting is re-enabled, transcripts are only saved for any conversations that occur after the setting is re-enabled in the environment. Transcripts for conversations that occurred when the setting was off will still be unavailable.
If transcripts aren't being saved, dashboards that use metadata from conversation transcripts, such as the Omnichannel Summary dashboard, might break.
Configure transcript settings for an environment group
If you're a tenant admin, and you're using environment groups, you can configure transcript settings for all environments in the group at once.
The environment group rule Accessing transcripts from conversations in Copilot Studio agents provides the same controls as those in the individual environment settings.
The group rule prevents environment admins for individual environments within the group from changing the settings for their environments. The settings you configure for the environment group override any settings configured for the individual environments.
See the Environment groups documentation for more information on how to configure group rules in the Power Platform admin center.