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Tutorial: Configure profile containers with Cloud Cache


Cloud Cache uses CCDLocations instead of VHDLocations. Don't use both settings.

Cloud Cache is an optional type of configuration to profile or ODFC containers. The primary function of Cloud Cache is to mitigate short-term or intermittent connectivity problems with the remote storage providers. Before following this tutorial, be sure to review the Cloud Cache overview along with the various configuration settings.

This tutorial depicts a Cloud Cache configuration for a profile container only. Cloud Cache with an ODFC container is supported and is configured similarly as in the ODFC tutorial, but replace VHDLocations with CCDLocations.

Learn how to

  • Enable the product for profiles
  • Specify the Cloud Cache locations for the containers
  • Verify the container has been attached and working


Profile container configuration with Cloud Cache


Includes all Microsoft 365 application data. No need for an ODFC container.

  1. Verify FSLogix installation and version.

  2. Sign in to the virtual machine as a local Administrator or an account with administrative privileges.

  3. Select Start.

  4. Type registry editor directly into Start Menu.

  5. Select Registry Editor from Start Menu.

    registry editor from start menu

    Figure 1: Registry Editor in Start Menu


  7. Add these settings:

    Key Name Data Type Value Description
    CCDLocations MULTI_SZ or REG_SZ type=smb,name="WINDOWS SMB PROVIDER",connectionString=\\<server-name>\<share-name>;type=azure,name="AZURE PROVIDER",connectionString="|fslogix/<key-name>|" Example
    ClearCacheOnLogoff1 DWORD 1 Recommended
    Enabled DWORD 1 REQUIRED
    DeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply2 DWORD 1 Recommended
    FlipFlopProfileDirectoryName3 DWORD 1 Recommended
    HealthyProvidersRequiredForRegister4 DWORD 1 Recommended
    LockedRetryCount5 DWORD 3 Recommended
    LockedRetryInterval5 DWORD 15 Recommended
    ProfileType6 DWORD 0 Default
    ReAttachIntervalSeconds5 DWORD 15 Recommended
    ReAttachRetryCount5 DWORD 3 Recommended
    SizeInMBs DWORD 30000 Default
    VolumeType7 REG_SZ VHDX Recommended

    1 Recommended to save disk space on the local disk and risk of data loss when using pooled desktops.
    2 Recommended to ensure user's don't use local profiles and lose data unexpectedly.
    3 Provides and easier way to browse the container directories.
    4 Prevents users from creating a local cache if at least 1 provider isn't healthy.
    5 Decreases the retry timing to enable a faster fail scenario.
    6 Single connections reduce complexity and increase performance.
    7 VHDX is preferred over VHD due to its supported size and reduced corruption scenarios.

    f s logix registry settings

    Figure 2: Cloud Cache Registry Entries

Verify your Cloud Cache profile container configuration

Cloud Cache creates and mounts a local container (local cache) for the user's profile. Verifying your Cloud Cache configuration requires reviewing the Windows Event Viewer, File Explorer or the FSLogix profile logs. The steps in this outline show Windows Event Viewer and File Explorer.

  1. Select Start.

  2. Type event viewer directly into the Start Menu.

  3. Select Event Viewer from Start Menu.

    event viewer start menu

    Figure 3: Event Viewer in Start Menu

  4. Expand Applications and Services Logs.

  5. Expand Microsoft.

  6. Expand FSLogix.

  7. Expand CloudCache.

  8. Select Operational.

    event viewer

    Figure 4:* Windows Event Viewer

  9. Look for Event ID 56 that shows which providers are online.

    event provider 1 online event provider 2 online

    Figure 5: Event ID 56 - Providers online

  10. Look for Event ID 5 that shows the lock on the proxy file.

    proxy lock

    Figure 6: Event ID 5 - Proxy lock

  11. Select Start.

  12. Select File Explorer.

  13. Go to: C:\ProgramData\FSLogix\Cache\%username%_%sid%.

    local cache file explorer

    Figure 7: File Explorer - local cache