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Create a SQL database in Microsoft Fabric via REST API

Applies to:SQL database in Microsoft Fabric

The Fabric platform has a rich set of REST APIs that can be used to deploy and manage resources. Those APIs can be used to deploy Fabric SQL databases. This article and sample script demonstrate a basic PowerShell script that can be used to deploy a Fabric SQL database and add data to it.


Create a new SQL database via REST API

This example script uses Connect-AzAccount, an alias of az login to prompt for credentials. It uses those credentials to obtain an access token to use for the REST API calls. SQLCMD uses the context of the account that was given to Connect-AzAccount.

The script creates a database named with the logged-in user's alias and the date. Currently, the REST API doesn't return a status so we must loop and check for the database to be created. After the database is created, SQLCMD is used to create some objects and then query for their existence. Finally, we delete the database.

In the following script, replace <your workspace id> with your Fabric workspace ID. You can find the ID of a workspace easily in the URL, it's the unique string inside two / characters after /groups/ in your browser window. For example, 11aa111-a11a-1111-1abc-aa1111aaaa in https://fabric.microsoft.com/groups/11aa111-a11a-1111-1abc-aa1111aaaa/.

This script demonstrates:

  1. Retrieve an access token using Get-AzAccessToken and convert it from a secure string. If using PowerShell 7, ConvertFrom-SecureString is also an option.
  2. Create a new SQL database using the Items - Create Item API.
  3. List all SQL databases in a Fabric workspace.
  4. Connect to the database with SQLCMD to run a script to create an object.
  5. Delete the database using the Items - Delete Item API.
Import-Module Az.Accounts

az login

$workspaceid = '<your workspace id>'

$databaseid = $null 
$headers = $null
$responseHeaders = $null 

# 1. Get the access token and add it to the headers

$access_token = (Get-AzAccessToken -AsSecureString -ResourceUrl https://api.fabric.microsoft.com) 

$ssPtr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($access_token.Token)

try {

    $headers = @{ 
       Authorization = $access_token.Type + ' ' + ([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringBSTR($ssPtr))

    $access_token.UserId -match('^[^@]+') | Out-Null

    # 2. Create the database and wait for it to be created.

    $body = @{
        displayName = $matches[0] + (Get-Date -Format "MMddyyyy")
        type = "SQLDatabase"
        description = "Created using public api"

    $parameters = @{
        Body=($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        Uri = 'https://api.fabric.microsoft.com/v1/workspaces/' + $workspaceid + '/items'

    Invoke-RestMethod @parameters -ErrorAction Stop

    $databases = (Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $headers -Uri https://api.fabric.microsoft.com/v1/workspaces/$($workspaceid)/SqlDatabases).value
    $databaseid = $databases.Where({$_.displayName -eq $body.displayName}).id

    While($databaseid -eq $null)
        Write-Host 'Waiting on database create.'
        Start-Sleep 30
        $databases = (Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $headers -Uri https://api.fabric.microsoft.com/v1/workspaces/$($workspaceid)/SqlDatabases).value
        $databaseid = $databases.Where({$_.displayName -eq $body.displayName}).id

    # 3. List all SQL databases in a Fabric workspace

    Write-Host 'Listing databases in workspace.'

    Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $headers -Uri https://api.fabric.microsoft.com/v1/workspaces/$($workspaceid)/items?type=SQlDatabase | select -ExpandProperty Value | ft

    $databaseProperties = (Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $headers -Uri https://api.fabric.microsoft.com/v1/workspaces/$($workspaceid)/SqlDatabases/$($databaseid) | select -ExpandProperty Properties)

    #4. Connnect to the database and create a table

    Write-Host 'Attempting to connect to the database.'

   sqlcmd.exe -S $databaseProperties.ServerFqdn -d $databaseProperties.DatabaseName -G -Q 'create table test2 
    id int 
    insert into test2 values (1);
    insert into test2 values (2);
    insert into test2 values (3);
    select * from test2;' 

    #5. Delete the database

    $parameters = @{
        Body=($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        Uri = 'https://api.fabric.microsoft.com/v1/workspaces/' + $workspaceid + '/items/' + $databaseid

    Invoke-RestMethod @parameters

    Write-Output 'Cleaned up:' $body.displayName
 } finally {
    # The following lines ensure that sensitive data is not left in memory.
    $headers = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ZeroFreeBSTR($ssPtr)
    $parameters = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ZeroFreeBSTR($ssPtr)