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Results of DOM runs

This article describes the results of distributed order management (DOM) runs in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce.

Fulfillment plans

If the fulfillment profile is set to Auto apply, the results of the run are automatically applied to the sales order lines, and the fulfillment plan can be viewed separately. However, if the fulfillment profile isn't set to Auto apply, the results of the run can only be viewed from the fulfillment plan view.

To view all the fulfillment plans that are generated, follow these steps.

  1. In Commerce headquarters, go to Retail and Commerce > Distributed order management > Distributed order management.
  2. In the Distributed order management workspace, select the Fulfillment Plans tile.
  3. Select the ID of the relevant order fulfillment plan to view the fulfillment plan.

The order details section of the fulfillment plan shows the original sales order lines that were part of the run. Besides the standard sales order line fields, the order details section also includes the following three DOM-related fields:

  • Fulfillment type – Shows whether the sales order line is fully brokered, partially brokered, or not brokered at all to a location.
  • Split – Shows whether one sales order line is split and brokered to different locations.
  • Number of fulfillment locations – Shows how many fulfillment lines were created for one sales order line (based on the number of locations that the original sales order line was brokered to).

The order fulfillment details section shows the assignment of the original sales order lines to different locations, together with their quantities.

Order line statuses

To open an order line, go to Retail and Commerce > Customers > All sales orders.

The DOM status field on the General tab of the sales order line can be set to one of the following values:

  • Not processed – The order line was never brokered.
  • Successful – The order line is successfully brokered and assigned to a location.
  • Exception – The order line is brokered but can't be assigned to a location. Exceptions have multiple subtypes that can be viewed from the DOM workspace:
    • No quantity available – There's no available inventory to assign the order to in the locations.
    • Maximum rejections – The order line reached the maximum threshold for rejections.
    • Data modification conflict – The sales order line was changed since the order was brokered, so the fulfillment plan can't be applied to the order.
    • Order line specific exception – There are multiple exceptions on the order line.

To view the DOM run logs for a sales order line, select Sales order line, and then, under DOM, select View DOM Logs. The DOM logs show all the events and logs generated by the DOM run. The logs can help you understand why a specific location was assigned to the order line, and what rules and constraints were considered as a part of the assignment. DOM logs are also available on the Manage tab, at the level of the sales order header.

Get results of DOM runs in an interactive mode

Despite running DOM with batch jobs, during the sales order entry, DOM can be run in an interactive mode. For this functionality to work, there must be an existing, active fulfillment profile that matches the sales origin and delivery mode on the sales line.

To run DOM in interactive mode, follow these steps.

  1. While you're entering an order line in headquarters, after you specify the product and quantity, select Update line.
  2. Under DOM, select Suggest fulfillment location. A list of locations sorted by distance appears that is based on DOM rules that can fulfill the quantity on the order line.
  3. Select a location to set the relevant site and warehouse on the sales order line.

Additional resources

DOM overview

Set up DOM

DOM rules

DOM cost configuration

DOM processing

Clean up DOM fulfillment plans and logs

DOM extensibility

DOM limitations