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Vendor - Balance to Date (report)

The Vendor - Balance to Date report shows the vendor balance by the ending date of the specified date range.

You can choose to display the vendor balance in your local currency (LCY).

Select the Include Unapplied Entries field to show entries that were closed by the ending date but were unapplied (opened) at a later date.

Select Show Entries with Zero Balance to show vendors with a balance of zero by the ending date of the date filter. The date filter applies to the detailed vendor ledger entries for the entries in the report. If a payment was made after the ending date, and the payment was applied to invoices within the date range, the report includes the invoice. The report includes the invoice because it wasn't closed before the ending date.

Use cases

Track your outstanding payables and manage your vendor relationships.

Accounts payable professionals use the report to:

  • Reconcile vendor subledgers against the payables accounts in the general ledger and ensure that all outstanding balances are accurate and complete.
  • Identify discrepancies or errors in vendor transactions and investigate them.
  • Get data to prepare financial statements such as income statements or balance sheets.

Procurement officers use the report to:

  • Monitor vendor balances and payment history and ensure that all vendor transactions are accurate and complete.
  • Negotiate payment terms and discounts with vendors, optimize cost savings, and improve financial performance.
  • Get data to prepare financial reports for stakeholders such as investors or executives.

Financial analysts use the report to:

  • Analyze vendor payment history to identify patterns or trends in late or missed payments and proactively address potential issues.
  • Identify areas to save cost or generate revenue, and make recommendations for improving financial performance.
  • Get data to prepare financial reports for stakeholders such as investors or executives.

Try the report

Try the report here: Vendor - Balance to Date


If you hold down the CTRL key while you select the report link, the report opens on a new browser tab. In this way, you can stay on the current page while you explore the report on the other browser tab.

See also

Accounts receivable report overview
Key finance report overview
Ad hoc analysis on finance data
Financial analytics overview

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