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What is TimeProvider?

System.TimeProvider is an abstraction of time that provides a point in time as a DateTimeOffset type. By using TimeProvider, you ensure that your code is testable and predictable. TimeProvider was introduced in .NET 8 and is also available for .NET Framework 4.7+ and .NET Standard 2.0 as a NuGet package.

The TimeProvider class defines the following capabilities:

Default implementation

.NET provides an implementation of TimeProvider through the TimeProvider.System property, with the following characteristics:

The following example demonstrates using TimeProvider to get the current date and time:

Console.WriteLine($"Local: {TimeProvider.System.GetLocalNow()}");
Console.WriteLine($"Utc:   {TimeProvider.System.GetUtcNow()}");

/* This example produces output similar to the following:
 * Local: 12/5/2024 10:41:14 AM -08:00
 * Utc:   12/5/2024 6:41:14 PM +00:00
Console.WriteLine($"Local: {TimeProvider.System.GetLocalNow()}")
Console.WriteLine($"Utc:   {TimeProvider.System.GetUtcNow()}")

' This example produces output similar to the following
' Local: 12/5/2024 10:41:14 AM -08:00
' Utc:   12/5/2024 6:41:14 PM +00:00

The following example demonstrates capturing elapsed time with TimeProvider.GetTimestamp():

long stampStart = TimeProvider.System.GetTimestamp();
Console.WriteLine($"Starting timestamp: {stampStart}");

long stampEnd = TimeProvider.System.GetTimestamp();
Console.WriteLine($"Ending timestamp:   {stampEnd}");

Console.WriteLine($"Elapsed time: {TimeProvider.System.GetElapsedTime(stampStart, stampEnd)}");
Console.WriteLine($"Nanoseconds: {TimeProvider.System.GetElapsedTime(stampStart, stampEnd).TotalNanoseconds}"); 

/* This example produces output similar to the following:
 * Starting timestamp: 55185546133
 * Ending timestamp:   55185549929
 * Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0003796
 * Nanoseconds: 379600
Dim stampStart As Long = TimeProvider.System.GetTimestamp()
Console.WriteLine($"Starting timestamp: {stampStart}")

Dim stampEnd As Long = TimeProvider.System.GetTimestamp()
Console.WriteLine($"Ending timestamp:   {stampEnd}")

Console.WriteLine($"Elapsed time: {TimeProvider.System.GetElapsedTime(stampStart, stampEnd)}")
Console.WriteLine($"Nanoseconds: {TimeProvider.System.GetElapsedTime(stampStart, stampEnd).TotalNanoseconds}")

' This example produces output similar to the following:
' Starting timestamp: 55185546133
' Ending timestamp:   55185549929
' Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0003796
' Nanoseconds: 379600

FakeTimeProvider implementation

The Microsoft.Extensions.TimeProvider.Testing NuGet package provides a controllable TimeProvider implementation designed for unit testing.

The following list describes some of the capabilities of the FakeTimeProvider class:

  • Set a specific date and time.
  • Automatically advance the date and time by a specified amount whenever the date and time is read.
  • Manually advance the date and time.

Custom implementation

While FakeTimeProvider should cover most scenarios requiring predictability with time, you can still provide your own implementation. Create a new class that derives from TimeProvider and override members to control how time is provided. For example, the following class only provides a single date, the date of the moon landing:

public class MoonLandingTimeProviderPST: TimeProvider
    // July 20, 1969, at 20:17:40 UTC
    private readonly DateTimeOffset _specificDateTime = new(1969, 7, 20, 20, 17, 40, TimeZoneInfo.Utc.BaseUtcOffset);

    public override DateTimeOffset GetUtcNow() => _specificDateTime;

    public override TimeZoneInfo LocalTimeZone => TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("PST");
Public Class MoonLandingTimeProviderPST
    Inherits TimeProvider

    'July 20, 1969, at 20:17:40 UTC
    Private ReadOnly _specificDateTime As New DateTimeOffset(1969, 7, 20, 20, 17, 40, TimeZoneInfo.Utc.BaseUtcOffset)

    Public Overrides Function GetUtcNow() As DateTimeOffset
        Return _specificDateTime
    End Function

    Public Overrides ReadOnly Property LocalTimeZone As TimeZoneInfo
            Return TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("PST")
        End Get
    End Property

End Class

If code using this class calls MoonLandingTimeProviderPST.GetUtcNow, the date of the moon landing in UTC is returned. If MoonLandingTimeProviderPST.GetLocalNow is called, the base class applies MoonLandingTimeProviderPST.LocalTimeZone to GetUtcNow and returns the moon landing date and time in the PST timezone.

To demonstrate the usefulness of controlling time, consider the following example. Let's say that you're writing a calendar app that sends a greeting to the user when the app is first opened each day. The app says a special greeting when the current day has an event associated with it, such as the anniversary of the moon landing.

public static class CalendarHelper
    static readonly DateTimeOffset MoonLandingDateTime = new(1969, 7, 20, 20, 17, 40, TimeZoneInfo.Utc.BaseUtcOffset);
    public static void SendGreeting(TimeProvider currentTime, string name)
        DateTimeOffset localTime = currentTime.GetLocalNow();

        Console.WriteLine($"Good morning, {name}!");
        Console.WriteLine($"The date is {localTime.Date:d} and the day is {localTime.Date.DayOfWeek}.");

        if (localTime.Date.Month == MoonLandingDateTime.Date.Month
            && localTime.Date.Day == MoonLandingDateTime.Date.Day)
            Console.WriteLine("Did you know that on this day in 1969 humans landed on the Moon?");

        Console.WriteLine($"I hope you enjoy your day!");
Public Module CalendarHelper

    ReadOnly MoonLandingDateTime As DateTimeOffset = #7/20/1969 20:17:40#

    Public Sub SendGreeting(currentTime As TimeProvider, name As String)

        Dim localTime As DateTimeOffset = currentTime.GetLocalNow()

        Console.WriteLine($"Good morning, {name}!")
        Console.WriteLine($"The date is {localTime.Date:d} and the day is {localTime.Date.DayOfWeek}.")

        If (localTime.Date.Month = MoonLandingDateTime.Date.Month _
            And localTime.Date.Day = MoonLandingDateTime.Date.Day) Then

            Console.WriteLine("Did you know that on this day in 1969 humans landed on the Moon?")
        End If

        Console.WriteLine($"I hope you enjoy your day!")

    End Sub

End Module

You might be inclined to write the previous code with DateTime or DateTimeOffset to get the current date and time, instead of TimeProvider. But with unit testing, it's hard to work around DateTime or DateTimeOffset directly. You would need to either run the tests on the day and month of the moon landing or further abstract the code into smaller but testable units.

The normal operation of your app uses TimeProvider.System to retrieve the current date and time:

CalendarHelper.SendGreeting(TimeProvider.System, "Eric Solomon");

/* This example produces output similar to the following:
 * Good morning, Eric Solomon! 
 * The date is 12/5/2024 and the day is Thursday. 
 * I hope you enjoy your day! 
CalendarHelper.SendGreeting(TimeProvider.System, "Eric Solomon")

' This example produces output similar to the following:
' Good morning, Eric Solomon! 
' The date is 12/5/2024 and the day is Thursday. 
' I hope you enjoy your day!

And unit tests can be written to test specific scenarios, such as testing the anniversary of the moon landing:

CalendarHelper.SendGreeting(new MoonLandingTimeProviderPST(), "Eric Solomon");

/* This example produces output similar to the following:
 * Good morning, Eric Solomon!
 * The date is 7/20/1969 and the day is Sunday.
 * Did you know that on this day in 1969 humans landed on the Moon?
 * I hope you enjoy your day!
CalendarHelper.SendGreeting(New MoonLandingTimeProviderPST(), "Eric Solomon")

' This example produces output similar to the following:
' Good morning, Eric Solomon!
' The date is 7/20/1969 and the day is Sunday.
' Did you know that on this day in 1969 humans landed on the Moon?
' I hope you enjoy your day!

Use with .NET

Starting with .NET 8, the TimeProvider class is provided by the runtime library. Older versions of .NET or libraries targeting .NET Standard 2.0, must reference the Microsoft.Bcl.TimeProvider NuGet package.

The following methods related to asynchronous programming work with TimeProvider:

Use with .NET Framework

TimeProvider is implemented by the Microsoft.Bcl.TimeProvider NuGet package.

Support for working with TimeProvider in asynchronous programming scenarios was added through the following extension methods: