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Obsolete members in .NET Framework

This article list the type members that are obsolete in .NET Framework 4.5 and later versions. Type members are grouped by assembly.

This article doesn't list the members of obsolete types. For a list of obsolete types, see Obsolete types.


Type Member Message
Microsoft.Win32.Registry DynData The DynData registry key only works on Win9x, which is no longer supported by the CLR. On NT-based operating systems, use the Registry.PerformanceData registry key or the RegistryProxy.PerformanceData registry proxy instead.
System.Activator CreateInstance(AppDomain, String, String, Boolean, BindingFlags, Binder, Object[], CultureInfo, Object[], Evidence) Methods that use evidence to sandbox are obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. Use an overload of Activator.CreateInstance that doesn't take an System.Security.Policy.Evidence parameter.
System.Activator CreateInstance(String, String, Boolean, BindingFlags, Binder, Object[], CultureInfo, Object[], Evidence) Methods that use evidence to sandbox are obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. Use an overload of Activator.CreateInstance that doesn't take an System.Security.Policy.Evidence parameter.
System.Activator CreateInstanceFrom(AppDomain, String, String, Boolean, BindingFlags, Binder, Object[], CultureInfo, Object[], Evidence) Methods that use Evidence to sandbox are obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. Use an overload of Activator.CreateInstanceFrom that doesn't take an System.Security.Policy.Evidence parameter.
System.Activator CreateInstanceFrom(String, String, Boolean, BindingFlags, Binder, Object[], CultureInfo, Object[], Evidence) Methods that use evidence to sandbox are obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. Use an overload of Activator.CreateInstanceFrom that doesn't take an System.Security.Policy.Evidence parameter.
System.AppDomain AppendPrivatePath AppendPrivatePath has been deprecated. Investigate the use of AppDomainSetup.PrivateBinPath instead.
System.AppDomain ClearPrivatePath ClearPrivatePath has been deprecated. Investigate the use of AppDomainSetup.PrivateBinPath instead.
System.AppDomain ClearShadowCopyPath ClearShadowCopyPath has been deprecated. Investigate the use of AppDomainSetup.ShadowCopyDirectories instead.
System.AppDomain CreateInstance(String, String, Boolean, BindingFlags, Binder, Object[], CultureInfo, Object[], Evidence) Methods that use evidence to sandbox are obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. Use an overload of AppDomain.CreateInstance that doesn't take an System.Security.Policy.Evidence parameter.
System.AppDomain CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(String, String, Boolean, BindingFlags, Binder, Object[], CultureInfo, Object[], Evidence) Methods that use evidence to sandbox are obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. Use an overload of AppDomain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap that doesn't take an System.Security.Policy.Evidence parameter.
System.AppDomain CreateInstanceFrom(String, String, Boolean, BindingFlags, Binder, Object[], CultureInfo, Object[], Evidence) Methods that use evidence to sandbox are obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. Use an overload of AppDomain.CreateInstanceFrom that doesn't take an System.Security.Policy.Evidence parameter.
System.AppDomain CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(String, String, Boolean, BindingFlags, Binder, Object[], CultureInfo, Object[], Evidence) Methods that use evidence to sandbox are obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. Use an overload of AppDomain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap that doesn't take an System.Security.Policy.Evidence parameter.
System.AppDomain DefineDynamicAssembly(AssemblyName, AssemblyBuilderAccess, Evidence) Assembly level declarative security is obsolete and is no longer enforced by the CLR by default.
System.AppDomain DefineDynamicAssembly(AssemblyName, AssemblyBuilderAccess, Evidence, PermissionSet, PermissionSet, PermissionSet) Assembly level declarative security is obsolete and is no longer enforced by the CLR by default.
System.AppDomain DefineDynamicAssembly(AssemblyName, AssemblyBuilderAccess, PermissionSet, PermissionSet, PermissionSet) Assembly level declarative security is obsolete and is no longer enforced by the CLR by default.
System.AppDomain DefineDynamicAssembly(AssemblyName, AssemblyBuilderAccess, String, Evidence) Methods that use evidence to sandbox are obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. Use an overload of AppDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly that doesn't take an System.Security.Policy.Evidence parameter.
System.AppDomain DefineDynamicAssembly(AssemblyName, AssemblyBuilderAccess, String, Evidence, PermissionSet, PermissionSet, PermissionSet) Assembly level declarative security is obsolete and is no longer enforced by the CLR by default.
System.AppDomain DefineDynamicAssembly(AssemblyName, AssemblyBuilderAccess, String, Evidence, PermissionSet, PermissionSet, PermissionSet, Boolean) Assembly level declarative security is obsolete and is no longer enforced by the CLR by default.
System.AppDomain DefineDynamicAssembly(AssemblyName, AssemblyBuilderAccess, String, Evidence, PermissionSet, PermissionSet, PermissionSet, Boolean, IEnumerable<CustomAttributeBuilder>) Assembly level declarative security is obsolete and is no longer enforced by the CLR by default.
System.AppDomain DefineDynamicAssembly(AssemblyName, AssemblyBuilderAccess, String, PermissionSet, PermissionSet, PermissionSet) Assembly level declarative security is obsolete and is no longer enforced by the CLR by default.
System.AppDomain ExecuteAssembly(String, Evidence) Methods that use evidence to sandbox are obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. Use an overload of AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly that doesn't take an System.Security.Policy.Evidence parameter.
System.AppDomain ExecuteAssembly(String, Evidence, String[]) Methods that use evidence to sandbox are obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. Use an overload of AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly that doesn't take an System.Security.Policy.Evidence parameter.
System.AppDomain ExecuteAssembly(String, Evidence, String[], Byte[], AssemblyHashAlgorithm) Methods that use evidence to sandbox are obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. Use an overload of AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly that doesn't take an System.Security.Policy.Evidence parameter.
System.AppDomain ExecuteAssemblyByName(AssemblyName, Evidence, String[]) Methods that use evidence to sandbox are obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. Use an overload of AppDomain.ExecuteAssemblyByName that doesn't take an System.Security.Policy.Evidence parameter.
System.AppDomain ExecuteAssemblyByName(String, Evidence) Methods that use evidence to sandbox are obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. Use an overload of AppDomain.ExecuteAssemblyByName that doesn't take an System.Security.Policy.Evidence parameter.
System.AppDomain ExecuteAssemblyByName(String, Evidence, String[]) Methods that use evidence to sandbox are obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. Use an overload of AppDomain.ExecuteAssemblyByName that doesn't take an System.Security.Policy.Evidence parameter.
System.AppDomain GetCurrentThreadId GetCurrentThreadId has been deprecated because it doesn't provide a stable ID when managed threads are running on fibers (also known as lightweight threads). To get a stable identifier for a managed thread, use the Thread.ManagedThreadId property.
System.AppDomain Load(AssemblyName, Evidence) Methods that use evidence to sandbox are obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. Use an overload of AppDomain.Load that doesn't take an System.Security.Policy.Evidence parameter.
System.AppDomain Load(Byte[], Byte[], Evidence) Methods that use evidence to sandbox are obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. Use an overload of AppDomain.Load that doesn't take an System.Security.Policy.Evidence parameter.
System.AppDomain Load(String, Evidence) Methods that use evidence to sandbox are obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. Use an overload of AppDomain.Load that doesn't take an System.Security.Policy.Evidence parameter.
System.AppDomain SetAppDomainPolicy AppDomain policy levels are obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework.
System.AppDomain SetCachePath SetCachePath has been deprecated. Investigate the use of AppDomainSetup.CachePath instead.
System.AppDomain SetDynamicBase SetDynamicBase has been deprecated. Investigate the use of AppDomainSetup.DynamicBase instead.
System.AppDomain SetShadowCopyFiles SetShadowCopyFiles has been deprecated. Investigate the use of AppDomainSetup.ShadowCopyFiles instead.
System.AppDomain SetShadowCopyPath SetShadowCopyPath has been deprecated. Investigate the use of AppDomainSetup.ShadowCopyDirectories instead.
System.Enum ToString(IFormatProvider) The provider argument isn't used. Use Enum.ToString().
System.Enum ToString(String, IFormatProvider) The provider argument isn't used. Use Enum.ToString(String).
System.LoaderOptimization DisallowBindings This method has been deprecated. Use Assembly.Load instead.
System.LoaderOptimization DomainMask This method has been deprecated. Use Assembly.Load instead.
System.Collections.Hashtable Hashtable(IDictionary, IHashCodeProvider, IComparer) Use Hashtable(IDictionary, IEqualityComparer) instead.
System.Collections.Hashtable Hashtable(IHashCodeProvider, IComparer) Use Hashtable(IEqualityComparer) instead.
System.Collections.Hashtable Hashtable(Int32, IHashCodeProvider, IComparer) Use Hashtable(Int32, IEqualityComparer) instead.
System.Collections.Hashtable Hashtable(Int32, Single, IHashCodeProvider, IComparer) Use Hashtable(Int32, Single, IEqualityComparer) instead.
System.Collections.Hashtable Hashtable.comparer Use the Hashtable.EqualityComparer property.
System.Collections.Hashtable Hashtable.hcp Use KeyComparer properties.
System.Collections.Hashtable Hashtable(IDictionary, Single, IHashCodeProvider, IComparer) Use Hashtable(IDictionary, Single, IEqualityComparer) instead.
System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHash Algorithm The System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHash class has been deprecated.
System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHash AssemblyHash(AssemblyHashAlgorithm, Byte[]) The System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHash class has been deprecated.
System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHash AssemblyHash(Byte[]) The System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHash class has been deprecated.
System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHash Clone The System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHash class has been deprecated.
System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHash Empty The System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHash class has been deprecated.
System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHash GetValue The System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHash class has been deprecated.
System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHash SetValue The System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHash class has been deprecated.
System.Diagnostics.Debugger Debugger Don't create instances of the Debugger class. Call the static methods directly on this type instead.
System.Diagnostics.StackTrace StackTrace(Thread, Boolean) First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

This constructor has been deprecated. Use a constructor that doesn't require a Thread parameter.
System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolBinder GetReader The recommended alternative is ISymbolBinder1.GetReader, which takes the importer interface pointer as an IntPtr instead of an Int32, and thus works on both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures.
System.Globalization.CultureTypes FrameworkCultures This value has been deprecated. Use other values in System.Globalization.CultureTypes.
System.Globalization.CultureTypes WindowsOnlyCultures This value has been deprecated. Use other values in System.Globalization.CultureTypes.
System.IO.FileStream FileStream(IntPtr, FileAccess) This constructor has been deprecated. Use FileStream(SafeFileHandle, FileAccess) instead.
System.IO.FileStream FileStream(IntPtr, FileAccess, Boolean) This constructor has been deprecated. Use FileStream(SafeFileHandle, FileAccess) instead, and optionally make a new Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle with ownsHandle= false if needed.
System.IO.FileStream FileStream(IntPtr, FileAccess, Boolean, Int32) This constructor has been deprecated. Use FileStream(SafeFileHandle, FileAccess, Int32) instead, and optionally make a new Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle with ownsHandle= false if needed.
System.IO.FileStream FileStream(IntPtr, FileAccess, Boolean, Int32, Boolean) This constructor has been deprecated. Use FileStream(SafeFileHandle, FileAccess, Int32, Boolean) instead, and optionally make a new Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle with ownsHandle= false if needed.
System.IO.FileStream Handle This property has been deprecated. Use the FileStream.SafeFileHandle property instead.
System.IO.Path InvalidPathChars Use Path.GetInvalidPathChars or Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars instead.
System.IO.Stream CreateWaitHandle CreateWaitHandle will be removed eventually. Use new ManualResetEvent(false) instead.
System.IO.Stream ObjectInvariant First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

Don't call or override this method.
System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorage CurrentSize CurrentSize has been deprecated because it isn't CLS Compliant. To get the current size, use IsolatedStorage.UsedSize.
System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorage MaximumSize MaximumSize has been deprecated because it isn't CLS Compliant. To get the maximum size, use IsolatedStorage.Quota.
System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile CurrentSize CurrentSize has been deprecated because it isn't CLS Compliant. To get the current size, use UsedSize.
System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile MaximumSize MaximumSize has been deprecated because it isn't CLS Compliant. To get the maximum size, use IsolatedStorageFile.Quota.
System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFileStream Handle This property has been deprecated. Use the IsolatedStorageFileStream.SafeFileHandle property instead.
System.Reflection.Assembly Load(AssemblyName, Evidence) This method is obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. Use an overload of Assembly.Load that doesn't take an System.Security.Policy.Evidence parameter.
System.Reflection.Assembly Load(Byte[], Byte[], Evidence) This method is obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. Use an overload of Assembly.Load that doesn't take an System.Security.Policy.Evidence parameter.
System.Reflection.Assembly Load(String, Evidence) This method is obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. Use an overload of Assembly.Load that doesn't take an System.Security.Policy.Evidence parameter.
System.Reflection.Assembly LoadFile(String, Evidence) This method is obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. Use an overload of Assembly.LoadFile that doesn't take an System.Security.Policy.Evidence parameter.
System.Reflection.Assembly LoadFrom(String, Evidence) This method is obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. Use an overload of Assembly.LoadFrom that doesn't take an System.Security.Policy.Evidence parameter.
System.Reflection.Assembly LoadFrom(String, Evidence, Byte[], AssemblyHashAlgorithm) This method is obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. Use an overload of Assembly.LoadFrom that doesn't take an System.Security.Policy.Evidence parameter.
System.Reflection.Assembly LoadWithPartialName(String) This method has been deprecated. Use Assembly.Load instead.
System.Reflection.Assembly LoadWithPartialName(String, Evidence) This method has been deprecated. Use Assembly.Load instead.
System.Reflection.AssemblyFlagsAttribute AssemblyFlagsAttribute(Int32) This constructor has been deprecated. Use AssemblyFlagsAttribute(AssemblyNameFlags) instead.
System.Reflection.AssemblyFlagsAttribute AssemblyFlagsAttribute(UInt32) This constructor has been deprecated. Use AssemblyFlagsAttribute(AssemblyNameFlags) instead.
System.Reflection.AssemblyFlagsAttribute Flags This property has been deprecated. Use AssemblyFlagsAttribute.AssemblyFlags instead.
System.Reflection.Emit.ConstructorBuilder ReturnType This property has been deprecated.
System.Reflection.Emit.FieldBuilder SetMarshal An alternate API is available: Emit the System.Runtime.InteropServices.MarshalAsAttribute custom attribute instead.
System.Reflection.Emit.FlowControl Phi This API has been deprecated.
System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder SetMarshal An alternate API is available: Emit the System.Runtime.InteropServices.MarshalAsAttribute custom attribute instead.
System.Reflection.Emit.OpCodeType Annotation This API has been deprecated.
System.Reflection.Emit.OperandType InlinePhi This API has been deprecated.
System.Reflection.Emit.ParameterBuilder SetMarshal An alternate API is available: Emit the System.Runtime.InteropServices.MarshalAsAttribute custom attribute instead.
System.Resources.ResourceManager ResourceSets Call ResourceManager.InternalGetResourceSet(CultureInfo, Boolean, Boolean) instead.
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal GetManagedThunkForUnmanagedMethodPtr The GetManagedThunkForUnmanagedMethodPtr method has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal GetThreadFromFiberCookie The GetThreadFromFiberCookie method has been deprecated. Use the hosting API to perform this operation.
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal GetTypeInfoName(UCOMITypeInfo) Use Marshal.GetTypeInfoName(ITypeInfo) instead.
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal GetTypeLibGuid(UCOMITypeLib) Use Marshal.GetTypeLibGuid(ITypeLib) instead.
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal GetTypeLibLcid(UCOMITypeLib) Use Marshal.GetTypeLibLcid(ITypeLib) instead.
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal GetTypeLibName(UCOMITypeLib) Use Marshal.GetTypeLibName(ITypeLib) instead.
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal GetUnmanagedThunkForManagedMethodPtr The GetUnmanagedThunkForManagedMethodPtr method has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal ReleaseThreadCache This API didn't perform any operation and will be removed in future versions of the CLR.
System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeEnvironment RuntimeEnvironment Use of this member generates a compiler error.

Don't create instances of the System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeEnvironment class. Call the static methods directly on this type instead.
System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ChannelServices RegisterChannel Use ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(IChannel, Boolean) instead.
System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.LifetimeServices LifetimeServices Use of this member generates a compiler error.

Don't create instances of the LifetimeServices class. Call the static methods directly on this type instead.
System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingConfiguration Configure(String) Use RemotingConfiguration.Configure(String, Boolean) instead.
System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices LogRemotingStage Use of this method isn't recommended. The LogRemotingStage existed for internal diagnostic purposes only.
System.Security.CodeAccessPermission Deny Deny is obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework.
System.Security.CodeAccessPermission RevertDeny Deny is obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework.
System.Security.HostSecurityManager DomainPolicy AppDomain policy levels are obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework.
System.Security.HostSecurityManagerOptions HostPolicyLevel AppDomain policy levels are obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework.
System.Security.PermissionSet ConvertPermissionSet This method is obsolete and should no longer be used.
System.Security.PermissionSet Deny Deny is obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework.
System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute Scope System.Security.SecurityCriticalScope is only used for .NET Framework 2.0 transparency compatibility.
System.Security.SecurityManager CheckExecutionRights Because execution permission checks can no longer be turned off, the CheckExecutionRights property no longer has any effect.
System.Security.SecurityManager IsGranted IsGranted is obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. Use either the AppDomain.PermissionSet property or the Assembly.PermissionSet property instead.
System.Security.SecurityManager LoadPolicyLevelFromFile This method is obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework.
System.Security.SecurityManager LoadPolicyLevelFromString This method is obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework.
System.Security.SecurityManager PolicyHierarchy This method is obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework.
System.Security.SecurityManager ResolvePolicy(Evidence) This method is obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework.
System.Security.SecurityManager ResolvePolicy(Evidence, PermissionSet, PermissionSet, PermissionSet, PermissionSet) This method is obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework.
System.Security.SecurityManager ResolvePolicy(Evidence[]) This method is obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework.
System.Security.SecurityManager ResolvePolicyGroups This method is obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework.
System.Security.SecurityManager ResolveSystemPolicy This method is obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework.
System.Security.SecurityManager SavePolicy This method is obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework.
System.Security.SecurityManager SavePolicyLevel This method is obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework.
System.Security.SecurityManager SecurityEnabled Because security can no longer be turned off, the SecurityEnabled property no longer has any effect.
System.Security.Cryptography.PasswordDeriveBytes GetBytes System.Security.Cryptography.Rfc2898DeriveBytes replaces System.Security.Cryptography.PasswordDeriveBytes for deriving key material from a password and is preferred in new applications.
System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate GetIssuerName This method has been deprecated. Use the X509Certificate.Issuer property instead.
System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate GetName This method has been deprecated. Use the X509Certificate.Subject property instead.
System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermissionAttribute All Use the FileIOPermissionAttribute.ViewAndModify property instead.
System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermissionAttribute ReflectionEmit This permission is no longer used by the CLR.
System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermissionAttribute TypeInformation This API has been deprecated.
System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermissionFlag AllFlags This permission has been deprecated. The AllFlags enumeration member doesn't include RestrictedMemberAccess. Use PermissionState.Unrestricted to get full access.
System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermissionFlag ReflectionEmit This permission is no longer used by the CLR.
System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermissionFlag TypeInformation This API has been deprecated.
System.Security.Permissions.RegistryPermissionAttribute All Use the RegistryPermissionAttribute.ViewAndModify property instead.
System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction Deny Deny is obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework.
System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction RequestMinimum Assembly level declarative security is obsolete and is no longer enforced by the CLR by default.
System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction RequestOptional Assembly level declarative security is obsolete and is no longer enforced by the CLR by default.
System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction RequestRefuse Assembly level declarative security is obsolete and is no longer enforced by the CLR by default.
System.Security.Policy.Evidence AddAssembly This method is obsolete. Use Evidence.AddAssemblyEvidence instead.
System.Security.Policy.Evidence AddHost This method is obsolete. Use Evidence.AddHostEvidence instead.
System.Security.Policy.Evidence CopyTo Evidence should not be treated as an System.Collections.ICollection. Use the Evidence.GetHostEnumerator and Evidence.GetAssemblyEnumerator methods rather than using CopyTo.
System.Security.Policy.Evidence Count Evidence should not be treated as an System.Collections.ICollection. Use Evidence.GetHostEnumerator and Evidence.GetAssemblyEnumerator to iterate over the evidence to collect a count.
System.Security.Policy.Evidence Evidence(Object[], Object[]) This constructor is obsolete. Use the Evidence(EvidenceBase[], EvidenceBase[]) constructor instead.
System.Security.Policy.Evidence GetEnumerator GetEnumerator is obsolete. Use Evidence.GetHostEnumerator and Evidence.GetAssemblyEnumerator instead.
System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel AddFullTrustAssembly(StrongName) Because all GAC assemblies always get full trust, the full trust list is no longer meaningful. You should install any assemblies that are used in security policy in the GAC to ensure they're trusted.
System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel AddFullTrustAssembly(StrongNameMembershipCondition) Because all GAC assemblies always get full trust, the full trust list is no longer meaningful. You should install any assemblies that are used in security policy in the GAC to ensure they're trusted.
System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel CreateAppDomainLevel AppDomain policy levels are obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework.
System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel FullTrustAssemblies Because all GAC assemblies always get full trust, the full trust list is no longer meaningful. You should install any assemblies that are used in security policy in the GAC to ensure they're trusted.
System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel RemoveFullTrustAssembly(StrongName) Because all GAC assemblies always get full trust, the full trust list is no longer meaningful. You should install any assemblies that are used in security policy in the GAC to ensure they're trusted.
System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel RemoveFullTrustAssembly(StrongNameMembershipCondition) Because all GAC assemblies always get full trust, the full trust list is no longer meaningful. You should install any assemblies that are used in security policy in the GAC to ensure they're trusted.
System.Threading.Overlapped EventHandle This property isn't 64-bit compatible. Use Overlapped.EventHandleIntPtr instead.
System.Threading.Overlapped Overlapped(Int32, Int32, Int32, IAsyncResult) This constructor isn't 64-bit compatible. Use the Overlapped(Int32, Int32, IntPtr, IAsyncResult) constructor that takes an System.IntPtr for the event handle.
System.Threading.Overlapped Pack(IOCompletionCallback) This method isn't safe. Use Overlapped.Pack(IOCompletionCallback, Object) instead.
System.Threading.Overlapped UnsafePack(IOCompletionCallback) This method isn't safe. Use Overlapped.UnsafePack(IOCompletionCallback, Object) instead.
System.Threading.Thread ApartmentState The ApartmentState property has been deprecated. Use Thread.GetApartmentState, Thread.SetApartmentState or Thread.TrySetApartmentState instead.
System.Threading.Thread GetCompressedStack GetCompressedStack is no longer supported. Use the System.Threading.CompressedStack class.
System.Threading.Thread Resume Resume has been deprecated. Use other classes in System.Threading, such as Monitor, Mutex , EventWaitHandle, and Semaphore to synchronize threads or protect resources.
System.Threading.Thread SetCompressedStack SetCompressedStack is no longer supported. Use the System.Threading.CompressedStack class.
System.Threading.Thread Suspend Suspend has been deprecated. Use other classes in System.Threading, such as Monitor, Mutex , EventWaitHandle, and Semaphore, to synchronize threads or protect resources.
System.Threading.ThreadPool BindHandle(IntPtr) BindHandle(IntPtr) has been deprecated. Use ThreadPool.BindHandle(SafeHandle) instead.
System.Threading.WaitHandle Handle Use the WaitHandle.SafeWaitHandle property instead.


Type Member Message
System.Windows.UIElement BitmapEffect Bitmap effects are deprecated and no longer function. Consider using System.Windows.Media.Effects.Effect where appropriate instead.
System.Windows.UIElement BitmapEffectInput Bitmap effects are deprecated and no longer function. Consider using System.Windows.Media.Effects.Effect where appropriate instead.
System.Windows.UIElement PersistId PersistId is an obsolete property and may be removed in a future release. The value of this property isn't defined.
System.Windows.Media.ContainerVisual BitmapEffect Bitmap effects are deprecated and no longer function. Consider using System.Windows.Media.Effects.Effect where appropriate instead.
System.Windows.Media.ContainerVisual BitmapEffectInput Bitmap effects are deprecated and no longer function. Consider using System.Windows.Media.Effects.Effect where appropriate instead.
System.Windows.Media.DrawingContext PushEffect Bitmap effects are deprecated and no longer function. Consider using System.Windows.Media.Effects.Effect where appropriate instead.
System.Windows.Media.FormattedText FormattedText(String, CultureInfo, FlowDirection, Typeface, Double, Brush) Use the PixelsPerDip override.
System.Windows.Media.FormattedText FormattedText(String, CultureInfo, FlowDirection, Typeface, Double, Brush, NumberSubstitution) Use the PixelsPerDip override.
System.Windows.Media.FormattedText FormattedText(String, CultureInfo, FlowDirection, Typeface, Double, Brush, NumberSubstitution, TextFormattingMode) Use the PixelsPerDip override.
System.Windows.Media.GlyphRun GlyphRun() Use the PixelsPerDip override.
System.Windows.Media.GlyphRun GlyphRun(GlyphTypeface, Int32, Boolean, Double, IList<UInt16>, Point, IList<Double>, IList<Point>, IList<Char>, String, IList<UInt16>, IList<Boolean>, XmlLanguage) Use the PixelsPerDip override.
System.Windows.Media.RenderCapability IsShaderEffectSoftwareRenderingSupported This property is deprecated. Use the static RenderCapability.IsPixelShaderVersionSupportedInSoftware method instead.
System.Windows.Media.Visual VisualBitmapEffect Bitmap effects are deprecated and no longer function. Consider using System.Windows.Media.Effects.Effect where appropriate instead.
System.Windows.Media.Visual VisualBitmapEffectInput Bitmap effects are deprecated and no longer function. Consider using System.Windows.Media.Effects.Effect where appropriate instead.
System.Windows.Media.Effects.BevelBitmapEffect CreateUnmanagedEffect Bitmap effects are deprecated and no longer function. Consider using System.Windows.Media.Effects.Effect where appropriate instead.
System.Windows.Media.Effects.BevelBitmapEffect UpdateUnmanagedPropertyState Bitmap effects are deprecated and no longer function. Consider using System.Windows.Media.Effects.Effect where appropriate instead.
System.Windows.Media.Effects.BitmapEffect CreateBitmapEffectOuter Bitmap effects are deprecated and no longer function. Consider using System.Windows.Media.Effects.Effect where appropriate instead.
System.Windows.Media.Effects.BitmapEffect CreateUnmanagedEffect Bitmap effects are deprecated and no longer function. Consider using System.Windows.Media.Effects.Effect where appropriate instead.
System.Windows.Media.Effects.BitmapEffect GetOutput Bitmap effects are deprecated and no longer function. Consider using System.Windows.Media.Effects.Effect where appropriate instead.
System.Windows.Media.Effects.BitmapEffect InitializeBitmapEffect Bitmap effects are deprecated and no longer function. Consider using System.Windows.Media.Effects.Effect where appropriate instead.
System.Windows.Media.Effects.BitmapEffect SetValue Bitmap effects are deprecated and no longer function. Consider using System.Windows.Media.Effects.Effect where appropriate instead.
System.Windows.Media.Effects.BitmapEffect UpdateUnmanagedPropertyState Bitmap effects are deprecated and no longer function. Consider using System.Windows.Media.Effects.Effect where appropriate instead.
System.Windows.Media.Effects.BitmapEffectGroup CreateUnmanagedEffect Bitmap effects are deprecated and no longer function. Consider using System.Windows.Media.Effects.Effect where appropriate instead.
System.Windows.Media.Effects.BitmapEffectGroup UpdateUnmanagedPropertyState Bitmap effects are deprecated and no longer function. Consider using System.Windows.Media.Effects.Effect where appropriate instead.
System.Windows.Media.Effects.BlurBitmapEffect CreateUnmanagedEffect Bitmap effects are deprecated and no longer function. Consider using System.Windows.Media.Effects.Effect where appropriate instead.
System.Windows.Media.Effects.BlurBitmapEffect UpdateUnmanagedPropertyState Bitmap effects are deprecated and no longer function. Consider using System.Windows.Media.Effects.Effect where appropriate instead.
System.Windows.Media.Effects.DropShadowBitmapEffect CreateUnmanagedEffect Bitmap effects are deprecated and no longer function. Consider using System.Windows.Media.Effects.Effect where appropriate instead.
System.Windows.Media.Effects.DropShadowBitmapEffect UpdateUnmanagedPropertyState Bitmap effects are deprecated and no longer function. Consider using System.Windows.Media.Effects.Effect where appropriate instead.
System.Windows.Media.Effects.EmbossBitmapEffect CreateUnmanagedEffect Bitmap effects are deprecated and no longer function. Consider using System.Windows.Media.Effects.Effect where appropriate instead.
System.Windows.Media.Effects.EmbossBitmapEffect UpdateUnmanagedPropertyState Bitmap effects are deprecated and no longer function. Consider using System.Windows.Media.Effects.Effect where appropriate instead.
System.Windows.Media.Effects.OuterGlowBitmapEffect CreateUnmanagedEffect Bitmap effects are deprecated and no longer function. Consider using System.Windows.Media.Effects.Effect where appropriate instead.
System.Windows.Media.Effects.OuterGlowBitmapEffect UpdateUnmanagedPropertyState Bitmap effects are deprecated and no longer function. Consider using System.Windows.Media.Effects.Effect where appropriate instead.
System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Viewport3DVisual BitmapEffect Bitmap effects are deprecated and no longer function. Consider using System.Windows.Media.Effects.Effect where appropriate instead.
System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Viewport3DVisual BitmapEffectInput Bitmap effects are deprecated and no longer function. Consider using System.Windows.Media.Effects.Effect where appropriate instead.




Type Member Message
System.Activities.Presentation.DragDropHelper DoDragMove(WorkflowViewElement, Point) This method doesn't support dragging multiple items.
System.Activities.Presentation.DragDropHelper GetCompositeView(DragEventArgs) First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

This method doesn't support dragging multiple items. Use GetCompositeView(WorkflowViewElement) instead.
System.Activities.Presentation.DragDropHelper GetDragDropCompletedEffects This method doesn't support dragging multiple items.
System.Activities.Presentation.DragDropHelper GetDraggedModelItem First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

This method doesn't support dragging multiple items. Use GetDraggedModelItems instead.
System.Activities.Presentation.DragDropHelper GetDroppedObject First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

This method doesn't support dragging multiple items. Use GetDroppedObjects instead.
System.Activities.Presentation.DragDropHelper SetDragDropCompletedEffects This method doesn't support dragging multiple items.
System.Activities.Presentation.Services.ModelChangedEventArgs ItemsAdded First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

Don't use this property. Use ModelChangeInfo instead.
System.Activities.Presentation.Services.ModelChangedEventArgs ItemsRemoved First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

Don't use this property. Use ModelChangeInfo instead.
System.Activities.Presentation.Services.ModelChangedEventArgs PropertiesChanged First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

Don't use this property. Use ModelChangeInfo instead.


Type Member Message
System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventKeywords CorrelationHint First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

Incorrect value; use CorrelationHint2 instead.
System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable Concat<TSource>(ParallelQuery<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) The second data source of a binary operator must be of type System.Linq.ParallelQuery<TSource> rather than System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T>. To fix this problem, use the AsParallel<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>) extension method to convert the right data source to System.Linq.ParallelQuery<TSource>.
System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable Except<TSource>(ParallelQuery<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) The second data source of a binary operator must be of type System.Linq.ParallelQuery<TSource> rather than System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T>. To fix this problem, use the AsParallel<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>) extension method to convert the right data source to System.Linq.ParallelQuery<TSource>.
System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable Except<TSource>(ParallelQuery<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>, IEqualityComparer<TSource>) The second data source of a binary operator must be of type System.Linq.ParallelQuery<TSource> rather than System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T>. To fix this problem, use the AsParallel<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>) extension method to convert the right data source to System.Linq.ParallelQuery<TSource>.
System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable GroupJoin<TOuter,TInner,TKey,TResult>(ParallelQuery<TOuter>, IEnumerable<TInner>, Func<TOuter,TKey>, Func<TInner,TKey>, Func<TOuter,IEnumerable<TInner>, TResult>) The second data source of a binary operator must be of type System.Linq.ParallelQuery<TSource> rather than System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T>. To fix this problem, use the AsParallel<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>) extension method to convert the right data source to System.Linq.ParallelQuery<TSource>.
System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable GroupJoin<TOuter,TInner,TKey,TResult>(ParallelQuery<TOuter>, IEnumerable<TInner>, Func<TOuter,TKey>, Func<TInner,TKey>, Func<TOuter,IEnumerable<TInner>, TResult>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>) The second data source of a binary operator must be of type System.Linq.ParallelQuery<TSource> rather than System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T>. To fix this problem, use the AsParallel<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>) extension method to convert the right data source to System.Linq.ParallelQuery<TSource>.
System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable Intersect<TSource>(ParallelQuery<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) The second data source of a binary operator must be of type System.Linq.ParallelQuery<TSource> rather than System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T>. To fix this problem, use the AsParallel<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>) extension method to convert the right data source to System.Linq.ParallelQuery<TSource>.
System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable Intersect<TSource>(ParallelQuery<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>, IEqualityComparer<TSource>) The second data source of a binary operator must be of type System.Linq.ParallelQuery<TSource> rather than System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T>. To fix this problem, use the AsParallel<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>) extension method to convert the right data source to System.Linq.ParallelQuery<TSource>.
System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable Join<TOuter,TInner,TKey,TResult>(ParallelQuery<TOuter>, IEnumerable<TInner>, Func<TOuter,TKey>, Func<TInner,TKey>, Func<TOuter,TInner,TResult>) The second data source of a binary operator must be of type System.Linq.ParallelQuery<TSource> rather than System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T>. To fix this problem, use the AsParallel<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>) extension method to convert the right data source to System.Linq.ParallelQuery<TSource>.
System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable Join<TOuter,TInner,TKey,TResult>(ParallelQuery<TOuter>, IEnumerable<TInner>, Func<TOuter,TKey>, Func<TInner,TKey>, Func<TOuter,TInner,TResult>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>) The second data source of a binary operator must be of type System.Linq.ParallelQuery<TSource> rather than System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T>. To fix this problem, use the AsParallel<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>) extension method to convert the right data source to System.Linq.ParallelQuery<TSource>.
System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable SequenceEqual<TSource>(ParallelQuery<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) The second data source of a binary operator must be of type System.Linq.ParallelQuery<TSource> rather than System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T>. To fix this problem, use the AsParallel<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>) extension method to convert the right data source to System.Linq.ParallelQuery<TSource>.
System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable SequenceEqual<TSource>(ParallelQuery<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>, IEqualityComparer<TSource>) The second data source of a binary operator must be of type System.Linq.ParallelQuery<TSource> rather than System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T>. To fix this problem, use the AsParallel<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>) extension method to convert the right data source to System.Linq.ParallelQuery<TSource>.
System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable Union<TSource>(ParallelQuery<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) The second data source of a binary operator must be of type System.Linq.ParallelQuery<TSource> rather than System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T>. To fix this problem, use the AsParallel<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>) extension method to convert the right data source to System.Linq.ParallelQuery<TSource>.
System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable Union<TSource>(ParallelQuery<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>, IEqualityComparer<TSource>) The second data source of a binary operator must be of type System.Linq.ParallelQuery<TSource> rather than System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T>. To fix this problem, use the AsParallel<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>) extension method to convert the right data source to System.Linq.ParallelQuery<TSource>.
System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable Zip The second data source of a binary operator must be of type System.Linq.ParallelQuery<TSource> rather than System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T>. To fix this problem, use the AsParallel<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>) extension method to convert the right data source to System.Linq.ParallelQuery<TSource>.
System.Linq.Expressions.Expression Expression(ExpressionType, Type) Use a different constructor that doesn't take an System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType argument. Then override the Expression.NodeType and Expression.Type properties to provide the values that would be specified to this constructor.
System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBinding MemberBinding Don't use this constructor. It will be removed in future releases.
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteOps AddRule Use of this member generates a compiler error.

Don't use this method.
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteOps Bind Use of this member generates a compiler error.

Don't use this method.
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteOps ClearMatch Use of this member generates a compiler error.

Don't use this method.
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteOps CreateMatchmaker Use of this member generates a compiler error.

Don't use this method.
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteOps GetCachedRules<T>(RuleCache<T>) Use of this member generates a compiler error.

Don't use this method.
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteOps GetMatch Use of this member generates a compiler error.

Don't use this method.
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteOps GetRuleCache Use of this member generates a compiler error.

Don't use this method.
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteOps GetRules Use of this member generates a compiler error.

Don't use this method.
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteOps MoveRule<T>(RuleCache<T>, T, Int32) Use of this member generates a compiler error.

Don't use this method.
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteOps SetNotMatched Use of this member generates a compiler error.

Don't use this method.
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteOps UpdateRules Use of this member generates a compiler error.

Don't use this method.
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeOps CreateRuntimeVariables() Use of this member generates a compiler error.

Don't use this method.
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeOps CreateRuntimeVariables(Object[], Int64[]) Use of this member generates a compiler error.

Don't use this method.
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeOps ExpandoCheckVersion Use of this member generates a compiler error.

Don't use this method.
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeOps ExpandoPromoteClass Use of this member generates a compiler error.

Don't use this method.
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeOps ExpandoTryDeleteValue Use of this member generates a compiler error.

Don't use this method.
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeOps ExpandoTryGetValue Use of this member generates a compiler error.

Don't use this method.
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeOps ExpandoTrySetValue Use of this member generates a compiler error.

Don't use this method.
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeOps MergeRuntimeVariables Use of this member generates a compiler error.

Don't use this method.
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeOps Quote Use of this member generates a compiler error.

Don't use this method.


Type Member Message
System.Data.DataSysDescriptionAttribute DataSysDescriptionAttribute DataSysDescriptionAttribute has been deprecated.
System.Data.Common.DataAdapter CloneInternals CloneInternals has been deprecated. Use the DataAdapter(DataAdapter) constructor.
System.Data.Common.DBDataPermission DBDataPermission() Use of this member generates a compiler error.

This constructor has been deprecated. Pass the DBDataPermission(PermissionState) constructor a value of PermissionState.None.
System.Data.Common.DBDataPermission DBDataPermission(PermissionState, Boolean) Use of this member generates a compiler error.

This constructor has been deprecated. Pass the DBDataPermission(PermissionState) constructor a value of PermissionState.None.
System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameterCollection Add(String, Object) Add(String, Object) has been deprecated. Use OdbcParameterCollection.AddWithValue(String, Object).
System.Data.Odbc.OdbcPermission OdbcPermission() Use of this member generates a compiler error.

OdbcPermission() has been deprecated. Pass the OdbcPermission(PermissionState) constructor a value of PermissionState.None.
System.Data.Odbc.OdbcPermission OdbcPermission(PermissionState, Boolean) Use of this member generates a compiler error.

OdbcPermission(PermissionState, Boolean) has been deprecated. Pass the OdbcPermission(PermissionState) constructor a value of PermissionState.None.
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameterCollection Add(String, Object) Add(String, Object) has been deprecated. Use the OleDbParameterCollection.AddWithValue method.
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbPermission OleDbPermission() Use of this member generates a compiler error.

OleDbPermission() has been deprecated. Pass the OleDbPermission(PermissionState) a value of PermissionState.None.
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbPermission OleDbPermission(PermissionState, Boolean) Use of this member generates a compiler error.

OleDbPermission(PermissionState, Boolean) has been deprecated. Pass the OleDbPermission(PermissionState) a value of PermissionState.None.
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbPermission Provider The OleDbPermission.Provider property has been deprecated. Use the DBDataPermission.Add(String, String, KeyRestrictionBehavior) method.
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbPermissionAttribute Provider The OleDbPermissionAttribute.Provider property has been deprecated. Use the DBDataPermission.Add(String, String, KeyRestrictionBehavior) method.
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientPermission SqlClientPermission() Use of this constructor generates a compiler error.

SqlClientPermission() has been deprecated. Pass the SqlClientPermission(PermissionState) constructor a value of PermissionState.None.
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientPermission SqlClientPermission(PermissionState, Boolean) Use of this constructor generates a compiler error.

SqlClientPermission(PermissionState, Boolean) has been deprecated. Pass the SqlClientPermission(PermissionState) constructor a value of PermissionState.None.
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder ConnectionReset ConnectionReset has been deprecated. System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection will ignore the 'connection reset' keyword and always reset the connection.
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection Add(String, Object) Add(String, Object) has been deprecated. Use SqlParameterCollection.AddWithValue.



Type Member Message
System.Data.OracleClient.OracleParameter Precision Precision has been deprecated. Use the System.Math classes to explicitly set the precision of a decimal.
System.Data.OracleClient.OracleParameter Scale Scale has been deprecated. Use the System.Math classes to explicitly set the scale of a decimal.
System.Data.OracleClient.OracleParameterCollection Add(String, Object) Add(String, Object) has been deprecated. Use OracleParameterCollection.AddWithValue.


Type Member Message
System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentDesigner InitializeNonDefault This method has been deprecated. Use ComponentDesigner.InitializeExistingComponent instead.
System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentDesigner OnSetComponentDefaults This method has been deprecated. Use ComponentDesigner.InitializeNewComponent instead.
System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignSurface CreateComponent The CreateComponent method has been replaced by CreateInstance(Type).
System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.CodeDomSerializer SerializeToReferenceExpression This method has been deprecated. Use SerializeToExpression or GetExpression instead.
System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner DesignTimeElementView Use of this property generates a compiler error.

Error: This property can no longer be referenced, and is included to support existing compiled applications. The design-time element view architecture is no longer used.
System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner DesignTimeHtmlRequiresLoadComplete The recommended alternative is to use ControlDesigner.SetViewFlags(ViewFlags.DesignTimeHtmlRequiresLoadComplete, true).
System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner GetPersistInnerHtml The recommended alternative is ControlDesigner.GetPersistenceContent.
System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner IsDirty The recommended alternative is to use ControlDesigner.Tag.SetDirty and ControlDesigner.Tag.IsDirty.
System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner IsPropertyBound The recommended alternative is ControlDesigner.DataBindings.Contains. The System.Web.UI.DataBindingCollection class allows more control of the data bindings associated with the control.
System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner OnBindingsCollectionChanged The recommended alternative is to handle the ControlDesigner.DataBindings.Changed event. The DataBindingCollection collection returned by the ControlDesigner.DataBindings property allows more control of the data bindings associated with the control.
System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner OnControlResize The recommended alternative is OnComponentChanged, which is called when any property of the control is changed.
System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner RaiseResizeEvent Use of this method isn't recommended because resizing is handled by the ControlDesigner.OnComponentChanged method.
System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner ReadOnly The recommended alternative is to inherit from System.Web.UI.Design.ContainerControlDesigner instead and to use an System.Web.UI.Design.EditableDesignerRegion. Regions allow for better control of the content in the designer.
System.Web.UI.Design.HtmlControlDesigner Behavior The recommended alternative is ControlDesigner.Tag.
System.Web.UI.Design.HtmlControlDesigner DesignTimeElement Use of this property generates a compiler error.

Error: This property can no longer be referenced, and is included to support existing compiled applications. The design-time element may not always provide access to the element in the markup. There are alternate methods on System.Web.UI.Design.WebFormsRootDesigner for handling client script and controls.
System.Web.UI.Design.HtmlControlDesigner OnBehaviorAttached The recommended alternative is ControlDesigner.Tag.
System.Web.UI.Design.HtmlControlDesigner OnBehaviorDetaching The recommended alternative is ControlDesigner.Tag.
System.Web.UI.Design.HtmlControlDesigner OnBindingsCollectionChanged The recommended alternative is to handle the HtmlControlDesigner.DataBindings.Changed event. The DataBindingCollection collection returned by the HtmlControlDesigner.DataBindings property allows more control of the data bindings associated with the control.
System.Web.UI.Design.HtmlControlDesigner ShouldCodeSerialize Use of this property isn't recommended because code serialization isn't supported.
System.Web.UI.Design.TemplatedControlDesigner ActiveTemplateEditingFrame Use of this property isn't recommended because template editing is handled in System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner. To support template editing, expose template data in the ControlDesigner.TemplateGroups property and call ControlDesigner.SetViewFlags(ViewFlags.TemplateEditing, true).
System.Web.UI.Design.TemplatedControlDesigner CreateTemplateEditingFrame Use of this method isn't recommended because template editing is handled in System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner. To support template editing, expose template data in the ControlDesigner.TemplateGroups property and call ControlDesigner.SetViewFlags(ViewFlags.TemplateEditing, true).
System.Web.UI.Design.TemplatedControlDesigner EnterTemplateMode Use of this method isn't recommended because template editing is handled in System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner. To support template editing, expose template data in the ControlDesigner.TemplateGroups property and call ControlDesigner.SetViewFlags(ViewFlags.TemplateEditing, true).
System.Web.UI.Design.TemplatedControlDesigner ExitTemplateMode Use of this method isn't recommended because template editing is handled in System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner. To support template editing, expose template data in the ControlDesigner.TemplateGroups property and call ControlDesigner.SetViewFlags(ViewFlags.TemplateEditing, true).
System.Web.UI.Design.TemplatedControlDesigner GetCachedTemplateEditingVerbs Use of this method isn't recommended because template editing is handled in System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner. To support template editing, expose template data in the ControlDesigner.TemplateGroups property and call ControlDesigner.SetViewFlags(ViewFlags.TemplateEditing, true).
System.Web.UI.Design.TemplatedControlDesigner GetTemplateContainerDataItemProperty Use of this method isn't recommended because template editing is handled in System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner. To support template editing, expose template data in the ControlDesigner.TemplateGroups property and call ControlDesigner.SetViewFlags(ViewFlags.TemplateEditing, true).
System.Web.UI.Design.TemplatedControlDesigner GetTemplateContainerDataSource Use of this method isn't recommended because template editing is handled in System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner. To support template editing, expose template data in the ControlDesigner.TemplateGroups property and call ControlDesigner.SetViewFlags(ViewFlags.TemplateEditing, true).
System.Web.UI.Design.TemplatedControlDesigner GetTemplateContent Use of this method isn't recommended because template editing is handled in System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner. To support template editing, expose template data in the ControlDesigner.TemplateGroups property and call ControlDesigner.SetViewFlags(ViewFlags.TemplateEditing, true).
System.Web.UI.Design.TemplatedControlDesigner GetTemplateEditingVerbs Use of this method isn't recommended because template editing is handled in System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner. To support template editing, expose template data in the ControlDesigner.TemplateGroups property and call ControlDesigner.SetViewFlags(ViewFlags.TemplateEditing, true).
System.Web.UI.Design.TemplatedControlDesigner GetTemplatePropertyParentType Use of this method isn't recommended because template editing is handled in System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner. To support template editing, expose template data in the ControlDesigner.TemplateGroups property and call ControlDesigner.SetViewFlags(ViewFlags.TemplateEditing, true).
System.Web.UI.Design.TemplatedControlDesigner InTemplateMode The recommended alternative is ControlDesigner.InTemplateMode.
System.Web.UI.Design.TemplatedControlDesigner OnBehaviorAttached The recommended alternative is ControlDesigner.Tag.
System.Web.UI.Design.TemplatedControlDesigner SetTemplateContent Use of this method isn't recommended because template editing is handled in System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner. To support template editing, expose template data in the ControlDesigner.TemplateGroups property and call ControlDesigner.SetViewFlags(ViewFlags.TemplateEditing, true).
System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.BaseDataListDesigner GetTemplateContainerDataSource Use of this method isn't recommended because template editing is handled in System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner. To support template editing, expose template data in the ControlDesigner.TemplateGroups property and call ControlDesigner.SetViewFlags(ViewFlags.TemplateEditing, true).
System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.BaseDataListDesigner OnAutoFormat Use of this method isn't recommended because the AutoFormat dialog is launched by the designer host. The list of available AutoFormats is exposed by the ControlDesigner.AutoFormats property.
System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.DataGridDesigner CreateTemplateEditingFrame Use of this method isn't recommended because template editing is handled in System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner. To support template editing, expose template data in the TemplateGroups property and call ControlDesigner.SetViewFlags(ViewFlags.TemplateEditing, true).
System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.DataGridDesigner GetCachedTemplateEditingVerbs Use of this method isn't recommended because template editing is handled in System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner. To support template editing, expose template data in the TemplateGroups property and call ControlDesigner.SetViewFlags(ViewFlags.TemplateEditing, true).
System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.DataGridDesigner GetTemplateContainerDataItemProperty Use of this method isn't recommended because template editing is handled in System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner. To support template editing, expose template data in the ControlDesigner.TemplateGroups property and call ControlDesigner.SetViewFlags(ViewFlags.TemplateEditing, true).
System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.DataGridDesigner GetTemplateContent Use of this method isn't recommended because template editing is handled in System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner. To support template editing, expose template data in the ControlDesigner.TemplateGroups property and call ControlDesigner.SetViewFlags(ViewFlags.TemplateEditing, true).
System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.DataGridDesigner GetTemplatePropertyParentType Use of this method isn't recommended because template editing is handled in System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner. To support template editing, expose template data in the ControlDesigner.TemplateGroups property and call ControlDesigner.SetViewFlags(ViewFlags.TemplateEditing, true).
System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.DataGridDesigner SetTemplateContent Use of this method isn't recommended because template editing is handled in System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner. To support template editing, expose template data in the ControlDesigner.TemplateGroups property and call ControlDesigner.SetViewFlags(ViewFlags.TemplateEditing, true).
System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.DataListDesigner CreateTemplateEditingFrame Use of this method isn't recommended because template editing is handled in System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner. To support template editing, expose template data in the ControlDesigner.TemplateGroups property and call ControlDesigner.SetViewFlags(ViewFlags.TemplateEditing, true).
System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.DataListDesigner GetCachedTemplateEditingVerbs Use of this method isn't recommended because template editing is handled in System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner. To support template editing, expose template data in the ControlDesigner.TemplateGroups property and call ControlDesigner.SetViewFlags(ViewFlags.TemplateEditing, true).
System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.DataListDesigner GetTemplateContainerDataItemProperty Use of this method isn't recommended because template editing is handled in System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner. To support template editing, expose template data in the ControlDesigner.TemplateGroups property and call ControlDesigner.SetViewFlags(ViewFlags.TemplateEditing, true).
System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.DataListDesigner GetTemplateContent Use of this method isn't recommended because template editing is handled in System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner. To support template editing, expose template data in the ControlDesigner.TemplateGroups property and call ControlDesigner.SetViewFlags(ViewFlags.TemplateEditing, true).
System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.DataListDesigner SetTemplateContent Use of this method isn't recommended because template editing is handled in System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner. To support template editing, expose template data in the ControlDesigner.TemplateGroups property and call ControlDesigner.SetViewFlags(ViewFlags.TemplateEditing, true).
System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.PanelDesigner OnBehaviorAttached The recommended alternative is ControlDesigner.Tag.
System.Windows.Forms.Design.ControlDesigner OnSetComponentDefaults This method has been deprecated. Use ControlDesigner.InitializeNewComponent instead.


Type Member Message
Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider CreateCompiler Callers should not use the System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeCompiler interface and should instead use the methods directly on the System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider class.
Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider CreateGenerator Callers should not use the System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeGenerator interface and should instead use the methods directly on the System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider class.
Microsoft.VisualBasic.VBCodeProvider CreateCompiler Callers should not use the System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeCompiler interface and should instead use the methods directly on the System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider class.
Microsoft.VisualBasic.VBCodeProvider CreateGenerator Callers should not use the System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeGenerator interface and should instead use the methods directly on the System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider class.
Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents LowMemory This event has been deprecated.
System.Uri Canonicalize The method has been deprecated. It isn't used by the system.
System.Uri CheckSecurity The method has been deprecated. It isn't used by the system.
System.Uri Escape The method has been deprecated. It isn't used by the system.
System.Uri EscapeString The method has been deprecated. Use the GetComponents method or the static EscapeUriString method to escape a Uri component or a string.
System.Uri IsBadFileSystemCharacter The method has been deprecated. It isn't used by the system.
System.Uri IsExcludedCharacter The method has been deprecated. It isn't used by the system.
System.Uri IsReservedCharacter The method has been deprecated. It isn't used by the system.
System.Uri MakeRelative The method has been deprecated. Use Uri.MakeRelativeUri.
System.Uri Parse The method has been deprecated. It isn't used by the system.
System.Uri Unescape The method has been deprecated. Use the Uri.GetComponents method or the static Uri.EscapeUriString method to escape a Uri component or a string.
System.Uri Uri(String, Boolean) The constructor has been deprecated. Use Uri(String). The dontEscape parameter is deprecated and is always false.
System.Uri Uri(Uri, String, Boolean) The constructor has been deprecated. Use Uri(Uri, String). The dontEscape parameter is deprecated and is always false.
System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider CreateCompiler Callers should not use the System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeCompiler interface and should instead use the methods directly on the System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider class. Those inheriting from CodeDomProvider must still implement this interface, and should exclude this warning or also obsolete this method.
System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider CreateGenerator Callers should not use the System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeGenerator interface and should instead use the methods directly on the System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider class. Those inheriting from CodeDomProvider must still implement this interface, and should exclude this warning or also obsolete this method.
System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider CreateParser Callers should not use the System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeParser interface and should instead use the methods directly on the System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider class. Those inheriting from CodeDomProvider must still implement this interface, and should exclude this warning or also obsolete this method.
System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters Evidence CAS policy is obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. For more information, see Security Changes in the .NET Framework 4.
System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerResults Evidence CAS policy is obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. For more information, see Security Changes in the .NET Framework 4.
System.Collections.Specialized.NameObjectCollectionBase NameObjectCollectionBase(IHashCodeProvider, IComparer) Use NameObjectCollectionBase(IEqualityComparer) instead.
System.Collections.Specialized.NameObjectCollectionBase NameObjectCollectionBase(Int32, IHashCodeProvider, IComparer) Use NameObjectCollectionBase(Int32, IEqualityComparer) instead.
System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection NameValueCollection(IHashCodeProvider, IComparer) Use NameValueCollection(IEqualityComparer) instead.
System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection NameValueCollection(Int32, IHashCodeProvider, IComparer) Use NameValueCollection(Int32, IEqualityComparer) instead.
System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs AsyncCompletedEventArgs() First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

Use of this member generates a compiler error.

This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and isn't intended to be used directly from your code.
System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor GetInvokee This method has been deprecated. Use MemberDescriptor.GetInvocationTarget instead.
System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor ComNativeDescriptorHandler This property has been deprecated. Use a type description provider to supply type information for COM types instead.
System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerTransactionCloseEventArgs DesignerTransactionCloseEventArgs(Boolean) This constructor is obsolete. Use DesignerTransactionCloseEventArgs(Boolean, Boolean) instead.
System.ComponentModel.Design.SelectionTypes Click This value has been deprecated. Use SelectionTypes.Primary instead.
System.ComponentModel.Design.SelectionTypes MouseDown This value has been deprecated. It is no longer supported.
System.ComponentModel.Design.SelectionTypes MouseUp This value has been deprecated. It is no longer supported.
System.ComponentModel.Design.SelectionTypes Normal This value has been deprecated. Use SelectionTypes.Auto instead.
System.ComponentModel.Design.SelectionTypes Valid This value has been deprecated. Use System.Enum class methods to determine valid values, or use a type converter.
System.ComponentModel.Design.ViewTechnology Passthrough This value has been deprecated. Use ViewTechnology.Default instead.
System.ComponentModel.Design.ViewTechnology WindowsForms This value has been deprecated. Use ViewTechnology.Default instead.
System.Configuration.ConfigurationException ConfigurationException() This class is obsolete. To create a new exception, create a System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException.
System.Configuration.ConfigurationException ConfigurationException(String) This class is obsolete. To create a new exception, create a System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException.
System.Configuration.ConfigurationException ConfigurationException(String, Exception) This class is obsolete. To create a new exception, create a System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException.
System.Configuration.ConfigurationException ConfigurationException(String, Exception, String, Int32) This class is obsolete. To create a new exception, create a System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException.
System.Configuration.ConfigurationException ConfigurationException(String, Exception, XmlNode) This class is obsolete. To create a new exception, create a System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException.
System.Configuration.ConfigurationException ConfigurationException(String, String, Int32) This class is obsolete. To create a new exception, create a System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException.
System.Configuration.ConfigurationException ConfigurationException(String, XmlNode) This class is obsolete. To create a new exception, create a System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException.
System.Configuration.ConfigurationException GetXmlNodeFilename This class is obsolete. Use ConfigurationErrorsException.GetFilename instead.
System.Configuration.ConfigurationException GetXmlNodeLineNumber This class is obsolete. Use ConfigurationErrorsException.GetLineNumber(XmlNode) instead
System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings AppSettings This method is obsolete. It has been replaced by ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.
System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings GetConfig This method is obsolete. It has been replaced by ConfigurationManager.GetSection.
System.Diagnostics.EventLog CreateEventSource(String, String, String) This method has been deprecated. Use CreateEventSource(EventSourceCreationData) instead.
System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntry EventID This property has been deprecated. Use EventLogEntry.InstanceId instead.
System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionAccess Audit This member has been deprecated. Use EventLogPermissionAccess.Administer instead.
System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionAccess Browse This member has been deprecated. Use EventLogPermissionAccess.Administer instead.
System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionAccess Instrument This member has been deprecated. Use EventLogPermissionAccess.Write instead.
System.Diagnostics.InstanceDataCollection InstanceDataCollection This constructor has been deprecated. Use InstanceDataCollectionCollection.Item[] to get an instance of this collection instead.
System.Diagnostics.InstanceDataCollectionCollection InstanceDataCollectionCollection This constructor has been deprecated. Use PerformanceCounterCategory.ReadCategory to get an instance of this collection instead.
System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter DefaultFileMappingSize This field has been deprecated and isn't used. Use machine.config or an application configuration file to set the size of the System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter file mapping.
System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory Create(String, String, CounterCreationDataCollection) This method has been deprecated. Use Create(String, String, PerformanceCounterCategoryType, CounterCreationDataCollection) instead.
System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory Create(String, String, String, String) This method has been deprecated. Use Create(String, String, PerformanceCounterCategoryType, String, String) instead.
System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterManager ICollectData.CloseData This class has been deprecated. Use the performance counters through the PerformanceCounter class instead.
System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterManager ICollectData.CollectData This class has been deprecated. Use the performance counters through the PerformanceCounter class instead.
System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterManager PerformanceCounterManager This class has been deprecated. Use the performance counters through the System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter class instead.
System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionAccess Browse This member has been deprecated. Use PerformanceCounterPermissionAccess.Read instead.
System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionAccess Instrument This member has been deprecated. Use PerformanceCounterPermissionAccess.Write instead.
System.Diagnostics.Process NonpagedSystemMemorySize This property has been deprecated. Use Process.NonpagedSystemMemorySize64 instead.
System.Diagnostics.Process PagedMemorySize This property has been deprecated. Use PagedMemorySize64 instead.
System.Diagnostics.Process PagedSystemMemorySize This property has been deprecated. Use Process.PagedSystemMemorySize64 instead.
System.Diagnostics.Process PeakPagedMemorySize This property has been deprecated. Use Process.PeakPagedMemorySize64 instead.
System.Diagnostics.Process PeakVirtualMemorySize This property has been deprecated. Use Process.PeakVirtualMemorySize64 instead.
System.Diagnostics.Process PeakWorkingSet This property has been deprecated. Use Process.PeakWorkingSet64 instead.
System.Diagnostics.Process PrivateMemorySize This property has been deprecated. Use Process.PrivateMemorySize64 instead.
System.Diagnostics.Process VirtualMemorySize This property has been deprecated. Use Process.VirtualMemorySize64 instead.
System.Diagnostics.Process WorkingSet This property has been deprecated. Use Process.WorkingSet64 instead.
System.Net.Dns BeginGetHostByName BeginGetHostByName is obsoleted for this type, Use Dns.BeginGetHostEntry(String, AsyncCallback, Object) instead.
System.Net.Dns BeginResolve(String, AsyncCallback, Object) BeginResolve(String, AsyncCallback, Object) is obsoleted for this type, Use Dns.BeginGetHostEntry(String, AsyncCallback, Object) instead.
System.Net.Dns EndGetHostByName EndGetHostByName is obsoleted for this type, Use Dns.EndGetHostEntry instead.
System.Net.Dns EndResolve EndResolve is obsoleted for this type, Use Dns.EndGetHostEntry instead.
System.Net.Dns GetHostByAddress(IPAddress) GetHostByAddress(IPAddress) is obsoleted for this type, Use Dns.GetHostEntry(IPAddress) instead.
System.Net.Dns GetHostByAddress(String) GetHostByAddress(String) is obsoleted for this type, Use Dns.GetHostEntry(String) instead.
System.Net.Dns GetHostByName GetHostByName is obsoleted for this type, Use Dns.GetHostEntry(String) instead.
System.Net.Dns Resolve Resolve is obsoleted for this type, Use Dns.GetHostEntry(String) instead.
System.Net.FileWebRequest FileWebRequest Serialization is obsoleted for this type.
System.Net.FileWebResponse FileWebResponse Serialization is obsoleted for this type.
System.Net.HttpWebRequest HttpWebRequest() First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

Use of this member generates a compiler error.

This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and isn't intended to be used directly from your code.
System.Net.HttpWebRequest HttpWebRequest(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Serialization is obsoleted for this type.
System.Net.HttpWebResponse HttpWebResponse() First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

Use of this member generates a compiler error.

This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and isn't intended to be used directly from your code.
System.Net.HttpWebResponse HttpWebResponse(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Serialization is obsoleted for this type.
System.Net.IPAddress Address This property has been deprecated. It is address family dependent. Use the IPAddress.Equals method to perform comparisons instead.
System.Net.ServicePointManager CertificatePolicy CertificatePolicy is obsoleted for this type. Use ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback instead.
System.Net.WebClient AllowReadStreamBuffering First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

Use of this member generates a compiler error.

This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and isn't intended to be used directly from your code.
System.Net.WebClient AllowWriteStreamBuffering First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

Use of this member generates a compiler error.

This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and isn't intended to be used directly from your code.
System.Net.WebClient System.Net.WebClient.OnWriteStreamClosed First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

Use of this member generates a compiler error.

This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and isn't intended to be used directly from your code.
System.Net.WebClient WriteStreamClosed First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

Use of this member generates a compiler error.

This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and isn't intended to be used directly from your code.
System.Net.WebProxy GetDefaultProxy This method has been deprecated. Use the proxy selected for you by default.
System.Net.WebRequest CreatorInstance First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

Use of this member generates a compiler error.

This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and isn't intended to be used directly from your code.
System.Net.WebRequest RegisterPortableWebRequestCreator First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

Use of this member generates a compiler error.

This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and isn't intended to be used directly from your code.
System.Net.WriteStreamClosedEventArgs Error First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

Use of this member generates a compiler error.

This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and isn't intended to be used directly from your code.
System.Net.WriteStreamClosedEventArgs WriteStreamClosedEventArgs First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

Use of this member generates a compiler error.

This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and isn't intended to be used directly from your code.
System.Net.Mail.MailMessage ReplyTo ReplyTo is obsoleted for this type. Use MailMessage.ReplyToList instead, which can accept multiple addresses.
System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkChange NetworkChange() First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

Use of this member generates a compiler error.

This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and isn't intended to be used directly from your code.
System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkChange RegisterNetworkChange(NetworkChange) First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

Use of this member generates a compiler error.

This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and isn't intended to be used directly from your code.
System.Net.Sockets.Socket SupportsIPv4 SupportsIPv4 is obsoleted for this type. Use Socket.OSSupportsIPv4 instead.
System.Net.Sockets.Socket SupportsIPv6 SupportsIPv6 is obsoleted for this type. Use Socket.OSSupportsIPv6 instead.
System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncEventArgs SocketClientAccessPolicyProtocol First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

Use of this member generates a compiler error.

This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and isn't intended to be used directly from your code.
System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener TcpListener(Int32) This method has been deprecated. Use TcpListener(IPAddress, Int32) instead.
System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocket IsApplicationTargeting45 First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

This member is for internal use only and will be removed in a future version of the .NET Framework. Don't call it.
System.Security.Claims.DynamicRoleClaimProvider AddDynamicRoleClaims First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

Use of this member generates a compiler error.

Use System.Security.Claims.ClaimsAuthenticationManager to add claims to a ClaimsIdentity.


Type Member Message
System.Drawing.FontFamily GetFamilies Don't use the GetFamilies method; use the FontFamily.Families property instead.
System.Drawing.Imaging.EncoderParameter EncoderParameter(Encoder, Int32, Int32, Int32) First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

This constructor has been deprecated. Use EncoderParameter(Encoder, Int32, EncoderParameterValueType, IntPtr).


Type Member Message
System.Messaging.MessageQueue GetEnumerator This method returns a System.Messaging.MessageEnumerator that implements the MessageEnumerator.RemoveCurrent family of methods incorrectly. Use MessageQueue.GetMessageEnumerator2 instead.
System.Messaging.MessageQueue GetMessageEnumerator This method returns a System.Messaging.MessageEnumerator that implements the MessageEnumerator.RemoveCurrent family of methods incorrectly. Use MessageQueue.GetMessageEnumerator2 instead.


Type Member Message
System.ServiceModel.BasicHttpBinding EnableHttpCookieContainer First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

This property is obsolete. To enable Http CookieContainer, use the HttpBindingBase.AllowCookies property instead.
System.ServiceModel.Configuration.BindingsSection NetPeerTcpBinding First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

The peer channel feature is obsolete and will be removed in the future.
System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ClientOperationCompatBase ParameterInspectors First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

Use of this type generates a compiler error.

This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and isn't intended to be used directly from your code.
System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ClientRuntimeCompatBase MessageInspectors First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

Use of this type generates a compiler error.

This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and isn't intended to be used directly from your code.
System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ClientRuntimeCompatBase Operations First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

Use of this type generates a compiler error.

This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and isn't intended to be used directly from your code.
System.ServiceModel.Security.WindowsClientCredential AllowNtlm This property is deprecated and is maintained for backward compatibility only. The local machine policy will be used to determine if NTLM should be used.


Type Member Message
System.ServiceModel.Discovery.UdpAnnouncementEndpoint TransportSettings First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

The TransportSettings property is obsolete. Consider using System.ServiceModel.Channels.UdpTransportBindingElement for setting the transport properties.
System.ServiceModel.Discovery.UdpDiscoveryEndpoint TransportSettings First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

The TransportSettings property is obsolete. Consider using System.ServiceModel.Channels.UdpTransportBindingElement for setting the transport properties.


Type Member Message
System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting.Chart ViewStateData ViewStateData has been deprecated. Investigate Control.ViewState instead.


Type Member Message
System.Web.HttpContext GetAppConfig The recommended alternative is WebConfigurationManager.GetWebApplicationSection in System.Web.dll.
System.Web.HttpContext GetConfig The recommended alternative is HttpContext.GetSection in System.Web.dll.
System.Web.HttpUtility UrlEncodeUnicode First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

This method produces non-standards-compliant output and has interoperability issues. The preferred alternative is UrlEncode(String).
System.Web.HttpUtility UrlEncodeUnicodeToBytes First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

This method produces non-standards-compliant output and has interoperability issues. The preferred alternative is UrlEncodeToBytes(String).
System.Web.Configuration.AuthenticationMode Passport This field is obsolete. The Passport authentication product is no longer supported and has been superseded by Microsoft Account.
System.Web.Configuration.AuthenticationSection Passport This property is obsolete. The Passport authentication product is no longer supported and has been superseded by Microsoft Account.
System.Web.Configuration.HttpCapabilitiesBase JavaScript The recommended alternative is the HttpCapabilitiesBase.EcmaScriptVersion property. A Version.Major version value greater than or equal to 1 implies JavaScript support.
System.Web.Configuration.SystemWebSectionGroup MobileControls System.Web.Mobile.dll is obsolete.
System.Web.Routing.UrlRoutingModule PostMapRequestHandler This method is obsolete. Override the Init method to use the PostMapRequestHandler event.
System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication Authenticate First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

The recommended alternative is to use the System.Web.Security.Membership APIs, such as Membership.ValidateUser.
System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

The recommended alternative is to use the System.Web.Security.Membership APIs, such as Membership.CreateUser.
System.Web.Security.MachineKey Decode First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

This method is obsolete and is only provided for compatibility with existing code. It is recommended that new code use the Protect and Unprotect methods instead.
System.Web.Security.MachineKey Encode First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

This method is obsolete and is only provided for compatibility with existing code. It is recommended that new code use the Protect and Unprotect methods instead.
System.Web.UI.Page FileDependencies The recommended alternative is HttpResponse.AddFileDependencies.
System.Web.UI.Page GetPostBackClientEvent The recommended alternative is ClientScriptManager.GetPostBackEventReference.
System.Web.UI.Page GetPostBackClientHyperlink The recommended alternative is ClientScriptManager.GetPostBackClientHyperlink.
System.Web.UI.Page GetPostBackEventReference(Control) The recommended alternative is ClientScriptManager.GetPostBackEventReference(Control, String).
System.Web.UI.Page GetPostBackEventReference(Control, String) The recommended alternative is ClientScriptManager.GetPostBackEventReference.
System.Web.UI.Page IsClientScriptBlockRegistered The recommended alternative is ClientScriptManager.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered.
System.Web.UI.Page IsStartupScriptRegistered The recommended alternative is ClientScriptManager.IsStartupScriptRegistered.
System.Web.UI.Page RegisterArrayDeclaration The recommended alternative is ClientScriptManager.RegisterArrayDeclaration.
System.Web.UI.Page RegisterClientScriptBlock The recommended alternative is ClientScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock.
System.Web.UI.Page RegisterHiddenField The recommended alternative is ClientScriptManager.RegisterHiddenField.
System.Web.UI.Page RegisterOnSubmitStatement The recommended alternative is ClientScriptManager.RegisterOnSubmitStatement.
System.Web.UI.Page RegisterStartupScript The recommended alternative is ClientScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript.
System.Web.UI.Page SmartNavigation The recommended alternative is Page.SetFocus and Page.MaintainScrollPositionOnPostBack.
System.Web.UI.TemplateControl AutoHandlers Use of this property isn't recommended because it is no longer useful.
System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridView CreateAutoGeneratedColumn First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

This method is kept for backward compatibility. This API is no longer used.
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Xml Document The recommended alternative is the Xml.XPathNavigator property. Create a System.Xml.XPath.XPathDocument and call XPathDocument.CreateNavigator to create an System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.


Type Member Message
System.Web.DynamicData.DynamicDataExtensions EnablePersistedSelection Use the EnablePersistedSelection property on a databound control such as System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridView or System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListView.



Type Member Message
System.Web.Services.Discovery.DiscoveryClientProtocol LoadExternals This method will be removed from a future version. The method call is no longer required for resource discovery.
System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHeaderAttribute Required This property will be removed from a future version. The presence of a particular header in a SOAP message is no longer enforced.


Type Member Message
System.Windows.Forms.AccessibleStates Valid This enumeration value has been deprecated. There is no replacement.
System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox AddItemsCore This method has been deprecated. There is no replacement.
System.Windows.Forms.Control RenderRightToLeft This property has been deprecated. Use Control.RightToLeft instead.
System.Windows.Forms.Control Scale(Single) This method has been deprecated. Use the Control.Scale(SizeF) method instead.
System.Windows.Forms.Control Scale(Single, Single) This method has been deprecated. Use the Control.Scale(SizeF) method instead.
System.Windows.Forms.Form ApplyAutoScaling This method has been deprecated. Use the PerformAutoScale method instead.
System.Windows.Forms.Form AutoScale This property has been deprecated. Use the ContainerControl.AutoScaleMode property instead.
System.Windows.Forms.Form GetAutoScaleSize This method has been deprecated. Use the ContainerControl.AutoScaleDimensions property instead.
System.Windows.Forms.Label RenderTransparent This property has been deprecated. Use BackColor instead.
System.Windows.Forms.ListBox AddItemsCore This method has been deprecated. There is no replacement.
System.Windows.Forms.PrintPreviewDialog AutoScaleBaseSize This property has been deprecated. Use the ContainerControl.AutoScaleDimensions property instead.


Type Member Message
System.Windows.Markup.MarkupExtensionReturnTypeAttribute ExpressionType This isn't used by the XAML parser. See System.Windows.Markup.XamlSetMarkupExtensionAttribute.
System.Windows.Markup.MarkupExtensionReturnTypeAttribute MarkupExtensionReturnTypeAttribute(Type, Type) The expressionType argument isn't used by the XAML parser. To specify the expected return type, use MarkupExtensionReturnTypeAttribute(Type). To specify custom handling for expression types, use System.Windows.Markup.XamlSetMarkupExtensionAttribute.


Type Member Message
System.Xml.ValidationType Auto Validation type should be specified as ValidationType.DTD or ValidationType.Schema.
System.Xml.ValidationType XDR XDR validation through System.Xml.XmlValidatingReader is obsoleted.
System.Xml.XmlConvert ToDateTime(String) Use XmlConvert.ToDateTime(String, XmlDateTimeSerializationMode).
System.Xml.XmlConvert ToString(DateTime) Use XmlConvert.ToString(DateTime, XmlDateTimeSerializationMode).
System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings ProhibitDtd Use the XmlReaderSettings.DtdProcessing property instead.
System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings XmlReaderSettings(XmlResolver) First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

Use of this member generates a compiler error.

This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and isn't intended to be used directly from your code.
System.Xml.XmlTextReader ProhibitDtd Use the XmlTextReader.DtdProcessing property instead.
System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema Compile(ValidationEventHandler) Use XmlSchemaSet for schema compilation and validation.
System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema Compile(ValidationEventHandler, XmlResolver) Use XmlSchemaSet for schema compilation and validation.
System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttribute AttributeType This property has been deprecated. Use XmlSchemaAttribute.AttributeSchemaType property, which returns a strongly typed attribute type.
System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaElement ElementType This property has been deprecated. Use the XmlSchemaElement.ElementSchemaType property, which returns a strongly typed element type.
System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaType BaseSchemaType This property has been deprecated. Use the XmlSchemaType.BaseXmlSchemaType property, which returns a strongly typed base schema type.
System.Xml.Serialization.CodeIdentifier CodeIdentifier This class should never get constructed as it contains only static methods.
System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer FromMappings(XmlMapping[], Evidence) This method is obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. Use an overload of XmlSerializer.FromMappings that doesn't take an System.Security.Policy.Evidence parameter.
System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer XmlSerializer(Type, XmlAttributeOverrides, Type[], XmlRootAttribute, String, String, Evidence) This method is obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. Use an XmlSerializer constructor overload that doesn't take an System.Security.Policy.Evidence parameter.
System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerFactory CreateSerializer(Type, XmlAttributeOverrides, Type[], XmlRootAttribute, String, String, Evidence) This method is obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. Use an overload of XmlSerializerFactory.CreateSerializer that doesn't take an System.Security.Policy.Evidence parameter.

IEHost.dll and IEExec.exe

The IEHost.dll and IEExec.exe assemblies have been removed from .NET Framework. All of their types and their members are obsolete and are not supported in .NET Framework 4.5 and later. These assemblies were used to host Windows Forms controls and to run executables in Internet Explorer. Alternatives to this technology include ClickOnce, XAML Browser Applications (XBAP), and Microsoft Silverlight.


Type Member Message
System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymBinder GetReader(Int32, String, String) The recommended alternative is SymBinder.GetReader(IntPtr, String, String). ISymbolBinder1.GetReader takes the importer interface pointer as an System.IntPtr instead of an System.Int32, and thus works on both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures.



Type Member Message
Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.Engine BinPath Avoid setting BinPath. If you were simply passing in the .NET Framework location as the BinPath, no other action is necessary. Otherwise, define Toolsets instead in the registry or config file, or by adding elements to the Engine's Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.ToolsetCollection, to use a custom BinPath.
Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.Engine Engine(String) If you were simply passing in the .NET Framework location as the BinPath, just change to the parameterless Engine() constructor. Otherwise, you can define custom toolsets in the registry or configuration file, or add elements to the Engine's Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.ToolsetCollection. Then use either the Engine() or Engine(ToolsetDefinitionLocations) constructor instead.


Type Member Message
Microsoft.Build.Framework.XamlTypes.ContentType ItemGroupName First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

Use of this member generates a compiler error.

Use the ContentType.ItemType property instead.



Type Member Message
Microsoft.Data.Entity.Build.Tasks.EntityDeploy EntityDataModelEmbeddedResources First deprecated in the .NET Framework 4.5.

Used only for version 3.5 backward compatibility.


Type Member Message
Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileSystem FilePut(Object, Object, Object) This member has been deprecated. Use FileSystem.FilePutObject to write Object types, or coerce FileNumber and RecordNumber to Int32 for writing non-object types.
Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions FallbackUserDefinedConversion Use of this member generates a compiler error.

Don't use this method.
Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.NewLateBinding FallbackCall Use of this member generates a compiler error.

Don't use this method.
Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.NewLateBinding FallbackGet Use of this member generates a compiler error.

Don't use this method.
Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.NewLateBinding FallbackIndexSet Use of this member generates a compiler error.

Don't use this method.
Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.NewLateBinding FallbackIndexSetComplex Use of this member generates a compiler error.

Don't use this method.
Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.NewLateBinding FallbackInvokeDefault1 Use of this member generates a compiler error.

Don't use this method.
Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.NewLateBinding FallbackInvokeDefault2 Use of this member generates a compiler error.

Don't use this method.
Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.NewLateBinding FallbackSet Use of this member generates a compiler error.

Don't use this method.
Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.NewLateBinding FallbackSetComplex Use of this member generates a compiler error.

Don't use this method.
Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Operators FallbackInvokeUserDefinedOperator Use of this member generates a compiler error.

Don't use this method.
Microsoft.VisualBasic.MyServices.RegistryProxy DynData The DynData registry key works only on Win9x, which isn't supported by this version of .NET Framework. Use the PerformanceData registry key instead. This property will be removed from a future version of .NET Framework.

See also