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Use and manage extensions with the Azure CLI

The Azure CLI offers the capability to load extensions. Extensions for the Azure CLI are characterized as Python wheels that aren't shipped as part of the CLI but run as CLI commands. With extensions, you gain access to experimental and prerelease commands along with the ability to write your own CLI interfaces. This article covers how to manage extensions and answers common questions about their use.

How to find extensions

To see the Azure CLI extensions provided and maintained by Microsoft, use the az extension list-available command.

az extension list-available --output table

We also host a list of extensions on the documentation site.

How to install extensions

Install extensions manually

Once you have found an extension to install, use az extension add to get it. If the extension is listed in az extension list-available, you can install the extension by name.

az extension add --name <extension-name>

If the extension is from an external resource or you have a direct link to it, provide the source URL or local path. The extension must be a compiled Python wheel file.

az extension add --source <URL-or-path>

You can also build a private extension index following the format in index.json, then set the extension index URL used by Azure CLI to it starting from version 2.20.0. After that, you can install the extension by name from the private extension index.

az config set extension.index_url=<URL>
az extension add --name <extension-name>

Once an extension is installed, it's found under the value of the $AZURE_EXTENSION_DIR shell variable. If this variable is unset, by default the value is $HOME/.azure/cliextensions on Linux and macOS, and %USERPROFILE%\.azure\cliextensions on Windows.

Install extensions automatically

When you run an extension command that isn't installed, the Azure CLI can recognize the command you run, and automatically install the extension for you starting from version 2.10.0. This feature, referred to as dynamic install, is enabled by default since 2.12.0. You can also enable it through configuration for previous supported versions.

az config set extension.use_dynamic_install=yes_prompt

Use the following configuration command to enable dynamic install without a prompt.

az config set extension.use_dynamic_install=yes_without_prompt

Use the following configuration command to turn off the dynamic install feature to revert to the default behavior. The extension command returns a command-not-found error if the extension isn't installed.

az config set extension.use_dynamic_install=no

By default, an extension command that prompts dynamic install will continue to run after the extension is installed. You can change the default behavior and make the command exit without a rerun by setting the run_after_dynamic_install property to no.

az config set extension.run_after_dynamic_install=no

How to update extensions

If you install an extension by name, update it using az extension update.

az extension update --name <extension-name>

Otherwise, an extension can be updated from source by following the Install extensions instructions.

If you can't use CLI to resolve an extension name, uninstall it and attempt to reinstall. The extension could also have become part of the base CLI. Try updating the CLI as described in Install the Azure CLI and see if the extension's commands were added.

How to uninstall extensions

If you no longer need an extension, remove it with az extension remove.

az extension remove --name <extension-name>

You can also remove an extension manually by deleting it from the location where it was installed. The $AZURE_EXTENSION_DIR shell variable defines where modules are installed. If this variable is unset, by default the value is $HOME/.azure/cliextensions on Linux and macOS, and %USERPROFILE%\.azure\cliextensions on Windows.

rm -rf $AZURE_EXTENSION_DIR/<extension-name>


Here are some answers to other common questions about CLI extensions.

What file formats are allowed for installation?

Currently, only compiled Python wheels can be installed as extensions.

Can extensions replace existing commands?

Yes. Extensions may replace existing commands, but before running a command that has been replaced the CLI issues a warning.

How can I tell if an extension is in prerelease?

An extension's documentation and versioning shows if it's in prerelease. Microsoft often releases preview commands as CLI extensions, with the option of moving them into the main CLI product later. When commands are moved out of extensions, the old extension should be uninstalled.

Can extensions depend upon each other?

No. Since the CLI doesn't guarantee a load order, dependencies might not be satisfied. Removing an extension doesn't affect any others.

Are extensions updated along with the CLI?

No. Extensions must be updated separately, as described in Update extensions.

How to develop our own extension?

Refer to the official repository for more help. Azure/azure-cli-extensions