az automation
This reference is part of the automation extension for the Azure CLI (version 2.55.0 or higher). The extension will automatically install the first time you run an az automation command. Learn more about extensions.
Manage Automation Account.
Name | Description | Type | Status |
az automation account |
Automation Account. |
Extension | Experimental |
az automation account create |
Create automation account. |
Extension | Experimental |
az automation account delete |
Delete an automation account. |
Extension | Experimental |
az automation account list |
Retrieve a list of accounts within a given resource group. And Retrieve a list of accounts within a given subscription. |
Extension | Experimental |
az automation account list-keys |
Retrieve the automation keys for an account. |
Extension | Experimental |
az automation account show |
Get information about an Automation Account. |
Extension | Experimental |
az automation account show-linked-workspace |
Get the linked workspace for the account id. |
Extension | Experimental |
az automation account update |
Update an automation account. |
Extension | Experimental |
az automation configuration |
Manage Dsc Configuration. |
Extension | GA |
az automation configuration create |
Create the configuration identified by configuration name. |
Extension | GA |
az automation configuration delete |
Delete the dsc configuration identified by configuration name. |
Extension | GA |
az automation configuration list |
List a list of configurations. |
Extension | GA |
az automation configuration show |
Get the configuration identified by configuration name. |
Extension | GA |
az automation configuration show-content |
Get the configuration script identified by configuration name. |
Extension | GA |
az automation configuration update |
Update the configuration identified by configuration name. |
Extension | GA |
az automation hrwg |
Automation Hybrid Runbook Worker Group. |
Extension | GA |
az automation hrwg create |
Create a hybrid runbook worker group. |
Extension | GA |
az automation hrwg delete |
Delete a hybrid runbook worker group. |
Extension | GA |
az automation hrwg hrw |
Manage Automation Hybrid Runbook Worker. |
Extension | GA |
az automation hrwg hrw create |
Create a hybrid runbook worker. |
Extension | GA |
az automation hrwg hrw delete |
Delete a hybrid runbook worker. |
Extension | GA |
az automation hrwg hrw list |
List a list of hybrid runbook workers. |
Extension | GA |
az automation hrwg hrw move |
Move a hybrid worker to a different group. |
Extension | GA |
az automation hrwg hrw show |
Get a hybrid runbook worker. |
Extension | GA |
az automation hrwg list |
List all hybrid runbook worker groups. |
Extension | GA |
az automation hrwg show |
Get hybrid worker group. |
Extension | GA |
az automation hrwg update |
Update a hybrid runbook worker group. |
Extension | GA |
az automation job |
Automation Job. |
Extension | Experimental |
az automation job list |
Retrieve a list of jobs. |
Extension | Experimental |
az automation job resume |
Resume the job identified by jobName. |
Extension | Experimental |
az automation job show |
Retrieve the job identified by job name. |
Extension | Experimental |
az automation job stop |
Stop the job identified by jobName. |
Extension | Experimental |
az automation job suspend |
Suspend the job identified by job name. |
Extension | Experimental |
az automation python3-package |
Python3-package. |
Extension | GA |
az automation python3-package create |
Create or Update the python 3 package identified by package name. |
Extension | GA |
az automation python3-package delete |
Delete the python 3 package by name. |
Extension | GA |
az automation python3-package list |
Retrieve a list of python 3 packages. |
Extension | GA |
az automation python3-package show |
Retrieve the python 3 package identified by package name. |
Extension | GA |
az automation python3-package update |
Create or Update the python 3 package identified by package name. |
Extension | GA |
az automation runbook |
Automation Runbook. |
Extension | Experimental |
az automation runbook create |
Create the runbook identified by runbook name. |
Extension | Experimental |
az automation runbook delete |
Delete the runbook by name. |
Extension | Experimental |
az automation runbook list |
Retrieve a list of runbooks. |
Extension | Experimental |
az automation runbook publish |
Publish runbook draft. |
Extension | Experimental |
az automation runbook replace-content |
Replace content of the runbook. |
Extension | Experimental |
az automation runbook revert-to-published |
Revert the runbook content to last known published state. |
Extension | Experimental |
az automation runbook show |
Retrieve the runbook identified by runbook name. |
Extension | Experimental |
az automation runbook start |
Start the runbook. |
Extension | Experimental |
az automation runbook update |
Update the runbook identified by runbook name. |
Extension | Experimental |
az automation runbook wait |
Place the CLI in a waiting state until a condition of the automation runbook is met. |
Extension | Experimental |
az automation runtime-environment |
Manage RuntimeEnvironment. |
Extension | GA |
az automation runtime-environment create |
Create Runtime Environment. |
Extension | GA |
az automation runtime-environment delete |
Delete the Runtime Environment. |
Extension | GA |
az automation runtime-environment list |
List a list of RuntimeEnvironments. |
Extension | GA |
az automation runtime-environment package |
Manage Package for Runtime Environment. |
Extension | GA |
az automation runtime-environment package create |
Create the package identified by package name. |
Extension | GA |
az automation runtime-environment package delete |
Delete the package by name. |
Extension | GA |
az automation runtime-environment package list |
List the a list of Packages. |
Extension | GA |
az automation runtime-environment package show |
Get the Package identified by Package name. |
Extension | GA |
az automation runtime-environment package update |
Update the package identified by package name. |
Extension | GA |
az automation runtime-environment show |
Get information about the Runtime Environment. |
Extension | GA |
az automation runtime-environment update |
Update Runtime Environment. |
Extension | GA |
az automation schedule |
Automation Schedule. |
Extension | GA |
az automation schedule create |
Create automation schedule. |
Extension | GA |
az automation schedule delete |
Delete an automation schedule. |
Extension | GA |
az automation schedule list |
Retrieve a list of schedules. |
Extension | GA |
az automation schedule show |
Retrieve the schedule identified by schedule name. |
Extension | GA |
az automation schedule update |
Update an automation schedule. |
Extension | GA |
az automation software-update-configuration |
Automation software-update-configuration. |
Extension | GA |
az automation software-update-configuration create |
Create automation software-update-configuration. |
Extension | GA |
az automation software-update-configuration delete |
Delete an automation software-update-configuration. |
Extension | GA |
az automation software-update-configuration list |
List all software-update-configurations for the account. |
Extension | GA |
az automation software-update-configuration machine-runs |
Software Update Configuration Machine Runs. |
Extension | GA |
az automation software-update-configuration machine-runs list |
List software update configuration machine-runs. |
Extension | GA |
az automation software-update-configuration machine-runs show |
Get a single software update configuration machine runs by Id. |
Extension | GA |
az automation software-update-configuration runs |
Software Update Configuration Runs. |
Extension | GA |
az automation software-update-configuration runs list |
Return list of software update configuration runs. |
Extension | GA |
az automation software-update-configuration runs show |
Get a single software update configuration runs by Id. |
Extension | GA |
az automation software-update-configuration show |
Get a single software-update-configuration by name. |
Extension | GA |
az automation source-control |
Manage source control. |
Extension | GA |
az automation source-control create |
Create a source control. |
Extension | GA |
az automation source-control delete |
Delete the source control. |
Extension | GA |
az automation source-control list |
List a list of source controls. |
Extension | GA |
az automation source-control show |
Get the source control identified by source control name. |
Extension | GA |
az automation source-control sync-job |
Manage source control sync jobs. |
Extension | GA |
az automation source-control sync-job create |
Create the sync job for a source control. |
Extension | GA |
az automation source-control sync-job list |
List a list of source control sync jobs. |
Extension | GA |
az automation source-control sync-job show |
Get the source control sync job identified by job id. |
Extension | GA |
az automation source-control sync-job stream |
Manage sync job stream. |
Extension | GA |
az automation source-control sync-job stream list |
List a list of sync job streams identified by sync job id. |
Extension | GA |
az automation source-control sync-job stream show |
Get a sync job stream identified by stream id. |
Extension | GA |
az automation source-control sync-job update |
Update the sync job for a source control. |
Extension | GA |
az automation source-control update |
Update a source control. |
Extension | GA |
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