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The HTTPRequestResponse sample demonstrates how to use the Microsoft BizTalk Server Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI) filter to allow an ASP.NET application to communicate with a BizTalk Server orchestration.

What This Sample Does

In this sample, the ASP.NET application submits a request to the BizTalk Server ISAPI filter. The orchestration then consumes this message and returns it to the ASP.NET application using a synchronous response. You achieve the integration between the BizTalk Server orchestration and the ASP.NET application by using the BizTalk Server ISAPI filter.

In this sample, BizTalk Server and an ASP.NET application exchange purchase order (PO) and PO acknowledgement messages using the following sequence of steps:

  1. An ASP.NET application, using an HTTP request, submits an XML PO message to BizTalk Server.

  2. BizTalk Server receives the XML PO message and constructs an XML PO acknowledgement message, and then sends that message back to the ASP.NET application in the HTTP response.

    The ASP.NET application receives the XML PO acknowledgement response and refreshes the Web form with status information extracted from the response.

Where to Find This Sample

<Samples Path>\AdaptersUsage\HTTPRequestResponse\

The following table shows the files in this sample and describes their purpose.

File(s) Description
Cleanup.bat Undeploys assemblies and removes them from the global assembly cache (GAC); removes send and receive ports; removes Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) virtual directories as needed.
HTTPRequestResponse.btproj, HTTPRequestResponse.sln Provides project and source files for the BizTalk project that receives the HTTP request, processes the PO message, and issues the response.
HTTPRequestResponseBinding.xml Provides automated setup such as port binding.
POAck.xsd, POSchema.xsd Provides schemas for the PO acknowledgement and PO .xml files, respectively.
POReceiveOrchestration.odx Provides a BizTalk Server orchestration that receives the PO, processes it, and issues the PO acknowledgement.
Setup.bat Builds and initializes this sample.
In the \RequestResponse folder:

AssemblyInfo.cs, default.aspx, default.aspx.cs, Global.asax, Global.asax.cs, RequestResponse.csproj, RequestResponse.csproj.webinfo, RequestResponse.sln, Web.config
Contains files that constitute the ASP.NET application that serves as a driver for this sample, including project and solution files, ASPX files, Microsoft Visual C# .NET source files, and so on.

Building and Initializing This Sample

Use the following procedure to build and initialize the HTTPRequestResponse sample.

To build and initialize this sample

  1. In a command window, navigate to the following folder:

    <Samples Path>\AdaptersUsage\HTTPRequestResponse

  2. Run the file Setup.bat, which performs the following actions:

    • Compiles and configures the ASP.NET application used to drive this sample.


      While creating application pool in IIS Manager, set the DefaultAppPool .NET Framework version to .Net Framework v4.0.

    • Compiles and deploys the BizTalk Server orchestration used in this sample.

    • Compiles and deploys the Microsoft Visual Studio projects for this sample.

    • Creates and binds the necessary BizTalk Server ports.

    • Starts the BizTalk Server orchestration.


      You must change the sample code that implements the Web application (Default.aspx.cs) to reflect your environment:

      http://<server name>/<virtual dir>/BTSHTTPReceive.dll where <servername> is the name of the Web server you are posting to, and <virtual dir> is the virtual directory where this file resides.


      You should confirm that BizTalk did not report any errors during the build and initialization process before attempting to run this sample.


      If you choose to open and build the projects in this sample without running the file Setup.bat, you must first create a strong name key pair using the .NET Framework Strong Name Utility (sn.exe). Use this key pair to sign the resulting assemblies. You must also manually remove the references to default.aspx.resx and Global.asax.resx from the file RequestResponse.csproj before attempting to build that project.


      To undo changes made by Setup.bat, run Cleanup.bat. You must run Cleanup.bat before running Setup.bat a second time.


      You must configure and enable IIS to use the HTTP receive adapter. For more information, see How to Configure IIS for an HTTP Receive Location.

  3. The setup.bat file configures the virtual directory for this sample to run in the IIS application pool associated with the default web site. To configure the virtual directory for this sample to run under the context of a user in the BizTalk Isolated Host Users and IIS_IURS user groups, you should configure the virtual directory to run in a new IIS application pool. Configure the virtual directory to run in a new IIS application pool by completing the following steps:


    If you have already created a new application pool for another SDK sample then you can proceed to the last step below.

    1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

    2. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, navigate to the Application Pools folder.

    3. Right-click the Application Pools folder and click New, Application Pool...

    4. Enter a name for the Application Pool ID: such as BizTalkSDKSamples, verify that the Use default settings for new application pool option is selected and click OK to create the new application pool.

    5. Right-click the new application pool and then click Properties.

    6. Click the Identity tab of the properties dialog box and change the identity under which this application pool runs to a user that is a member of the BizTalk Isolated Host Users user group. This user should also be a member of the local IIS_IURS user group.

    7. Configure the virtual directory for this SDK sample to run under the new application pool. The Application pool setting is available on the Virtual Directory tab of the Virtual Directory properties dialog box. The virtual directory created for this sample is HttpRequestResponseSample.

Running This Sample

Use the following procedure to run the HTTPRequestResponse sample.

To run this sample

  1. In Internet Explorer, navigate to http://localhost/RequestResponse/.

  2. Complete the necessary fields in the Web form, and then click Place Order to submit your order.

  3. Observe the status of your order when the Web form refreshes after receiving a response.


The BTSHTTPReceiveISAPI extension used in this sample is configured to work on a single computer default installation. To extend this sample for additional configurations, see HTTP Adapter.

You can extend this sample to applications that are required to submit data to BizTalk Server through a Web form, or through HTTP in general. By extending the ASP.NET application portion of this sample, you can query for more information and perform other preprocessing before submitting the data to BizTalk Server.

See Also

HTTP Adapter Samples