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EDI Context Properties

The message context properties in the EDI global property schema are publicly exposed so you can use them in operations such as message routing. These context properties are defined in PropertySchema.xsd in the Microsoft.BizTalk.Edi.BaseArtifacts assembly. The namespace for the properties is http://schemas.microsoft.com/ Edi/PropertySchema. If they are promoted, these message context properties are available as Edi.<Property Name> in the Filters page of the Send Port Properties Dialog Box in the UI guidance and developers API namespace reference.

Context properties list

The EDI context properties are also available in an orchestration, as long as a reference to the Microsoft.BizTalk.Edi.BaseArtifacts assembly has been added to the orchestration project.

Name Type Description
AK901 string Indicates whether the functional group identified in the AK1 segment of the acknowledgment was accepted or rejected (X12 997 ACK only).
AttachmentId String The ID of the message attachment.
AgreementID Int Written by EDI receive pipeline. Specifies the ID of the agreement to which the inbound message is resolved. For a fallback agreement this value is 0.
AgreementName String Written by EDI receive pipeline. Specifies the name of the agreement to which the inbound message is resolved. For a fallback agreement this value is BTSGuestParty.
AgreementNameForSend String Used by the EDI send pipeline for agreement resolution for outbound document.
AgreementPartIDForSend Int Used by the EDI send pipeline for agreement resolution for outbound document. This value is written by the Batching Orchestration.
AgreementPartIDOnReceive Int Written by EDI receive pipeline. Specifies the one-way agreement ID of the agreement to which the inbound message is resolved. For a fallback agreement this value is 0.
BatchElementValidationFailure boolean An indication that an error was promoted by the batching system when a batch element failed validation.
BatchEncodingType string The type of encoding that BizTalk Server must use to encode an outgoing batched interchange.
BatchId Int The batch ID of the batch configuration to use when processing this document, if the document only matches one batch filter.
BatchIds String A list of the batch IDs of the matching batch filter sets, if the document matches more than one batch filter.
BatchingError string A description of the error promoted by the batching system when it suspended a batch element.
BatchName String The name of the batch configuration to use when processing this document.
CodePage string The code page to be used to validate the interchange.
CONTRL_UCI4 string The Action Code field of a CONTRL acknowledgment, indicating whether the interchange was accepted (a value of "8") or rejected because of an error in the UNA or UNB segment (a value of "4") (EDIFACT CONTRL ACK only).
DestinationPartyID (deprecated in BizTalk Server) int The ID of the destination party that the message should be sent to.
DestinationPartyName (deprecated in BizTalk Server) string The name of the destination party that the message should be sent to.
string The identifier of the destination party that the message should be sent to. This property can be promoted in a custom component to enable party resolution in the send pipeline.
string The qualifier of the destination party that the message should be sent to. This property can be promoted in a custom component to enable party resolution in the send pipeline.
string The identifier of the party sending the message to the destination party. This property can be promoted in a custom component to enable party resolution in the send pipeline.
string The qualifier of the party sending the message to the destination party. This property can be promoted in a custom component to enable party resolution in the send pipeline.
EncodingType short The type of encoding that BizTalk Server must use to encode an outgoing message.
ErrorDescription string For a suspended message, contains a copy of the error message (similar to the message in the EventViewer).
GS_Segment string The complete GS (functional group) segment (X12).

The EDI receive pipeline writes this property to the context when the interchange is split as transaction sets, not when the interchange is preserved.
GS01 string The Functional Identifier Code (X12)

The EDI receive pipeline promotes this property to the context (if the interchange is not a batched interchange being preserved).
GS02 string The Application Sender Code (X12)

The EDI receive pipeline promotes this property to the context (if the interchange is not a batched interchange being preserved).
GS03 string The Application Receiver Code (X12)

The EDI receive pipeline promotes this property to the context (if the interchange is not a batched interchange being preserved).
GS07 string The Responsible Agency (X12)

The EDI receive pipeline promotes this property to the context (if the interchange is not a batched interchange being preserved).
GS08 string The Version/Release/Industry Identifier Code (X12)

The EDI receive pipeline promotes this property to the context (if the interchange is not a batched interchange being preserved).
ISA_Segment string The complete ISA (interchange control header) segment (X12).

BizTalk Server writes this property to the context when the interchange is split as transaction sets, not when the interchange is preserved.

This property contains security/authorization information (ISA2, Authorization Information, and ISA4, Security Information) that may lead to information disclosure. You can use the Mask security/authorization/password information property (in the Validation and ACK Generation page) to replace each character in the ISA2 and ISA4 fields with a “#” character. This is a one-way process: the “#” characters cannot be converted to actual characters.

The EDI receive pipeline writes this property to the context when the interchange is split as transaction sets, not when the interchange is preserved.
ISA05 string The Interchange Sender Qualifier (X12)

The EDI receive pipeline promotes this property to the context (if the interchange is not a batched interchange being preserved).
ISA06 string The Interchange Sender ID (X12)

The EDI receive pipeline promotes this property to the context (if the interchange is not a batched interchange being preserved).
ISA07 string The Interchange Receiver Qualifier (X12)

The EDI receive pipeline promotes this property to the context (if the interchange is not a batched interchange being preserved).
ISA08 string The Interchange Receiver ID (X12)

The EDI receive pipeline promotes this property to the context (if the interchange is not a batched interchange being preserved).
ISA15 string The Usage Indicator (X12)

The EDI receive pipeline promotes this property to the context (if the interchange is not a batched being preserved).
IsResendControlMessage int Used by the AS2 engine to indicate that an AS2 message send should be retransmitted, as an MDN response has not been received within the configured time.
IsSystemGeneratedACK boolean Indicates that the message is an acknowledgment (X12 TA1 or 997, or EDIFACT CONTRL) that was generated by the system. Can be set to True or False.

This is a message context property that is available as EDI.IsSystemGeneratedACK in the Filters page of the Send Port Properties dialog box.
ReceiverPartyName String Written by EDI receive pipeline. Specifies the name of the destination partner provided in the agreement to which the message is resolved. For a fallback agreement this value is RECEIVE-PARTNER.
ReceiverPartyNameForSend String Used by the EDI send pipeline for agreement resolution for outbound documents.
ReuseEnvelope boolean Indicates whether an interchange is preserved or split. If the interchange is preserved, BizTalk Server will reuse the envelope when processing the interchange for sending.
SenderPartyName String Written by EDI receive pipeline. Specifies the name of the source partner provided in the agreement to which the inbound message is resolved. For a fallback agreement this value would be BTS-SENDER.
SenderPartyNameForSend String Used by the EDI send pipeline for agreement resolution for outbound documents.
ST01 string The Transaction Set Identifier Code (X12)

The EDI receive pipeline promotes this property to the context (if the interchange is not a batched interchange being preserved).
ST03 string The Version/Release/Industry Identifier Code (X12)

You can write and promote this property to the context and use it for message routing.
TA1_TA104 string The Engine Behavior field of a TA104 acknowledgment, indicating whether the interchange was accepted (a value of "A"), accepted with errors (a value of "E"), or rejected/suspended (a value of "R") (X12 TA1 ACK only).
ToBeBatched boolean Indicates whether the message should be batched with other messages by the batching orchestration.

After batching an interchange, the batching orchestration sets this property to "False".
ToBeRouted boolean Indicates that the message should be picked up by the routing orchestration, which creates as many copies of the batch element as there are subscriptions to that element, and then routes the copies to the MessageBox.
UNA_Segment string The complete UNA (Service String Advice) segment (EDIFACT)

The EDI receive pipeline writes this property to the context when the interchange is split as transaction sets, not when the interchange is preserved.
UNB_Segment string The complete UNB (interchange control header) segment (EDIFACT)

The EDI receive pipeline writes this property to the context when the interchange is split as transaction sets, not when the interchange is preserved.

This property contains security/authorization information (UNB6.1 and UNB6.2) that may lead to information disclosure. You can use the Mask security/authorization/password information property to replace the value in the UNB6.1 and UNB6.2 fields with a “#” character. Note that the “#” character cannot be converted to actual characters.
UNB11 string The Usage indicator (EDIFACT)

The EDI receive pipeline promotes this property to the context (if the interchange is not a batched interchange being preserved).
UNB2_1 string The Interchange Sender ID (EDIFACT)

The EDI receive pipeline promotes this property to the context (if the interchange is not a batched interchange being preserved).
UNB2_2 string The Interchange Sender Code Qualifier (EDIFACT)

The EDI receive pipeline promotes this property to the context (if the interchange is not a batched interchange being preserved).
UNB2_3 string The Address for Reverse Routing (EDIFACT)

The EDI receive pipeline promotes this property to the context (if the interchange is not a batched interchange being preserved).
UNB3_1 string The Interchange Recipient ID (EDIFACT)

The EDI receive pipeline promotes this property to the context (if the interchange is not a batched interchange being preserved).
UNB3_2 string The Interchange Recipient Code Qualifier (EDIFACT)

The EDI receive pipeline promotes this property to the context (if the interchange is not a batched interchange being preserved).
UNG_Segment string The complete UNG (functional group) segment (X12)

The EDI receive pipeline writes this property to the context when the interchange is split as transaction sets, not when the interchange is preserved.
UNG1 string The Functional Group Identification (EDIFACT)

The EDI receive pipeline promotes this property to the context (if the interchange is not a batched interchange being preserved).
UNG2_1 string The Application Sender’s Identification (EDIFACT)

The EDI receive pipeline promotes this property to the context (if the interchange is not a batched interchange being preserved).
UNG3_1 string The Application Recipient’s Identification (EDIFACT)

The EDI receive pipeline promotes this property to the context (if the interchange is not a batched interchange being preserved).
UNH2_1 string The Message Type (EDIFACT)

The EDI receive pipeline promotes this property to the context (if the interchange is not a batched interchange being preserved).
UNH2_2 string The Message Version Number (EDIFACT)

The EDI receive pipeline promotes this property to the context (if the interchange is not a batched interchange being preserved).
UNH2_3 string The Message Release Number (EDIFACT)

The EDI receive pipeline promotes this property to the context (if the interchange is not a batched interchange being preserved).

Extracting Individual Fields from the Segment Context Properties

Some properties are not written or promoted to the message context by the EDI receive pipelines as individual properties, but only as part of a segment string. This is done for performance reasons, because property promotion has an impact on performance. For example, the ISA5, ISA6, ISA7, ISA8, and ISA15 fields of the ISA segment are promoted by the receive pipelines as individual properties, but the rest of the ISA fields are only written to the message context as part of the ISA_Segment property. These properties are written or promoted only when ReuseEnvelope is not set to True, indicating that a received batched interchange is not being preserved.

If you need an individual field of one of the segments (ISA, GS, UNB, UNG, or UNA) to be written to the message context, but this individual field is not written to the message context by default, you will need to write a custom component to write it to the message context. This custom component needs to parse the segment fields and write an individual field to the message context.

The Message Enrichment sample shows how to use a parser to extract individual fields from the segments and write them to the context. This sample is included in the <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Server\SDK\Samples\EDI\MessageEnrichment. For more information, see Message Enrichment Sample (BizTalk Server Sample).

See Also

Developing and Configuring BizTalk Server EDI Solutions