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AS2 Context Properties

Five types of context properties apply to AS2 messages in BizTalk Server:

  • Context properties in the EdiIntProperties.xsd schema

  • Context properties internal to BizTalk Server

  • Context properties internal to BizTalk MIME

  • Context properties internal to AS2

  • Context properties internal to AS2 Status Reporting

Context Properties in the EdiIntProperties.xsd schema

The message context properties in the EDI/INT global property schema are publicly exposed so you can use them in operations such as message routing. These context properties are defined in EdiIntProperties.xsd in the Microsoft.BizTalk.Edi.BaseArtifacts assembly. The namespace for the properties is http://schemas.microsoft.com/BizTalk/2006/as2-properties. If they are promoted, these message context properties are available as EdiIntAS.<Property Name> in the Filters page of the Send Port Properties dialog box.

Name Type Description
AS2From string Contains the AS2-From AS2 header value that represents the sender’s name.
AS2PayloadContentType string Contains the content type of the payload message.
AS2To string Contains the AS2-To AS2 header value that represents the receiver’s name.
DispositionMode string Contains the MDN disposition mode value.

Both this context property and the DispositionType context property must be promoted in order for an MDN to be generated.
DispositionType string Contains the MDN disposition type value.

Both this context property and the DispositionMode context property must be promoted in order for an MDN to be generated.
IsAS2AsynchronousMdn boolean Indicates that the message is an asynchronous MDN.
IsAS2FailedMessage boolean Indicates that the incoming AS2 message has failed processing in AS2, causing the payload message to be suspended.
IsAS2Http200OKResponse boolean Set on a message that will be generated as an HTTP 200 OK response message. It is used when an MDN will not be generated for an AS2 message or when the MDN is being sent asynchronously.
IsAS2MdnResponseMessage boolean Indicates that the message is an MDN response message.
IsAS2MessageDuplicate boolean Indicates that the incoming AS2 message has previously been received.
IsAS2MessageCompressed boolean Indicates that the incoming AS2 message was compressed.
IsAS2MessageEncrypted boolean Indicates that the incoming AS2 message was encrypted.
IsAS2MessageSigned boolean Indicates that the incoming AS2 message was signed.
IsAS2PayloadMessage boolean Indicates that this message contains the decoded AS2 message content and should be processed as the payload.
MDNAsyncURI string Contains the Receipt-Delivery-Option value that is used in sending asynchronous MDN response messages.
MessageId string Contains the AS2 Message ID that is included in the headers of the AS2 message.
OriginalMessageId string Contains the Message ID of the original AS2 Message. This context property is part of an MDN message and is used for correlating AS2 Messages and their MDN Responses.
PreservedFileName string Contains the original file name of the message. This context property will only be populated if the incoming message includes filename information as part of the Content-Disposition MIME header.
SendMDN boolean Set to true if an MDN message should be generated.

Context Properties Internal to BizTalk Server

The following message context properties are not publicly exposed, so you cannot use them for operations such as message routing. However, they can be viewed in suspended and tracked messages. The namespace for these context properties is http://schemas.microsoft.com/BizTalk/2006/system-properties.

Name Type Description
IgnoreSslCertificateNameMismatchErrors boolean Directs BizTalk Server HTTP processing to ignore SSL name mismatch errors during processing.
KeepAlive Boolean Controls the behavior of the HTTP Keep Alive functionality.
TreatEPMSuspendAsSuccess boolean Directs BizTalk Server to treat a suspended message as a success message when processing on a two-way HTTP inbound connection.
IsSolicitResponse boolean Set by BizTalk Server and indicates that the message is a solicit-response message.

Context Properties Internal to BizTalk MIME

The following message context properties are not publicly exposed, so you cannot use them for operations such as message routing. However, they can be viewed in suspended and tracked messages. The namespace for these context properties is http://schemas.microsoft.com/BizTalk/2006/system-properties.

Name Type Description
IsMultipartReport boolean Causes the BizTalk Server MIME encoder to generate a multipart/report message.
SuppressMimeVersionFromMultiPartMessage boolean Causes the BizTalk Server MIME encoder to suppress the MIME Version header in each part of a multipart message.

Context Properties Internal to AS2

The following message context properties are not publicly exposed, so you cannot use them for operations such as message routing. However, they can be viewed in suspended and tracked messages. The namespace for these context properties is http://schemas.microsoft.com/BizTalk/2006/as2-properties.

Name Type Description
MicHashAlgorithm string Contains the hash algorithm used when computing the MIC hash value.
ReceivedContentMic string Contains the calculated MIC hash value.

Context Properties Internal to AS2 Status Reporting

The following message context properties are not publicly exposed, so you cannot use them for operations such as message routing. However, they can be viewed in suspended and tracked messages. The namespace for these context properties is http://schemas.microsoft.com/BizTalk/2006/edi-properties.

Name Type Description
InterchangeControlNo string The interchange control number from an EDI interchange. This property is read from a message during AS2 encoding and is used to report an AS2 Interchange Activity.
InterchangeDate string The interchange date from an EDI interchange. This property is read from a message during AS2 encoding and is used to report an AS2 Interchange Activity.
InterchangeTime string The interchange time from an EDI interchange. This message context property is read from a message during AS2 encoding and is used to report an AS2 Interchange Activity.
ReceiverID string The interchange receiver ID from an EDI interchange. This property is read from a message during AS2 encoding and is used to report an AS2 Interchange Activity.
ReceiverQualifier string The interchange receiver qualifier from an EDI interchange. This property is read from a message during AS2 encoding and is used to report an AS2 Interchange Activity.
SenderID string The interchange sender ID from an EDI interchange. This property is read from a message during AS2 encoding and is used to report an AS2 Interchange Activity.
SenderQualifier string The interchange sender qualifier from an EDI interchange. This property is read from a message during AS2 encoding and is used to report an AS2 Interchange Activity.

See Also

Developing and Configuring BizTalk Server AS2 Solutions