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Sample Azure Resource Graph queries to access Azure Update Manager operations data

The following are some sample queries to help you get started querying the update assessment and deployment information collected from your managed machines. For more information on logs created from operations such as update assessments and installations, see overview of query logs.

List available updates for all your machines grouped by update category

The following query returns a list of pending updates for your machine with the time when the assessment was performed, the resource ID for the assessment, OS type on the machine, and the OS updates available based on update classification.

| where type !has "softwarepatches"
| extend prop = parse_json(properties)
| extend lastTime = properties.lastModifiedDateTime
| extend updateRollupCount = prop.availablePatchCountByClassification.updateRollup, featurePackCount = prop.availablePatchCountByClassification.featurePack, servicePackCount = prop.availablePatchCountByClassification.servicePack, definitionCount = prop.availablePatchCountByClassification.definition, securityCount = prop.availablePatchCountByClassification.security, criticalCount = prop.availablePatchCountByClassification.critical, updatesCount = prop.availablePatchCountByClassification.updates, toolsCount = prop.availablePatchCountByClassification.tools, otherCount = prop.availablePatchCountByClassification.other, OS = prop.osType
| project lastTime, id, OS, updateRollupCount, featurePackCount, servicePackCount, definitionCount, securityCount, criticalCount, updatesCount, toolsCount, otherCount

Count of update installations

The following query returns a list of update installations with their status for your machines from the last seven days. Results include the time when the update deployment was run, the resource ID of the installation, machine details, and the count of OS updates installed based on their status and your selection.

| where type !has "softwarepatches"
| extend machineName = tostring(split(id, "/", 8)), resourceType = tostring(split(type, "/", 0)), tostring(rgName = split(id, "/", 4))
| extend prop = parse_json(properties)
| extend lTime = todatetime(prop.lastModifiedDateTime), OS = tostring(prop.osType), installedPatchCount = tostring(prop.installedPatchCount), failedPatchCount = tostring(prop.failedPatchCount), pendingPatchCount = tostring(prop.pendingPatchCount), excludedPatchCount = tostring(prop.excludedPatchCount), notSelectedPatchCount = tostring(prop.notSelectedPatchCount)
| where lTime > ago(7d)
| project lTime, RunID=name,machineName, rgName, resourceType, OS, installedPatchCount, failedPatchCount, pendingPatchCount, excludedPatchCount, notSelectedPatchCount

List of Windows Server OS update installations

The following query returns a list of update installations for Windows Server with their status for your machines from the last seven days. Results include the time when the update deployment was run, the resource ID of the installation, machine details, and other related deployment details.

| where type has "softwarepatches" and isnull(properties.version)
| extend machineName = tostring(split(id, "/", 8)), resourceType = tostring(split(type, "/", 0)), tostring(rgName = split(id, "/", 4)), tostring(RunID = split(id, "/", 10))
| extend prop = parse_json(properties)
| extend lTime = todatetime(prop.lastModifiedDateTime), patchName = tostring(prop.patchName), kbId = tostring(prop.kbId), installationState = tostring(prop.installationState), classifications = tostring(prop.classifications)
| where lTime > ago(7d)
| project lTime, RunID, machineName, rgName, resourceType, patchName, kbId, classifications, installationState
| sort by RunID

List of Linux OS update installations

The following query returns a list of update installations for Linux with their status for your machines from the last seven days. Results include the time when the update deployment was run, the resource ID of the installation, machine details, and other related deployment details.

| where type has "softwarepatches" and isnotnull(properties.version) and isnull(properties.kbId)
| extend machineName = tostring(split(id, "/", 8)), resourceType = tostring(split(type, "/", 0)), tostring(rgName = split(id, "/", 4)), tostring(RunID = split(id, "/", 10))
| extend prop = parse_json(properties)
| extend lTime = todatetime(prop.lastModifiedDateTime), patchName = tostring(prop.patchName), version = tostring(prop.version), installationState = tostring(prop.installationState), classifications = tostring(prop.classifications)
| where lTime > ago(7d)
| project lTime, RunID, machineName, rgName, resourceType, patchName, version, classifications, installationState
| sort by RunID

List of maintenance run record at VM level

The following query returns a list of all the maintenance run records for a VM

| where ['id'] contains "/subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourcegroups/<resource-group>/providers/microsoft.compute/virtualmachines/<vm-name>" //VM Id here
| where ['type'] == "microsoft.maintenance/applyupdates" 
| where properties.maintenanceScope == "InGuestPatch"

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