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Accessing user information in Azure Static Web Apps

Azure Static Web Apps provides authentication-related user information via a direct-access endpoint and to API functions.

Many user interfaces rely heavily on user authentication data. The direct-access endpoint is a utility API that exposes user information without having to implement a custom function. Beyond convenience, the direct-access endpoint isn't subject to cold start delays that are associated with serverless architecture.

This article shows you how to read user information from a deployed application. If you want to read emulated user information during local development, see Authorization and authentication emulation.

Client principal data

Client principal data object exposes user-identifiable information to your app. The following properties are featured in the client principal object:

Property Description
identityProvider The name of the identity provider.
userId An Azure Static Web Apps-specific unique identifier for the user.
  • The value is unique on a per-app basis. For instance, the same user returns a different userId value on a different Static Web Apps resource.
  • The value persists for the lifetime of a user. If you delete and add the same user back to the app, a new userId is generated.
userDetails Username or email address of the user. Some providers return the user's email address, while others send the user handle.
userRoles An array of the user's assigned roles.
claims An array of claims returned by your custom authentication provider. Only accessible in the direct-access endpoint.

The following example is a sample client principal object:

  "identityProvider": "github",
  "userId": "abcd12345abcd012345abcdef0123450",
  "userDetails": "username",
  "userRoles": ["anonymous", "authenticated"],
  "claims": [{
    "typ": "name",
    "val": "Azure Static Web Apps"

Direct-access endpoint

You can send a GET request to the /.auth/me route and receive direct access to the client principal data. When the state of your view relies on authorization data, use this approach for the best performance.

For logged-in users, the response contains a client principal JSON object. Requests from unauthenticated users returns null.

Using the fetch1 API, you can access the client principal data using the following syntax.

async function getUserInfo() {
  const response = await fetch('/.auth/me');
  const payload = await response.json();
  const { clientPrincipal } = payload;
  return clientPrincipal;

(async () => {
console.log(await getUserInfo());

API functions

The API functions available in Static Web Apps via the Azure Functions backend have access to the same user information as a client application, with the exception of the claims array. While the API does receive user-identifiable information, it does not perform its own checks if the user is authenticated or if they match a required role. Access control rules are defined in the staticwebapp.config.json file.

Client principal data is passed to API functions in the x-ms-client-principal request header. The client principal data is sent as a Base64-encoded string containing a serialized JSON object.

The following example function shows how to read and return user information.

module.exports = async function (context, req) {
  const header = req.headers.get('x-ms-client-principal');
  const encoded = Buffer.from(header, 'base64');
  const decoded = encoded.toString('ascii');

  context.res = {
    body: {
      clientPrincipal: JSON.parse(decoded),

Assuming the above function is named user, you can use the fetch1 browser API to access the API's response using the following syntax.

async function getUser() {
  const response = await fetch('/api/user');
  const payload = await response.json();
  const { clientPrincipal } = payload;
  return clientPrincipal;

console.log(await getUser());

When a user is logged in, the x-ms-client-principal header is added to the requests for user information via the Static Web Apps edge nodes.


The x-ms-client-principal header accessible in the API function does not contain the claims array.

1 The fetch API and await operator aren't supported in Internet Explorer.

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