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Create an application gateway with TLS termination using Azure PowerShell

You can use Azure PowerShell to create an application gateway with a certificate for TLS/SSL termination that uses a virtual machine scale set for backend servers. In this example, the scale set contains two virtual machine instances that are added to the default backend pool of the application gateway.

In this article, you learn how to:

  • Create a self-signed certificate
  • Set up a network
  • Create an application gateway with the certificate
  • Create a virtual machine scale set with the default backend pool

If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.


We recommend that you use the Azure Az PowerShell module to interact with Azure. To get started, see Install Azure PowerShell. To learn how to migrate to the Az PowerShell module, see Migrate Azure PowerShell from AzureRM to Az.

This article requires the Azure PowerShell module version 1.0.0 or later. Run Get-Module -ListAvailable Az to find the version. If you need to upgrade, see Install Azure PowerShell module. If you're running PowerShell locally, you also need to run Login-AzAccount to create a connection with Azure.

Create a self-signed certificate

For production use, you should import a valid certificate signed by trusted provider. For this article, you create a self-signed certificate using New-SelfSignedCertificate. You can use Export-PfxCertificate with the Thumbprint that was returned to export a pfx file from the certificate.

New-SelfSignedCertificate `
  -certstorelocation cert:\localmachine\my `
  -dnsname www.contoso.com

You should see something like this result:

PSParentPath: Microsoft.PowerShell.Security\Certificate::LocalMachine\my

Thumbprint                                Subject
----------                                -------
E1E81C23B3AD33F9B4D1717B20AB65DBB91AC630  CN=www.contoso.com

Use the thumbprint to create the pfx file:

$pwd = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "Azure123456!" -Force -AsPlainText

Export-PfxCertificate `
  -cert cert:\localMachine\my\E1E81C23B3AD33F9B4D1717B20AB65DBB91AC630 `
  -FilePath c:\appgwcert.pfx `
  -Password $pwd

Create a resource group

A resource group is a logical container into which Azure resources are deployed and managed. Create an Azure resource group named myResourceGroupAG with New-AzResourceGroup.

New-AzResourceGroup -Name myResourceGroupAG -Location eastus

Create network resources

Configure the subnets named myBackendSubnet and myAGSubnet using New-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig. Create the virtual network named myVNet using New-AzVirtualNetwork with the subnet configurations. And finally, create the public IP address named myAGPublicIPAddress using New-AzPublicIpAddress. These resources are used to provide network connectivity to the application gateway and its associated resources.

$backendSubnetConfig = New-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig `
  -Name myBackendSubnet `

$agSubnetConfig = New-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig `
  -Name myAGSubnet `

$vnet = New-AzVirtualNetwork `
  -ResourceGroupName myResourceGroupAG `
  -Location eastus `
  -Name myVNet `
  -AddressPrefix `
  -Subnet $backendSubnetConfig, $agSubnetConfig

$pip = New-AzPublicIpAddress `
  -ResourceGroupName myResourceGroupAG `
  -Location eastus `
  -Name myAGPublicIPAddress `
  -AllocationMethod Static `
  -Sku Standard

Create an application gateway

Create the IP configurations and frontend port

Associate myAGSubnet that you previously created to the application gateway using New-AzApplicationGatewayIPConfiguration. Assign myAGPublicIPAddress to the application gateway using New-AzApplicationGatewayFrontendIPConfig.

$vnet = Get-AzVirtualNetwork `
  -ResourceGroupName myResourceGroupAG `
  -Name myVNet


$gipconfig = New-AzApplicationGatewayIPConfiguration `
  -Name myAGIPConfig `
  -Subnet $subnet

$fipconfig = New-AzApplicationGatewayFrontendIPConfig `
  -Name myAGFrontendIPConfig `
  -PublicIPAddress $pip

$frontendport = New-AzApplicationGatewayFrontendPort `
  -Name myFrontendPort `
  -Port 443

Create the backend pool and settings

Create the backend pool named appGatewayBackendPool for the application gateway using New-AzApplicationGatewayBackendAddressPool. Configure the settings for the backend pool using New-AzApplicationGatewayBackendHttpSettings.

$defaultPool = New-AzApplicationGatewayBackendAddressPool `
  -Name appGatewayBackendPool

$poolSettings = New-AzApplicationGatewayBackendHttpSettings `
  -Name myPoolSettings `
  -Port 80 `
  -Protocol Http `
  -CookieBasedAffinity Enabled `
  -RequestTimeout 120

Create the default listener and rule

A listener is required to enable the application gateway to route traffic appropriately to the backend pool. In this example, you create a basic listener that listens for HTTPS traffic at the root URL.

Create a certificate object using New-AzApplicationGatewaySslCertificate and then create a listener named mydefaultListener using New-AzApplicationGatewayHttpListener with the frontend configuration, frontend port, and certificate that you previously created. A rule is required for the listener to know which backend pool to use for incoming traffic. Create a basic rule named rule1 using New-AzApplicationGatewayRequestRoutingRule.

$pwd = ConvertTo-SecureString `
  -String "Azure123456!" `
  -Force `

$cert = New-AzApplicationGatewaySslCertificate `
  -Name "appgwcert" `
  -CertificateFile "c:\appgwcert.pfx" `
  -Password $pwd

$defaultlistener = New-AzApplicationGatewayHttpListener `
  -Name mydefaultListener `
  -Protocol Https `
  -FrontendIPConfiguration $fipconfig `
  -FrontendPort $frontendport `
  -SslCertificate $cert

$frontendRule = New-AzApplicationGatewayRequestRoutingRule `
  -Name rule1 `
  -RuleType Basic `
  -HttpListener $defaultlistener `
  -BackendAddressPool $defaultPool `
  -BackendHttpSettings $poolSettings `
  -priority 100

Create the application gateway with the certificate

Now that you created the necessary supporting resources, specify parameters for the application gateway named myAppGateway using New-AzApplicationGatewaySku, and then create it using New-AzApplicationGateway with the certificate.

Create the application gateway

$sku = New-AzApplicationGatewaySku `
  -Name Standard_v2 `
  -Tier Standard_v2 `
  -Capacity 2

$appgw = New-AzApplicationGateway `
  -Name myAppGateway `
  -ResourceGroupName myResourceGroupAG `
  -Location eastus `
  -BackendAddressPools $defaultPool `
  -BackendHttpSettingsCollection $poolSettings `
  -FrontendIpConfigurations $fipconfig `
  -GatewayIpConfigurations $gipconfig `
  -FrontendPorts $frontendport `
  -HttpListeners $defaultlistener `
  -RequestRoutingRules $frontendRule `
  -Sku $sku `
  -SslCertificates $cert

Create a virtual machine scale set

In this example, you create a virtual machine scale set to provide servers for the backend pool in the application gateway. You assign the scale set to the backend pool when you configure the IP settings.

$vnet = Get-AzVirtualNetwork `
  -ResourceGroupName myResourceGroupAG `
  -Name myVNet

$appgw = Get-AzApplicationGateway `
  -ResourceGroupName myResourceGroupAG `
  -Name myAppGateway

$backendPool = Get-AzApplicationGatewayBackendAddressPool `
  -Name appGatewayBackendPool `
  -ApplicationGateway $appgw

$ipConfig = New-AzVmssIpConfig `
  -Name myVmssIPConfig `
  -SubnetId $vnet.Subnets[1].Id `
  -ApplicationGatewayBackendAddressPoolsId $backendPool.Id

$vmssConfig = New-AzVmssConfig `
  -Location eastus `
  -SkuCapacity 2 `
  -SkuName Standard_DS2 `
  -UpgradePolicyMode Automatic

Set-AzVmssStorageProfile $vmssConfig `
  -ImageReferencePublisher MicrosoftWindowsServer `
  -ImageReferenceOffer WindowsServer `
  -ImageReferenceSku 2016-Datacenter `
  -ImageReferenceVersion latest `
  -OsDiskCreateOption FromImage

Set-AzVmssOsProfile $vmssConfig `
  -AdminUsername azureuser `
  -AdminPassword "Azure123456!" `
  -ComputerNamePrefix myvmss

Add-AzVmssNetworkInterfaceConfiguration `
  -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmssConfig `
  -Name myVmssNetConfig `
  -Primary $true `
  -IPConfiguration $ipConfig

New-AzVmss `
  -ResourceGroupName myResourceGroupAG `
  -Name myvmss `
  -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmssConfig

Install IIS

$publicSettings = @{ "fileUris" = (,"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-docs-powershell-samples/master/application-gateway/iis/appgatewayurl.ps1"); 
  "commandToExecute" = "powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File appgatewayurl.ps1" }

$vmss = Get-AzVmss -ResourceGroupName myResourceGroupAG -VMScaleSetName myvmss

Add-AzVmssExtension -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss `
  -Name "customScript" `
  -Publisher "Microsoft.Compute" `
  -Type "CustomScriptExtension" `
  -TypeHandlerVersion 1.8 `
  -Setting $publicSettings

Update-AzVmss `
  -ResourceGroupName myResourceGroupAG `
  -Name myvmss `
  -VirtualMachineScaleSet $vmss

Test the application gateway

You can use Get-AzPublicIPAddress to get the public IP address of the application gateway. Copy the public IP address, and then paste it into the address bar of your browser.

Get-AzPublicIPAddress -ResourceGroupName myResourceGroupAG -Name myAGPublicIPAddress

Secure warning

To accept the security warning if you used a self-signed certificate, select Details and then Go on to the webpage. Your secured IIS website is then displayed as in the following example:

Test base URL in application gateway

Clean up resources

When no longer needed, remove the resource group, application gateway, and all related resources using Remove-AzResourceGroup.

Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name myResourceGroupAG

Next steps

Create an application gateway that hosts multiple web sites