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No Touch Deployment

The Microsoft .NET Framework gives you the ability to deploy applications from a Web or file server. This technique, called "no-touch deployment", combines the performance and interactivity of a smart client application with all the deployment advantages of a Web application. To deploy your application over the Web, right-click the folder that contains your executable and select Properties. On the Web Sharing tab, select Share this folder. Enter an alias for the folder. Now, your executable can be run over the Web by using that alias as the directory on your server. For more information on no-touch deployment, see .NET Smart Clients and No-Touch Deployment in the .NET Framework.


You must have Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) installed on your computer to enable the Web Sharing tab in the Properties dialog box.


No-touch deployment is applied to ink-enabled applications in the same way as any other Windows Forms application. The samples provided by the Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition Software Development Kit (SDK) include a no-touch deployment version of the Auto Claims sample, in the Ink Web Samples section of the samples. This example takes the original Auto Claims Form Sample and provides an installer that puts in on a Web share. When Microsoft Internet Explorer navigates to AutoClaims.exe in the directory that maps to the Web share, the application is launched. See No-Touch Deployment Web Sample for more information about the sample.


When you deploy a .NET application over the Web, the application may be affected by the .NET security model. The Security and Trust section describes how security works with ink-enabled Web applications.