HWREQCHK API örnekleri
Bazı bilgiler, ticari olarak piyasaya sürülmeden önce önemli ölçüde değiştirilebilen yayın öncesi bir ürünle ilgilidir. Microsoft, burada sağlanan bilgilerle ilgili olarak açık veya zımni hiçbir garanti vermez.
Bu konuda açıklanan özellik, Windows Insider Previewsürüm öncesi sürümlerinde kullanılabilir. Bu özelliklerin görüntülendiği en eski sürüm Windows Insider Preview, sürüm 10.0.25289'dir.
HWREQCHK API'sine yönelik bu örneklerde, bir donanım cihazı ve windows 11 veya sonraki sürümleri için belirlenen Windows yükseltme uygunluğu hakkında bilgi almak için nasıl yararlanabileceği gösterilmektedir.
GetHardwareRequirementSystemInfo API örneği
Aşağıdaki örnekte, Windows donanım gereksinimi değerlendirme altyapısı tarafından kullanılan bilgilerle aynı olan GetHardwareRequirementSystemInfo çağrılarak cihaz sistem bilgilerinin nasıl alındığı gösterilmektedir. Bağlam, evaluatehardwareRequirement işlevi nden true
veya false
yanıtını hesaba katan cihaz sistemi bilgilerini raporlamak için bir "Yükseltebilir miyim?" aracı tarafından kullanılabilmesidir.
#include <windows.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <wil/resource.h>
#include <hwreqchkapi.h>
#define PRINT_TRUE_FALSE(cond) (cond ? L"TRUE" : L"FALSE")
Routine Description:
Get the Hardware Requirements System Info that is used to evaluate against the requirements
Demonstrates GetHardwareRequirementSystemInfo API
Return Value:
HRESULT - S_OK or a FAILED HRESULT if unsuccessful getting the defined list of hardware requirements
HRESULT result = GetHardwareRequirementSystemInfo(&sysinfo);
if (SUCCEEDED(result))
wprintf(L" SSE2 Processor Support: %ls\n", PRINT_TRUE_FALSE(sysinfo.SSE2ProcessorSupport));
wprintf(L" NX Processor Support: %ls\n", PRINT_TRUE_FALSE(sysinfo.NXProcessorSupport));
wprintf(L" PrefetchW Support: %ls\n", PRINT_TRUE_FALSE(sysinfo.PrefetchWSupport));
wprintf(L" CompareExchange128 Support: %ls\n",
wprintf(L" LahfSahf Support: %ls\n", PRINT_TRUE_FALSE(sysinfo.LahfSahfSupport));
wprintf(L" CPU Core Count: %lu\n", sysinfo.CpuCoreCount);
wprintf(L" SecureBoot Capable: %ls\n", PRINT_TRUE_FALSE(sysinfo.SecureBootCapable));
wprintf(L" TPM Version: %lu\n", sysinfo.TpmVersion );
wprintf(L" CPU Mhz: %lu\n", sysinfo.CpuMhz);
wprintf(L" RamMB: %lu\n", sysinfo.RamMB);
wprintf(L" SystemDiskSizeMB: %lu\n", sysinfo.SystemDiskSizeMB);
wprintf(L" Architecture: %lu\n", sysinfo.Architecture);
wprintf(L" CPU Vendor: %lu\n", sysinfo.CpuVendor );
wprintf(L" CPU Family: %lu\n", sysinfo.CpuFamily);
wprintf(L" CPU Model: %lu\n", sysinfo.CpuModel);
wprintf(L" CPU Stepping: %lu\n", sysinfo.CpuStepping);
wprintf(L" ArmV81 Processor Support: %ls\n", PRINT_TRUE_FALSE(sysinfo.ArmV81ProcessorSupport));
wprintf(L" Platform: %lu\n", sysinfo.Platform );
wprintf(L" IsServer: %ls\n", PRINT_TRUE_FALSE(sysinfo.IsServer ));
wprintf(L" Lockdown Mode: %lu\n", sysinfo.LockdownMode);
wprintf(L" Product OS: %lu\n", sysinfo.ProductOS );
wprintf(L" Product Name: %ls\n", sysinfo.ProductName);
wprintf(L" Processor Name: %ls\n", sysinfo.ProcessorName);
wprintf(L"Failed calling GetHardwareRequirementSystemInfo. Error:0x%.8x\n", result);
return result;
EvaluateHardwareRequirement API örneği
Bu örnekte, EvaluateHardwareRequirementkullanımı gösterilmektedir. Tanımlanan donanım gereksinimlerine göre değerlendirmek için cihaz donanım sistemi özelliklerini sorgulayan işlevdir. EvaluateHardwareRequirementExample örnek yöntemi, hangi donanım gereksiniminin değerlendirildiğine ilişkin bilgileri içeren bir HWREQCHK_DEVICE_HARDWARE_REQUIREMENT yapısı kabul eder. Diğer örnekler, geliştiricilerin hangi gereksinime karşı değerlendirmek istediklerini belirlemek için yapının içeriğini doldurabilecekleri farklı yolları gösterir.
#include <windows.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <wil/resource.h>
#include <hwreqchkapi.h>
_In_ const HWREQCHK_DEVICE_HARDWARE_REQUIREMENT& deviceHardwareRequirement)
Routine Description:
Evaluate the specific hardware requirement using the information supplied in the HWREQCHK_DEVICE_HARDWARE_REQUIREMENT structure
Demonstrates EvaluateHardwareRequirement API
deviceHardwareRequirement - Specifies the specific device hardware requirement structure that is used to invoke the EvaluateHardwareRequirement API
Return Value:
HRESULT - S_OK or a Failed HRESULT if unsuccessful invoking the EvaluateHardwareRequirement API
// Automatically free HWREQCHK_DEVICE_HARDWARE_EVALUATION (via CoTaskMemFree)
// objects when it goes out of scope. See WIL (https://github.com/Microsoft/wil/wiki).
BOOL evaluationResult = FALSE;
static const std::map<const std::wstring, const std::wstring> constraintRuleMapping =
{ L"SSE2ProcessorSupport", L"Processor must support the SSE2 instruction set"} ,
{ L"NXProcessorSupport", L"Processor must support data execution prevention" },
{ L"CompareExchange128", L"Processor must support the CMPXCHG16B instruction also referred to as CompareExchange128" },
{ L"LahfSahfSupport", L"Processor must support the LAHF and SAHF instructions" },
{ L"PrefetchWSupport", L"Processor must support the PrefetchW instructions" },
{ L"CpuCores", L"The minimum number of CPU cores that must exist on the device" },
{ L"CpuFms", L"TPM must be version 2.0 exactly(no higher, no lower)" },
{ L"Tpm", L"TPM must be version 2.0 exactly" },
{ L"UefiSecureBoot", L"Secure boot must be supported on the device"},
{ L"Memory", L"The minimum amount of memory in MB that must exist on the device" },
{ L"IotMemory", L"The minimum amount of memory in MB that must exist on the device" },
{ L"ServerMemory", L"The minimum amount of memory in MB that must exist on the device" },
{ L"SystemDriveSize", L"The minimum amout of total system disk size" },
{ L"IotSystemDriveSize", L"The minimum amout of total system disk size" },
{ L"CpuFms", L"The CPU must be a supported Family, Model and Stepping (FMS) processor signature" },
{ L"BlockedByHomeSkuSModeStateSV", L"SMode must be disabled unless the OS SKU is a 'Home'SKU" }
HRESULT result = EvaluateHardwareRequirement(
if (FAILED(result))
wprintf(L"The requirement failed the EvaluateHardwareRequirement API. Error:0x%.8x\n", result);
// On Success, the 'evaluationResult' variable will either be TRUE (evaluation succeeded)
// or it will be FALSE (evaluation failed).
if (evaluationResult != FALSE)
wprintf(L"The hardware requirement evaluation succeeded. The device does meet the hardware requirements\n");
wprintf(L"The hardware requirement evaluation did not pass. The device does not meet the hardware requirements.\n");
// Loop through each constraint evaluation performed
for (const auto& deviceHardwareRequirementEvaluation : deviceHardwareRequirementEvaluations)
auto findConstraint = constraintRuleMapping.find(deviceHardwareRequirementEvaluation.RuleName);
std::wstring constraintDescription = L"Constraint Not Found";
if (findConstraint != constraintRuleMapping.end())
constraintDescription = findConstraint->second;
// Display the Rules that were evaluated as part of the requirements.
// NOTE: RuleName is a non-localized value coming from the internally defined JSON contents.
wprintf(L"\tConstraint Name: %-64ls Succeeded: %-8ls\n\t\tDescription: %ls\n",
deviceHardwareRequirementEvaluation.Succeeded ? L"TRUE" : L"FALSE",
if (evaluationResult == FALSE)
// The device failed to meet the hardware requirements, dump the system
// info by calling the other example GetHardwareRequirementSystemInfoExample,
// which calls the API GetHardwareRequirementSystemInfo and dumps the contents.
return result;
GetLatestHardwareRequirement API örneği
Aşağıdaki örnekte GetLatestHardwareRequirementkullanımı gösterilmektedir. Belirli bir HWREQCHK_PRODUCT_TYPE numaralandırma değeri için en son donanım gereksinimini sorgulayan ve döndüren işlevdir. Çağrı başarılı olursa, HWREQCHK_DEVICE_HARDWARE_REQUIREMENT yapısının içeriğini yukarıdaki EvaluateHardwareRequirement örneğine geçirir.
#include <windows.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <wil/resource.h>
#include <hwreqchkapi.h>
Routine Description:
Get the latest hardware requirement defined and then use
the information supplied in the HWREQCHK_DEVICE_HARDWARE_REQUIREMENT
to evaluate hardware requirements against it.
Demonstrates the use of the GetLatestHardwareRequirement API. If successful, the
EvaluateHardwareRequirementExample method is invoked to ‘evaluate’
the latest hardware requirement.
productType - A valid HWREQCHK_PRODUCT_TYPE enumeration value to get the latest hardware requirement
Return Value:
HRESULT - S_OK or a FAILED HRESULT if unsuccessful getting the defined list of hardware requirements
// Get the currently defined latest hardware requirement for the product type value
// specified in the productEnum variable.
HRESULT result = GetLatestHardwareRequirement(productType, &deviceHardwareRequirement);
if (FAILED(result))
wprintf(L"The call to GetLatestHardwareRequirement failed. Error:0x%.8x\n", result);
// Use the default hardware requirement returned from the GetLatestHardwareRequirement API
// to verify the hardware device requirements for the latest defined OS
// by calling the EvaluateHardwareRequirementExample method.
result = EvaluateHardwareRequirementExample(deviceHardwareRequirement);
return result;
GetHardwareRequirements API örneği
Bu örnekte, tanımlanan ve değerlendirilebilen donanım gereksinimlerinin tüm listesini almak için GetHardwareRequirements kullanımı gösterilmektedir. Örnek, örnek yöntemle sağlanan bağımsız değişkenlerle eşleşen belirli bir gereksinim bulunana kadar kullanılabilen gereksinimlerin her birini numaralandırır.
#include <windows.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <wil/resource.h>
#include <hwreqchkapi.h>
Routine Description:
Gets all of the defined hardware requirements and evaluates one or more of the requirements
Demonstrates the use of the GetHardwareRequirements API. If successful and a
match is found for the supplied requirement & product enum arguments, then the
EvaluateHardwareRequirementExample method is invoked to ‘evaluate’
the hardware requirement.
targetRelease - A valid HWREQCHK_TARGET_RELEASE enumeration value
used to filter the list of returned requirement(s)
productType – A valid HWREQCHK_PRODUCT_TYPE enumeration value
used to filter the list of returned requirement(s)
Return Value:
HRESULT - S_OK or a FAILED HRESULT if unsuccessful getting the
defined list of hardware requirements
// Automatically free HWREQCHK_DEVICE_HARDWARE_REQUIREMENT (via CoTaskMemFree)
// objects when it goes out of scope. See WIL (https://github.com/Microsoft/wil/wiki).
wil::unique_cotaskmem_array_ptr<HWREQCHK_DEVICE_HARDWARE_REQUIREMENT> deviceHardwareRequirements;
// Get the currently defined hardware requirements
HRESULT result = GetHardwareRequirements(
if (FAILED(result))
wprintf(L"The call to GetHardwareRequirements failed. Error:0x%.8x\n", result);
for (const auto& deviceHardwareRequirement : deviceHardwareRequirements)
result = errNotFound;
// Look for a requirement matching the TargetRelease and ProductType enumeration values
if (deviceHardwareRequirement.TargetRelease == targetRelease &&
deviceHardwareRequirement.ProductType == productType)
// We found a match. Now evaluate the requirement by
// calling the EvaluateHardwareRequirementExample method
result = EvaluateHardwareRequirementExample(deviceHardwareRequirement);
if (FAILED(result))
wprintf(L"Error invoking the example method EvaluateHardwareRequirementExample\n");
break ;
if (result == errNotFound )
wprintf(L"Unable to locate a matching target-release '%d' and product-type '%d'\n",
targetRelease, producttype);
return result;