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BITS Samples and Tools

The following section contains step-by-step C++ examples for Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS).

Section Purpose
BITS C++ Application Examples C++ examples that demonstrate a range of tasks that can be completed by using BITS features.

In addition, BITS includes the following samples in Windows SDK. The samples are located under InstallDirectory\Samples\Web. Each sample includes a Readme.txt file that explains how to install and run the sample. You can download the Windows SDK from Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit. BITS is included in the Core SDK.


Windows Vista: The samples on this page are included in the Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows Vista. However, the ClientCert sample is not included.

Sample Purpose
BITS_IE Shows how to use the BITS interfaces to download files from a server.
Controls Shows how to use the BITS interfaces to control and configure BITS options, including using some of the peer cache administration methods.
BITS 4.0: The Controls sample is deprecated.
Downloads Shows how to use the BITS interfaces to download files from a server.
HTTPHeaders Shows how to use the BITS interfaces to modify HTTP headers.
PeerCaching Shows how to use the BITS interfaces to enable a job to download from a peer.
BITS 4.0: The PeerCaching sample is deprecated.
Uploads Shows how to use the BITS interfaces to upload a file.
UploadSample Shows how to use the BITS interfaces to upload a file to a server and receive a reply.

BITS provides the following tool.

Tool Purpose
BITSAdmin Command-line tool to create download or upload jobs and monitor their progress.

Additional Information

If you need additional information, consider asking questions in the BITS newsgroup microsoft.windows.public.backgroundtransfer.

The newsgroup server is msnews.microsoft.com.