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DrvFillPath function (winddi.h)

The DrvFillPath function is an optional entry point to handle the filling of closed paths.


BOOL DrvFillPath(
  [in, out] SURFOBJ  *pso,
  [in]      PATHOBJ  *ppo,
  [in]      CLIPOBJ  *pco,
  [in]      BRUSHOBJ *pbo,
  [in]      POINTL   *pptlBrushOrg,
  [in]      MIX      mix,
  [in]      FLONG    flOptions


[in, out] pso

Pointer to a SURFOBJ structure that defines the surface on which to draw.

[in] ppo

Pointer to a PATHOBJ structure that defines the path to be filled. The PATHOBJ_Xxx service routines are provided to enumerate the lines, Bezier curves, and other data that make up the path.

[in] pco

Pointer to a CLIPOBJ structure. The CLIPOBJ_Xxx service routines are provided to enumerate the clip region as a set of rectangles.

[in] pbo

Pointer to a BRUSHOBJ structure that defines the pattern and colors used to fill the closed path. This parameter should be dereferenced only if the fill operation specified in mix requires the use of a brush. For example, if mix is set to BLACKNESS, pbo is not defined and should not be dereferenced.

[in] pptlBrushOrg

Pointer to a POINTL structure that defines the brush origin, which is used to align the brush pattern on the device.

[in] mix

The mix mode that defines the foreground and background raster operations to use for the brush. For more information about mix mode, see Remarks.

[in] flOptions

Specifies either FP_WINDINGMODE, indicating that a winding mode fill should be performed, or FP_ALTERNATEMODE, indicating that an alternating mode fill should be performed. All other flags should be ignored. For more information about these modes, see Path Fill Modes.

Return value

The return value is TRUE if the driver is able to fill the path. If the path or clipping is too complex to be handled by the driver and should be handled by GDI, the return value is FALSE, and an error code is not logged. If the driver encounters an unexpected error, such as not being able to realize the brush, the return value is DDI_ERROR, and an error code is logged.


GDI can call DrvFillPath to fill a path on a device-managed surface. When deciding whether to call this function, GDI compares the fill requirements with the following flags in the flGraphicsCaps member of the DEVINFO structure: GCAPS_BEZIERS, GCAPS_ALTERNATEFILL, and GCAPS_WINDINGFILL.

The mix mode defines how the incoming pattern should be mixed with the data that is already on the device surface. The MIX data type consists of two binary raster operation (ROP2) values packed into a single ULONG. The lowest-order byte defines the foreground raster operation; the next byte defines the background raster operation. For more information about raster operation codes, see the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header winddi.h (include Winddi.h)

See also



