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CONTEXTMENUITEM2 structure (mmc.h)

The CONTEXTMENUITEM2 structure is introduced in MMC 2.0.

The CONTEXTMENUITEM2 structure is passed to the IContextMenuCallback2::AddItem method or the IContextMenuProvider::AddItem method (inherited from IContextMenuCallback) to define a new menu item, submenu, or insertion point. The context menu is built from the root down, with each new item going to the end of the submenu or insertion point where the new item is inserted. The CONTEXTMENUITEM2 structure supersedes the CONTEXTMENUITEM structure (other than the strLanguageIndependentName member, all of the members of CONTEXTMENUITEM2 are in CONTEXTMENUITEM).


typedef struct _CONTEXTMENUITEM2 {
  LPWSTR strName;
  LPWSTR strStatusBarText;
  LONG   lCommandID;
  LONG   lInsertionPointID;
  LONG   fFlags;
  LONG   fSpecialFlags;
  LPWSTR strLanguageIndependentName;



A pointer to a null-terminated string that contains the name of the menu item or of the submenu. This member cannot be NULL except for a separator or insertion point.


A pointer to a null-terminated string that contains the text that is displayed on the status bar when this item is highlighted. This member can be NULL.


A value that specifies the command identifier for menu items. If the menu item is added by IExtendContextMenu::AddMenuItems and then selected, lCommandID is the command ID parameter that is passed back to IExtendContextMenu::Command. If this menu item is added by the IContextMenuProvider interface and then selected, this is the command ID that is passed back to pISelected by IContextMenuProvider::ShowContextMenu. If this is an insertion point (CCM_SPECIAL_INSERTION_POINT is set in fSpecialFlags) or a submenu (MF_POPUP is set in fFlags), use lCommandID in subsequent calls as lInsertionPointID (for more information, see the following list). Carefully read the following discussion because specific bits in the new insertion point ID must be on and others must be off.

The following bits in the command ID require special handling for items that are not insertion points or submenus.


Items other than insertion points and submenus cannot be added when these bits are set.

The following bits in the insertion point ID require special handling for items that are insertion points (fSpecialFlags and CCM_SPECIAL_INSERTION_POINT) or submenus (fFlags and MF_POPUP).


Special behavior. Snap-ins can use the other bits as required.


These insertion points and submenus are shared between the creator of the context menu, the primary extension, and the third-party extension. Items added to a shared insertion point or submenu are available to the creator of the context menu, the primary extension, and the third-party extension.

If this bit is not set, the IContextMenuProvider interface and each extension can use the same ID. Each ID refers to a different insertion point or submenu.

Only the context menu creator and the primary snap-in can create shared insertion points or submenus.


This bit must be set for shared insertion points and submenus created by the primary snap-in and not set for those created by the context menu creator. This prevents ID conflicts between the two sources of shared insertion points and submenus.


Allows the primary snap-in to add items to a shared insertion point or submenu.


Allows extension snap-ins to add items to a shared insertion point or submenu.


Insertion points or submenus cannot be added with this value set.


A value that specifies where in the context menu the new item should be added. Snap-ins can only add items to insertion points that are created by the menu creator or the primary snap-in. The following are the insertion points created by MMC in the default context menus for items in the scope pane and list view result pane:

0 (zero)

An lInsertionPointID of 0 refers to the root menu for this context menu. The value 0 can be used interchangeably with CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_ROOT_MENU. Be aware that only IContextMenuProvider is permitted to add items directly to the root menu. Extensions can only add items to insertion points and submenus added to the root menu by IContextMenuProvider or by MMC.


The primary snap-in can use this insertion point to add items to the top of the main context menu.


The primary snap-in can use this insertion point to add items to the top of the New submenu. The New submenu is available in context menus of the scope and result panes.


The primary snap-in can use this insertion point to add items to the top of the All Tasks submenu. The All Tasks submenu is available in context menus of the scope and result panes.


The primary snap-in can use this insertion point to add items to the View menu. If the user clicks the View drop-down menu on the toolbar, this insertion point will be present, but the New and All Tasks insertion points will not appear.


Extension snap-ins can use this insertion point to add items to the bottom of the New submenu. The New submenu is only present for context menus in the scope pane and not for context menus in the result pane.


Extension snap-ins can use this insertion point to add items to the bottom of the All Tasks submenu.


IContextMenuProvider can use this insertion point to add items to the root menu.

Neither primary extensions nor third-party extensions can add items to the root menu except through insertion points added by IContextMenuProvider.


A value that specifies one or more of the following style flags:


The created item is a submenu within the context menu. Menu items, insertion points, and other submenus can be added to the created submenu; the new menu item, submenu, or insertion point should use the created submenu's lCommandID member as the lInsertionPointID member value.


This flags is not supported; IContextMenuCallback2::AddItem will return E_INVALIDARG.


This flags is not supported; IContextMenuCallback2::AddItem will return E_INVALIDARG.


Draws a horizontal separator line.

Only IContextMenuProvider can add menu items with MF_SEPARATOR set.

The following flags function in the same way as they do in the Windows API.


Selects the menu item.


Disables the menu item so that it cannot be selected, but the flag does not dim the menu item.


Enables the menu item so that it can be selected, restoring it from its dimmed state.


Disables the menu item, dimming it so that it cannot be selected.


Functions the same as the MF_MENUBREAK flag for a menu bar. For a drop-down menu, submenu, or shortcut menu, a vertical line separates the new column from the old column.


Places the item on a new line (for a menu bar) or in a new column (for a drop-down menu, submenu, or shortcut menu) without separating columns.


Does not select the item (default).

The following groups of flags cannot be used together:



A value that specifies one or more of the following flags:


Ignore all other parameters except lInsertionPointID. Add a separator to the end of the menu or at the specified insertion point. Separators placed at the top or bottom of a menu or submenu will not be displayed. Separators with no menu items between them will be collapsed into a single separator.

Only IContextMenuProvider can add separators, special or otherwise.


If this submenu is empty, it appears dimmed; this is only valid for MF_POPUP items.


This is the default menu item. If more than one menu item specifies this flag, the last item in each submenu takes precedence.


Ignore all other parameters except lCommandID and lInsertionPointID. This flag creates a new insertion point at the end of the insertion point or submenu identified by lInsertionPointID. New menu items, submenus, or insertion points can be added to the created insertion point; the new menu item, submenu, or insertion point should use the created insertion point's lCommandID member as the lInsertionPointID member value.


Validate the item parameters, but do not add the menu item. Returns a result code that indicates whether an Add operation would have been successful.


The language-independent name of the menu item. Retrieve this value in MMC 2.0 Automation Object Model applications by getting the MenuItem.LanguageIndependentName property. The strLanguageIndependentName member cannot be NULL or an empty string unless a separator or insertion point is added; otherwise, the IContextMenuCallback::AddItem method will fail with E_INVALIDARG as the return value.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Header mmc.h

See also




Working with Context Menus