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IDisplayHelp::ShowTopic method (mmc.h)

The IDisplayHelp::ShowTopic method displays the specified HTML Help topic in the merged MMC HTML Help file.


HRESULT ShowTopic(
  [in] LPOLESTR pszHelpTopic


[in] pszHelpTopic

A pointer to a NULL-terminated string specifying the topic to display in the merged MMC HTML Help file. The string must have the following format:


where helpfilename is the file name of the snap-in's HTML Help file (.chm) that MMC merged into the MMC HTML Help collection file (this is the file name only, not the path to the original HTML Help file), and topicfilename is the internal path to the topic file within the snap-in's .chm file. The author of the snap-in's HTML Help file determines whether there is an internal directory structure for the topic HTML files or if all topic HTML files are at the root of the .chm file.

A snap-in tells MMC about its .chm file in its implementation of the ISnapinHelp2::GetHelpTopic method.

For example, if the snap-in had the HTML Help file mysnapin.chm merged into the MMC HTML Help collection file, and a topic HTML file that had the internal file path of htm/help01.htm, the string would have the following form:


If instead the help01.htm topic file is at the root of the mysnapin.chm Help file, the string should have the following form:


Support for numeric IDs for topics is not included in versions 1.2 and earlier.

Return value

This method can return one of these values.


MMC versions 1.0 and 1.1 required that pszHelpTopic be allocated with the COM API function CoTaskMemAlloc, and that MMC would then free the string. This violated the COM rules for allocation of in-parameters, which require that they be both allocated and freed by the caller (the snap-in). In MMC 1.2 and MMC 2.0, it is no longer required that pszHelpTopic be allocated with CoTaskMemAlloc. The caller is free to use whatever memory management it desires. If the caller chooses to use CoTaskMemAlloc, it is also responsible for calling CoTaskMemFree to free the string.

A snap-in can provide context help for the selected item by handling the MMCN_CONTEXTHELP notification in its IComponent::Notify method and calling IDisplayHelp::ShowTopic.

For property pages, the snap-in should call MMCPropertyHelp instead of IDisplayHelp::ShowTopic. Because an MMC property sheet is typically running on a separate thread, the property page cannot use the IDisplayHelp interface directly. Instead, the property page can call MMCPropertyHelp from the MMC library to achieve the same result. MMCPropertyHelp takes the same topic string parameter as IDisplayHelp::ShowTopic and handles marshalling the request to the main MMC thread.

If the snap-in handles the MMCN_CONTEXTHELP notification, MMC expects the snap-in to specify a Help topic for the selected item. Consequently, in the notification handler for the MMCN_CONTEXTHELP notification, the snap-in has two options:

  • It can call IDisplayHelp::ShowTopic or MMCPropertyHelp to specify the Help topic and then return S_OK to indicate success. Be aware that the snap-in should only return S_OK if it specifies a Help topic. If the snap-in returns S_OK without specifying a Help topic, no Help topic will be displayed.
  • It can return S_FALSE to the notification. MMC then displays the Help collection file with the default MMC topic selected.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header mmc.h
DLL Mmcndmgr.dll

See also

