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IMESTRUCT structure (ime.h)

Used by SendIMEMessageEx to specify the subfunction to be executed in the Input Method Editor (IME) message and its parameters. This structure is also used to receive return values from those subfunctions.


typedef struct tagIMESTRUCT {
  UINT   fnc;
  WPARAM wParam;
  UINT   wCount;
  UINT   dchSource;
  UINT   dchDest;
  LPARAM lParam1;
  LPARAM lParam2;
  LPARAM lParam3;



A subfunction. One of the following values.


Used to register words. Words are registered as an application sends a word and its reading. Structure members are interpreted as follows:

Member Type Description
lParam1 [Windows 3.1] LPARAM The low-order word specifies a handle to the global memory that contains a word string ending with 0. The global memory is a memory block allocated by specifying the GMEM_MOVEABLE and GMEM_SHARE flags in the GlobalAlloc function.
lParam2 [Windows 3.1] LPARAM The low-order word specifies a handle to the global memory that contains a reading string ending with 0. The global memory is a memory block allocated by specifying the GMEM_MOVEABLE and GMEM_SHARE flags in the GlobalAlloc function
lParam3 [Windows 3.1] LPARAM Must be NULL.
lParam1 [Windows NT] LPARAM Specifies a handle to the global memory that contains a word string ending with 0. The global memory is a memory block allocated by specifying the GMEM_MOVEABLE and GMEM_SHARE flags in the GlobalAlloc function.
lParam2 [Windows NT] LPARAM Specifies a handle to the global memory that contains a reading string ending with 0. The global memory is a memory block allocated by specifying the GMEM_MOVEABLE and GMEM_SHARE flags in the GlobalAlloc function.
lParam3 [Windows NT] LPARAM Used to specify information about a part of speech. Since such information cannot be specified with the current Windows specification, NULL is set here.

The return value indicates the result of word registration. TRUE if the registration has been processed normally; otherwise, FALSE.

If information such as a part of speech is necessary, a dialog box should be displayed to prompt the user for input. NULL may be specified in the members lParam1 and lParam2; in this case, nothing should be displayed in the associated entry field in the dialog box.


Acquires the current conversion mode of the IME. This subprogram uses no parameters.

This is the same as IME_GET_MODE.

Returns the current conversion mode of the IME as a combination of IME_MODE_ALPHANUMERIC to IME_MODE_NOCODEINPUT. Conversion modes are as follows:

Conversion Mode Mode
IME_MODE_SBCSCHAR Single-byte character
IME_MODE_DBCSCHAR Double-byte character
IME_MODE_ROMAN Roman character
IME_MODE_NOROMAN Non-Roman character






A font to be used to display an undetermined string that appears in the conversion window. Structure members are interpreted as follows:

Member Type Description
lParam1 [Windows 3.1] LPARAM The low-order word specifies a handle to the global memory that contains a LOGFONT structure that specifies the logical font. The global memory is a memory block allocated by specifying the GMEM_MOVEABLE and GMEM_SHARE flags in the GlobalAlloc function. NULL indicates a system font.
lParam1 [Windows NT] LPARAM Specifies a handle to the global memory that contains a LOGFONT structure that specifies the logical font. The global memory is a memory block allocated by specifying the GMEM_MOVEABLE and GMEM_SHARE flags in the GlobalAlloc function. NULL indicates a system font.

This subfunction has no return value.

The font specified by IME_SETCONVERSIONFONTEX can only be used to display undetermined strings.

To display undetermined strings at the default position, use a system font. If the display position is no longer the default position, enable the previously specified font.

The global memory that contains the LOGFONT structure is released by the application.

If the IME currently displaying the conversion window receives the IME_SETCONVERSIONFONTEX command, and as a result of the command processing the conversion window has changed, the IME should send a WM_IME_REPORT:IR_CHANGECONVERT message. This message should not be sent if the font specified by IME_SETCONVERSIONFONTEX is the same as the one being used by the IME.


Sets the conversion mode of the IME. The wParam member specifies one or more of the following values:

Value Meaning
IME_MODE_ALPHANUMERIC Alphanumeric conversion mode. This value cannot be used with IME_MODE_KATAKANA or IME_MODE_HIRAGANA.
IME_MODE_KATAKANA Katakana conversion mode. This value cannot be used with IME_MODE_ALPHANUMERIC or IME_MODE_HIRAGANA.
IME_MODE_HIRAGANA Hiragana conversion mode. This value cannot be used with IME_MODE_ALPHANUMERIC or IME_MODE_HIRAGANA.
IME_MODE_SBCSCHAR Single-byte character conversion mode. This parameter cannot be used with IME_MODE_DBCSCHAR.
IME_MODE_DBCSCHAR Double-byte character conversion mode. This parameter cannot be used with IME_MODE_SBCSCHAR.
IME_MODE_ROMAN Roman character conversion mode. This parameter cannot be used with IME_MODE_NOROMAN.
IME_MODE_NOROMAN Non-Roman character conversion mode. This parameter cannot be used with IME_MODE_ROMAN.
IME_MODE_CODEINPUT Code input conversion mode. This parameter cannot be used with IME_MODE_NOCODEINPUT. How an IME operates in code input mode depends on the particular IME.
IME_MODE_NOCODEINPUT Noncode input conversion mode. This parameter cannot be used with IME_MODE_CODEINPUT.

The return value indicates whether the given conversion mode has been set up successfully. It returns the state of the conversion mode previously in effect if the new conversion mode has been set up; otherwise, NULL.


The size and position of the bounding rectangle for the IME, and the initial position of the conversion window. The IME displays an undetermined string at the position specified by this subfunction.

The wParam member specifies one of the following values:

Value Meaning
MCW_DEFAULT Displays the conversion window at the default position, which is usually the bottom of the screen.

If the MCW_DEFAULT style is specified in an IME_SETCONVERSIONWINDOW message, then when the IME displays or draws a conversion window at the default position, it must not send an IR_OPENCONVERT, IR_CHANGECONVERT, IR_FULLCONVERT or IR_CLOSECONVERT message.

MCW_WINDOW Displays the conversion window at the coordinate given in the lParam1 member, in the window specified in the wParam parameter of the WM_CONVERTREQUEST or WM_CONVERTREQUESTEX message. The value in lParam1 indicates the coordinates relative to the upper left corner of the window, with the low-order word representing the X coordinate and the high-order word the Y coordinate. The bounding rectangle is the client rectangle of the given window and is the most typical way of invoking a kana-to-kanji conversion.

If the MCW_WINDOW style is specified in an IME_SETCONVERSIONWINDOW message, the IME must send an IR_OPENCOVERT message if the conversion window status has changed from closed to open. If the conversion window status has changed from open to closed, the IME must send an IR_CLOSECONVERT message. There is an exception, however. See IME_WINDOWUPDATE for details.

MCW_WINDOW | MCW_RECT Same as MCW_WINDOW except that the bounding rectangle is specified by the lParam2 and lParam3 members. The lParam2 member specifies the upper-left point and lParam3 specifies the lower-right point, each with the low-order word representing the X coordinate and the high-order word the Y coordinate. The coordinates are relative to the upper left of the window.
MCW_SCREEN Displays the conversion window with its upper left corner designated by the lParam1 member. The lParam1 member indicates absolute coordinates with the origin at the upper left corner of the screen. The low-order word represents the X coordinate and the high-order word the Y coordinate. The bounding rectangle is the full screen.

If the MCW_SCREEN style is specified in an IME_SETCONVERSIONWINDOW message, the IME must send an IR_OPENCOVERT message if the conversion window status has changed from closed to open. If the conversion window status has changed from open to closed, the IME must send an IR_CLOSECONVERT message. There is an exception, however. See IME_WINDOWUPDATE for details.

MCW_SCREEN | MCW_RECT Same as MCW_SCREEN except that the bounding rectangle is specified by the lParam2 and lParam3 members. The lParam2 member specifies the upper-left point and lParam3 specifies the lower-right point, each with the low-order word representing the X coordinate and the high-order word the Y coordinate. The coordinates are absolute coordinates with the origin at the upper left of the screen.
MCW_HIDDEN [Windows 3.1] When this flag is specified, the IME does not display the conversion window. Instead, the application itself displays undetermined strings. The lParam1 member specifies the coordinates of the cursor position being displayed by the application or of the point of interest. The lParam2 and lParam3 members specify a region where no display is enabled by the IME. An IME that displays determined-string candidates in a pop-up window is able to use these pieces of information to determine where to display the window of determined-string candidates. A window to display candidate strings is considered as a system window. Therefore it is IME-dependent regarding whether to display such a window, where and how to display the window, and what keyboard input to use. The three members lParam1, lParam2, and lParam3, specify the absolute coordinates from the upper left of the screen, each with the low-order word representing the X coordinate and the high-order word the Y coordinate.

When the MCW_HIDDEN flag is specified, the IME sends an IR_UNDETERMINE message to request that the application displays the undetermined string. The application itself displays the undetermined string contained in this message.

Once the MCW_HIDDEN flag is specified, the IME does not send an IR_OPENCONVERT, IR_CHANGECONVERT or IR_CLOSECONVERT message.

If an application specifies MCW_HIDDEN and, at the same time, requests a rectangle too large to display the candidate window for a determined string, it should be treated as an error. The error code must be IME_RD_TOOLONG.


MCW_VERTICAL Tells the IME that the application is displaying character strings in vertical writing format. If this flag is specified, the conversion window is displayed for vertical writing, with the position designated by the lParam1 member being the upper-right corner. This flag is can be specified with MCW_WINDOW, MCW_WINDOW|MCW_RECT, MCW_SCREEN, or MCW_SCREEN|MCW_RECT. An IME must support MCW_VERTICAL. If MCW_VERTICAL is specified and the font being selected is not for vertical writing, the IME uses the default vertical-writing font. This default font is created as follows:
  1. Font information is retrieved in the LOGFONT structure by the GetObject function using the font handle of SYSTEM_FONT.
  2. The font is created by adding an ampersand (@) at the beginning of the face name and setting the escapement and orientation to 270 degrees.

The return value indicates whether the command has been executed. TRUE if the command execution was successful; otherwise, FALSE.

If an undetermined string seems to overflow the bounding rectangle, the IME must issue the report message WM_IME_REPORT:IR_FULLCONVERT to the application before displaying that string. If the application does not handle this message, the subsequent processing for the display is not formulated in this specification, but it is left to the IME. For example, the undetermined string might be scrolled within the bounding rectangle or it may be moved temporarily to the default position.

If an IME_SETCONVERSIONWINDOW message is called when the IME is holding an undetermined string, the IME should issue a WM_IME_REPORT:IR_CLOSECONVERT message; if the string fits in the window given as a parameter, the IME should issue a WM_IME_REPORT:IR_OPENCONVERT message. Only then should the conversion window be drawn. If the string does not fit in the window, the IME should issue a WM_IME_REPORT:IR_FULLCONVERT message.

The position of the bounding rectangle may be specified outside the physical screen area. If the whole bounding rectangle is outside the physical screen, undetermined strings must not be displayed. If part of the bounding rectangle is outside the physical screen, the IME clips the bounding rectangle so that no part of the undetermined string overflows the screen, and also adjusts the display start position.

It is recommended not to set the maximum number of lines of, or maximum characters displayed in, the conversion window.

If the conversion window overlaps a system window, the conversion window must be visible. For example, the conversion window can be given top priority for display or the system window can be moved elsewhere.

The IME must send an IR_CHANGECONVERT message if the conversion window has changed in size, display contents, or display color. However, if an undetermined string does not fit in a specified window, the IME must send an IR_FULLCONVERT message rather than IR_CHANGECONVERT.

When the IME has shifted from the MCW_WINDOW or MCW_SCREEN mode to MCW_DEFAULT, it must send an IR_CLOSECONVERT message if an undetermined string exists.

When the IME has shifted from the MCW_WINDOW or MCW_SCREEN mode to MCW_HIDDEN, it must send an IR_CLOSECONVERT message if an undetermined string exists.

When the IME has shifted from the MCW_HIDDEN mode to MCW_DEFAULT, MCW_SCREEN, or MCW_WINDOW, the IME must transmit an IR_UNDETERMINE message with undetermined string = 0 and determined string = 0.


Korean-specific subfunction that sets the IME level on the current application. The wParam member accepts one of the following level values.

Level Meaning
1 No IME support. All IME-specific messages are ignored.
2 Partial IME support. Supports a subset of IME behavior including the position of the composition or candidate windows and the input mode or status.
3 Full IME support.


Sets the status of the kana-to-kanji conversion feature of the IME.

The wParam member is set to nonzero to open the IME and zero to close the IME

The return value indicates the previous status of the kana-to-kanji conversion feature. Returns TRUE if open; otherwise, FALSE.

An undetermined string must not be determined if the kana-to-kanji conversion feature has been closed by IME_SETOPEN.

When the kana-to-kanji conversion feature is to be closed by IME_SETOPEN, the IME must send an IR_CLOSECONVERT message if the IME is in MCW_WINDOW or MCW-SCREEN mode and if a conversion window is open. However, the IME need not issue IR_CLOSECONVERT if it is in MCW_HIDDEN mode and if an undetermined string exists.


Korean-specific version of IME_SETCONVERSIONMODE.


Usage depends on the subfunction specified in fnc.


Usage depends on the subfunction specified in fnc.


Usage depends on the subfunction specified in fnc.


Usage depends on the subfunction specified in fnc.


Usage depends on the subfunction specified in fnc.


Usage depends on the subfunction specified in fnc.


Usage depends on the subfunction specified in fnc.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Header ime.h

See also



