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fileapifromapp.h header

This header is used by Data Access and Storage. For more information, see:

fileapifromapp.h contains the following programming interfaces:



Copies an existing file to a new file. The behavior of this function is identical to CopyFile, except that this function adheres to the Universal Windows Platform app security model.

Creates a new directory. The behavior of this function is identical to CreateDirector, except that this function adheres to the Universal Windows Platform app security model.

Creates or opens a file or I/O device. The behavior of this function is identical to CreateFile2, except that this function adheres to the Universal Windows Platform app security model.

Creates or opens a file or I/O device. The behavior of this function is identical to CreateFile, except that this function adheres to the Universal Windows Platform app security model.

Deletes an existing file. The behavior of this function is identical to DeleteFile, except that this function adheres to the Universal Windows Platform app security model.

Searches a directory for a file or subdirectory with a name and attributes that match those specified.

Retrieves attributes for a specified file or directory. The behavior of this function is identical to GetFileAttributesEx, except that this function adheres to the Universal Windows Platform app security model.

Moves an existing file or a directory, including its children. The behavior of this function is identical to MoveFile, except that this function adheres to the Universal Windows Platform app security model.

Deletes an existing empty directory. The behavior of this function is identical to RemoveDirectory, except that this function adheres to the Universal Windows Platform app security model.

Replaces one file with another file, with the option of creating a backup copy of the original file. The behavior of this function is identical to ReplaceFile, except that this function adheres to the Universal Windows Platform app security model.

Sets the attributes for a file or directory. The behavior of this function is identical to SetFileAttributes, except that this function adheres to the Universal Windows Platform app security model.