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DumpLogRecords function (clfsw32.h)

Scans a specified log; filters log records based on record type; and places the records in an output file stream that the caller opens.


  [in]           PWSTR                     pwszLogFileName,
  [in]           CLFS_RECORD_TYPE          fRecordType,
  [in, optional] PCLFS_LSN                 plsnStart,
  [in, optional] PCLFS_LSN                 plsnEnd,
  [in, optional] PFILE                     pstrmOut,
  [in, optional] CLFS_PRINT_RECORD_ROUTINE pfnPrintRecord,
  [in, optional] CLFS_BLOCK_ALLOCATION     pfnAllocBlock,
  [in, optional] CLFS_BLOCK_DEALLOCATION   pfnFreeBlock,
  [in, optional] PVOID                     pvBlockAllocContext,
  [in]           ULONG                     cbBlock,
  [in]           ULONG                     cMaxBlocks


[in] pwszLogFileName

The name of the log stream.

This name is specified when you create the log by using CreateLogFile. The following example identifies the format to use:

log:<log name>[::<log stream name>]

<log name> corresponds to a valid file path in the file system.

<log stream name> is the unique name of a log stream in the log.

For more information, see Log Types.

[in] fRecordType

The type of records to be read.

This parameter can be one or more of the following CLFS_RECORD_TYPE Constants.

Value Meaning
The default record type of ClfsDataRecord is used.
User data records are read.
Restart records are read.
Both restart and data records are read.
Specifies a mask for all valid data or restart records.

[in, optional] plsnStart

A pointer to a CLFS_LSN that specifies the starting log sequence number (LSN) for the log dump sequence.

If this parameter is specified, the LSN must be the address of a valid log record in the active part of the log; otherwise, the call fails with status ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER.

If this parameter is not specified, the start of the dump sequence is the beginning of the active log.

[in, optional] plsnEnd

A pointer to a CLFS_LSN that specifies the LSN where the dump sequence should end.

If this LSN is past the end of the LSN range, the function returns ERROR_HANDLE_EOF.

Unlike plsnStart, this value does not have to be the LSN of a valid record in the active log, but can be any valid LSN. Only records with an LSN value less than or equal to plsnEnd are placed in the output stream.

If this parameter is NULL, the dump function uses the last LSN in the active log (at the head of the log).

[in, optional] pstrmOut

A pointer to an open output stream where the log records are placed.

If this parameter is not specified, "stdout" is used as the default.

[in, optional] pfnPrintRecord

A user-defined callback routine that formats user-defined buffers and prints them to the output stream pstrmOut.

The DumpLogRecords function natively outputs its internal record headers to pstrmOut, but depends on the user-defined callback to format the user buffers.

If this parameter is NULL, DumpLogRecords places user record data in the output stream as hexadecimal digits.

[in, optional] pfnAllocBlock

A callback function that allocates memory for log blocks.

If this parameter is NULL, Common Log File System (CLFS) provides a default block allocation function. This parameter cannot be NULL if a block-freeing callback is specified by using the pfnFreeBuffer parameter.

The following example identifies the syntax of the block allocation callback function:

typedef PVOID (* CLFS_BLOCK_ALLOCATION) (voidULONG cbBufferSize, PVOID pvUserContext);

[in, optional] pfnFreeBlock

A callback function that frees log blocks allocated by pfnAllocBuffer.

If this parameter is NULL, CLFS provides a default block deallocation function. This parameter cannot be NULL if a block allocation callback is specified by using the pfnAllocBuffer parameter.

The following example identifies the syntax of the block-freeing callback function:

typedef void (* CLFS_BLOCK_DEALLOCATION) (PVOID pvBuffer, PVOID pvUserContext);

The buffer parameter of "ClfsBlockDeallocProc" must point to a block that is allocated by using the callback pointed to by pfnAllocBuffer.

[in, optional] pvBlockAllocContext

A pointer to a buffer that is passed as a user context to the block allocation and deallocation routines, if a buffer is specified.

If pfnAllocBuffer is NULL, this parameter is ignored.

[in] cbBlock

The size of the buffer that your records are marshaled into, in bytes.

Records cannot be appended or read if they are longer than this value.

[in] cMaxBlocks

The maximum number of blocks that can be allocated at any time for read operations.

Read contexts use at least one read block.

Return value

If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.

If the function fails, the return value is zero (0). To get extended error information, call GetLastError. The following list identifies the possible error codes:


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 R2 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header clfsw32.h
Library Clfsw32.lib
DLL Clfsw32.dll

See also



Common Log File System Functions