İngilizce dilinde oku Düzenle

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Do-Garbage-Collection extended right

Extended right to force the Directory Service to do garbage collection. Control right to force the Directory Service to do garbage collection.

Entry Value
CN Do-Garbage-Collection
Display-Name Do Garbage Collection
Rights-GUID fec364e0-0a98-11d1-adbb-00c04fd8d5cd


Windows 2000 Server

Entry Value
Applies-To NTDS-DSA
Localization-Display-ID 31

Windows Server 2003

Entry Value
Applies-To NTDS-DSA
Localization-Display-ID 31


Entry Value
Applies-To NTDS-DSA
Localization-Display-ID 31

Windows Server 2003 R2

Entry Value
Applies-To NTDS-DSA
Localization-Display-ID 31

Windows Server 2008

Entry Value
Applies-To NTDS-DSA
Localization-Display-ID 31

Windows Server 2008 R2

Entry Value
Applies-To NTDS-DSA
Localization-Display-ID 31

Windows Server 2012

Entry Value
Applies-To NTDS-DSA
Localization-Display-ID 31