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IXAudio2Voice interface (xaudio2.h)

IXAudio2Voice represents the base interface from which IXAudio2SourceVoice, IXAudio2SubmixVoice and IXAudio2MasteringVoice are derived. The methods listed below are common to all voice subclasses.

Method Description
DestroyVoice Destroys the voice. If necessary, stops the voice and removes it from the XAudio2 graph.
DisableEffect Disables the effect at a given position in the effect chain of the voice.
EnableEffect Enables the effect at a given position in the effect chain of the voice.
GetChannelVolumes Returns the volume levels for the voice, per channel.
GetEffectParameters Returns the current effect-specific parameters of a given effect in the voice's effect chain.
GetEffectState Returns the running state of the effect at a specified position in the effect chain of the voice.
GetFilterParameters Gets the voice's filter parameters.
GetOutputFilterParameters Returns the filter parameters from one of this voice's sends.
GetOutputMatrix Gets the volume level of each channel of the final output for the voice. These channels are mapped to the input channels of a specified destination voice.
GetVoiceDetails Returns information about the creation flags, input channels, and sample rate of a voice.
GetVolume Gets the current overall volume level of the voice.
SetChannelVolumes Sets the volume levels for the voice, per channel.
SetEffectChain Replaces the effect chain of the voice.
SetEffectParameters Sets parameters for a given effect in the voice's effect chain.
SetFilterParameters Sets the voice's filter parameters.
SetOutputFilterParameters Sets the filter parameters on one of this voice's sends.
SetOutputMatrix Sets the volume level of each channel of the final output for the voice. These channels are mapped to the input channels of a specified destination voice.
SetOutputVoices Designates a new set of submix or mastering voices to receive the output of the voice.
SetVolume Sets the overall volume level for the voice.


The IXAudio2Voice interface has these methods.


Destroys the voice. If necessary, stops the voice and removes it from the XAudio2 graph.

Disables the effect at a given position in the effect chain of the voice.

Enables the effect at a given position in the effect chain of the voice.

Returns the volume levels for the voice, per channel.

Returns the current effect-specific parameters of a given effect in the voice's effect chain.

Returns the running state of the effect at a specified position in the effect chain of the voice.

Gets the voice's filter parameters.

Returns the filter parameters from one of this voice's sends.

Gets the volume level of each channel of the final output for the voice. These channels are mapped to the input channels of a specified destination voice.

Returns information about the creation flags, input channels, and sample rate of a voice.

Gets the current overall volume level of the voice.

Sets the volume levels for the voice, per channel.

Replaces the effect chain of the voice.

Sets parameters for a given effect in the voice's effect chain.

Sets the voice's filter parameters.

Sets the filter parameters on one of this voice's sends.

Sets the volume level of each channel of the final output for the voice. These channels are mapped to the input channels of a specified destination voice.

Designates a new set of submix or mastering voices to receive the output of the voice.

Sets the overall volume level for the voice.


Platform Requirements

Windows 10 (XAudio2.9); Windows 8, Windows Phone 8 (XAudio 2.8); DirectX SDK (XAudio 2.7)


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header xaudio2.h

See also

XAudio2 Interfaces