ntpoapi.h header
This header contains functions and data structures that an application can use power management. For more information, see:
ntpoapi.h contains the following programming interfaces:
NtPowerInformation Learn how the ZwPowerInformation routine sets or retrieves system power information. |
BATTERY_REPORTING_SCALE Battery miniclass drivers fill in this structure in response to certain BatteryMiniQueryInformation requests. |
CM_POWER_DATA The CM_POWER_DATA structure contains information about a device's power management state and capabilities. |
COUNTED_REASON_CONTEXT The COUNTED_REASON_CONTEXT structure contains one or more strings that give reasons for a power request. |
PO_SPR_ACTIVE_SESSION_DATA Allow drivers to register/unregister for SPR Active session start and end notifications. |
POWER_LIMIT_ATTRIBUTES Describes the attributes of each power limit type. |
POWER_LIMIT_VALUE Describes the specific power limit value to be updated for a certain power limit. |
POWER_PLATFORM_INFORMATION The POWER_PLATFORM_INFORMATION structure contains information about the power capabilities of the system. |
POWER_STATE The POWER_STATE union specifies a system power state value or a device power state value. |
SYSTEM_POWER_STATE_CONTEXT The SYSTEM_POWER_STATE_CONTEXT structure is a partially opaque system structure that contains information about the previous system power states of a computer. |
DEVICE_POWER_STATE The DEVICE_POWER_STATE enumeration type indicates a device power state. |
MONITOR_DISPLAY_STATE Indicates the power state of the monitor being displayed on. |
POWER_ACTION The POWER_ACTION enumeration identifies the system power actions that can occur on a computer. |
POWER_INFORMATION_LEVEL Indicates power level information. |
POWER_LIMIT_TYPES Enumerates power limit types that describe a throttled object (power or battery discharge current) and how long the throttled object can last. |
POWER_MONITOR_REQUEST_REASON Defines values for power transitions reasons for a monitor. |
POWER_REQUEST_TYPE The POWER_REQUEST_TYPE enumeration indicates the power request type. |
POWER_STATE_TYPE The POWER_STATE_TYPE enumeration type indicates that a power state value is a system power state or a device power state. |
SYSTEM_POWER_STATE The SYSTEM_POWER_STATE enumeration type is used to indicate a system power state. |