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Customize the Windows device UI


Customizations of the Windows OS are ways in which partners can modify the Windows device UI, connectivity settings, and user experience to better reflect the partners' brand, and to fit the network and market in which the device ships. Customization options include adding applications, modifying icons and Start layouts, configuring network settings by using device management, changing defaults in Settings, and adding brand-specific art and sounds to the OS.

See the following sections for more information about what you can do to customize your devices.

Topic Description
Customizations for desktop This section includes topics describing key desktop customization opportunities, as well the Unattended Windows Setup Reference, and Windows System Image Manager Technical Reference.
Customizations for enterprise desktop Learn about the customizations available to you if you are providing a controlled and specialized experience on a Windows device running Windows 10 Enterprise.
Configure power settings Learn about the power settings you can configure using the Windows provisioning framework. Each power setting topic includes the identification GUID, allowed values, meaning, and common usage scenarios for the setting.
Preinstalled and exclusive apps If you're a Windows OEM or mobile operator partner, find out how you can create partner apps that you can package and configure to install during the initial device setup process. While the user is going through the initial setup process, the preinstalled apps are installed in the background. OEMs can also work with software developers to target OEM devices for apps to appear exclusively on, based on registry keys.
Change history for Customize Review the timeline of Customization topics that have been created, updated, or deleted.


This section of the partner documentation is intended for Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), Original Design Manufacturers (ODMs), Independent Hardware Vendors (IHVs), system builders, mobile operators, and IT administrators.

If you have purchased a Windows 10 device and would like to learn more about using its features, please see Microsoft's Windows support site online at