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winrt::attach_abi function (C++/WinRT)

A helper function that attaches a C++/WinRT object to a handle, or to a raw pointer that owns a reference to its target. In the case of pointers, an additional reference is not added. If needed, you can use this function to coalesce references. For more info, and code examples, see Interop between C++/WinRT and the ABI.


template <typename T>
void attach_abi(com_ptr<T>& object, winrt::impl::abi_t<T>* value) noexcept;

void attach_abi(winrt::hstring& object, void* value) noexcept;

void attach_abi(winrt::Windows::Foundation::IUnknown& object, void* value) noexcept;


object A C++/WinRT object to operate on.

value A handle, or a raw pointer that owns a reference to its target.


Minimum supported SDK: Windows SDK version 10.0.17134.0 (Windows 10, version 1803)

Namespace: winrt

Header: %WindowsSdkDir%Include<WindowsTargetPlatformVersion>\cppwinrt\winrt\base.h (included by default)

See also