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Migration Manager Settings

The following table details the settings available in the Migration Manager. Only your IT professional should manage the Advanced settings.


Setting Description
Only perform scanning If you wish to scan the files as a preassessment to migration, this setting should be set to On.
Preserve file share permissions. Preserve permissions on the files migrated.


Setting Description
Microsoft Entra lookup By default, this setting is set to On. If no user mapping file is provided by the user, then Microsoft Entra ID is used as the default for user mapping.
User mapping file By default, Microsoft Entra lookup is used to map users when submitting migration jobs. If you wish to use your own mapping file, select the file to be used by clicking Choose file.
If you choose to use a custom user mapping file and want to preserve user permissions, turn off Microsoft Entra lookup. By doing so, if a user isn't found in the mapping file, the tool won't look it up in Microsoft Entra ID.
You can also leave Microsoft Entra ID setting on AND use a custom mapping file. If domain users can't be found in the mapping file, the tool auto-detects destination users and its source user’s SID.


The relationship between these filters is AND.

Setting Description
Migrate hidden files If set to Off, hidden files are not migrated.
Migrate files created after Only migrate files created after the selected date. This setting can be used to limit the number of files migrated or to adhere to overall company governance policy regarding file retention.
Migrate files modified after Only migrate files modified after the selected date. This setting can be used to limit the number of files migrated or to adhere to overall company governance policy regarding file retention.
Don't migrate files with these extensions Enter a list of file extensions of file types you don't want to migrate. Separate each extension entered with a colon. Don't include the dot. Example: TXT:EXE:JPEG:
Note: For files with multiple file extensions, for example.ext1.ext2, add only the last extension, ext2, to the exclusion list.
Migrate files and folders with invalid characters By default, the setting is set to On. This value is the recommended setting. The tool attempts to move all files without filtering on characters. If any file can't be accepted, a failure message is generated for that file.

If set to Off, the tool skips any potential special characters. While this can improve performance when the source potentially contains a high number of files containing invalid characters, it also has drawbacks. To prevent malicious activities, source packages that generate more than 100 errors to the destination server are blocked. As a result, all valid files in that package are also blocked.


Setting Description
Migration auto rerun Upon failure, retry task up to four times.

Note: This setting is scheduled for deprecation. It is recommended to set it to Off.
Migration Manager working folder A temporary working folder is created named %appdata%\Microsoft\SPMigration.

Make sure that your working folder has a minimum of 150 GB of free space. It may need more depending on the size of the data you plan to migrate.