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Prerequisites & Endpoints for Migration Manager

This article is a resource where you can find prerequisites and endpoint information when using the Migration center in the modern SharePoint admin center.


Component Recommendation for best performance Minimum - expect slow performance
CPU 64-bit quad core processor or better 64-bit 1.4 GHz 2-core processor or better
.NET version V4.6.2 or higher. Learn more: How to determine which versions are installed V4.6.2 or higher
RAM 16 GB 8 GB
Local Storage Solid-state disk: 150-GB free space Solid-state disk: 150-GB free space
Network card 1 Gbps High-speed internet connection
Operating system Windows Server 2012 R2 or higher
Windows 10 agent
Windows Server 2012 R2 or higher
Windows 10 agent
Anti-virus Anti-virus software on your computer can slow down the migration speed. Evaluate and consider the risk of turning off your organization's antivirus software.
SMB 2.0 For file share migration, the server hosting the source data must support SMB 2.0 or higher

Required endpoints

Migration Manager agent sends requests to and receives responses from these endpoints. They can never call Migration Manager.

Two endpoints, https://production.odyssey.ops.mover.io and https://production-wus2-signalr.service.signalr.net, are used for SignalR connections. Migration Manager agent won’t open a port to accept remote connections.

Required endpoints For
https://secure.aadcdn.microsoftonline-p.com Authentication
https://graph.windows.net Microsoft 365 APIs for content move and validation.
https://*.queue.core.windows.net Migration API Azure requirement
https://*.blob.core.windows.net Migration API Azure requirement
https://*.pipe.aria.microsoft.com Telemetry/update
https://*.sharepoint.com Destination for migration
https://*.blob.core.usgovcloudapi.net Migration API Azure Government requirement
https://*.queue.core.usgovcloudapi.net Migration API Azure Government requirement
https://*.login.microsoftonline.com Sign into the Migration Manager agent for SPO access
https://*.login.windows.net Sign into the Migration Manager agent for SPO access
https://*.msauth.net Sign into the Migration Manager agent for SPO access
https://spmt.sharepointonline.com Migration Manager agent installation and auto-upgrading link
https://api.mover.io Scan feature for Migration Manager requirement.
https://production.odyssey.ops.mover.io Migration Manager scan feature requirement.
https://production-wus2-signalr.service.signalr.net Migration Manager scan feature requirement. Used to communicate with the server.
https://api.prod.migrations.microsoft.com Migration Manager Web UI requirement
https://odyssey.prod.migrations.microsoft.com Scan feature for Migration Manager requirement.
https://odyssey-production-weu-1.service.signalr.net Migration Manager scan feature requirement.
https://odyssey-production-weu-2.service.signalr.net Migration Manager scan feature requirement.
https://odyssey-production-neu-1.service.signalr.net Migration Manager scan feature requirement.
https://odyssey-production-eus2-1.service.signalr.net Migration Manager scan feature requirement.
https://odyssey-production-wus2-2.service.signalr.net Migration Manager scan feature requirement.