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Find and visualize personal data in Privacy Risk Management

Microsoft Priva Privacy Risk Management helps you understand the data your organization stores by automating discovery of personal data assets and providing visualizations of essential information.

Insights on the Overview page

The Overview page in privacy risk management has a Reports section containing a Personal data type instances card and a Top locations with sensitivity labels card.

Personal data type instances

The Personal data type instances card helps to highlight the diversity of personal data types detected in your organization’s content across your data landscape. The circle chart and bar graph show the approximate aggregate count of unique instances of sensitive information types found within your content, broken out by data location. Sensitive info types (SITs) are pattern-based classifiers that detect sensitive information like Social Security or credit card numbers. If a content item contains three credit card numbers and one Social Security number, that item is considered to contain two unique SITs and four instances of a SIT. Select Explore reports to go to the Reports page.

Top locations with sensitivity labels

The Top locations with sensitivity labels card displays a relational representation of the number of content items that have sensitivity labels, broken out by data location. Hover over a box for a specific data location to display the number of content items that contain a sensitivity label. Select Explore more sensitivity labels to go to the Content explorer area, where you can view the specific sensitivity labels in your organization and the number of items with each label applied.

Insights on the Reports page

The Reports (preview) page contains insights and the full array of reports about personal data in your organization's data landscape. Data insights cover the locations of Microsoft 365, Microsoft Azure (preview), and Amazon Web Services S3 (preview).

Many of the cards on the Reports (preview) page show breakdowns by data location. If you want to limit your view to just one or more locations, select the Microsoft 365, Azure (preview), or AWS (preview) buttons at the top of the Reports page to filter your view.

Key insights

Content items with the most personal data

Content that contains a large amount of personal data might present a higher risk of exposure. You might want to review such items to ensure they're covered by a privacy risk management policy. The Content items with the most personal data card displays the number of unique personal data types detected, how many unique content owners have been identified, and how many data subjects have been identified according to the data matching settings for subject rights requests. Select Explore to view your content items that contain the most personal data according to your settings.

Other Other insights, select View summary for a summary view of the items found. You can also choose to Explore these findings to preview individual files. This view shows a maximum of 100 items. Users in the Privacy Management role group can select files to review details and determine relevance, and export the list in .csv format for reference.

Active alerts over time

The Active alerts over time card shows a snapshot of active alerts triggered by policy matches. Over time, this view can help you more easily detect abnormalities like large spikes in volume. Select View alerts to go to the Alerts page, where you can investigate alerts and create issues in order to remediate.

Privacy regulations

This card introduces insights from Microsoft Purview Compliance Manager to show how the completion of certain actions in Priva can improve your privacy posture. The Privacy score indicates your rate of progress in completing controls related to data privacy regulations. Your score becomes a more helpful tool to strengthen your privacy posture when you build assessments in Compliance Manager for the regulations that are the most relevant to your organization. Select View improvement actions to view a filtered list of actions with detailed implementation guidance in Compliance Manager. Learn more details about how Priva works with Compliance Manager.

Personal data type instances by region

For multi-geo environments, this tile regionally aggregates personal data type instances found within your content, based on the regions in which this content is hosted. For single-region organizations, this tile shows one dot representing your Microsoft 365 location. Hovering over dots on the map will show the approximate count of personal data type instances discovered in that region.

The policy trends cards provide dynamic visualizations of trends found in your organization’s data. These graphs can be filtered by characteristics like spans of time, data type, or the locations of data. Use the dropdown menu options to adjust your view. Hovering over lines in the graph will allow you to see stats related to that specific point in time.

Results related to policies include data from policies in both Testing and On modes. If no policies of a particular type are active, the related graphs show no results.

Personal data found in organization

The Personal data found in organization card shows trends in how much personal data matching your policy settings has been detected over time and where it's located. Isolate your view of data by location, data type, or timeframe by adjusting the dropdown menu options.

Overexposed personal data

The Overexposed personal data card shows trends related to data overexposure policies. It can help you identify sharing behaviors over time by users in your organization, covering locations within and beyond Microsoft 365, where content with personal data could be at risk of overexposure. Isolate your view of data by location, data type, or timeframe by adjusting the dropdown menu options.

Data transfers detected in organization

The Data transfers detected in organization card shows trends related to data transfer policies and applies only to data in your Microsoft 365 environment. It provides a view of how data is moving within your organization, either between departments or between regions for multi-geo organizations. Isolate your view of data by location, data type, or timeframe by

Unused personal data

The Unused personal data card shows trends related to data transfer policies and applies only to data in your Microsoft 365 environment. It gives insights into how long your organization stores content containing personal data and how your policies could improve your handling of this data over time. Isolate your view of data by location, data type, or timeframe by


Top 5 sensitivity labels

The Top 5 sensitivity labels card indicates which five sensitivity labels are applied most often to content items in your data landscape, broken down by data location. Select Explore more sensitivity labels to go to the Content explorer area, where you can view the specific sensitivity labels in your organization and the number of items with each label applied.

Top 5 sensitive information types

The Top 5 sensitive information types card indicates which five SITs appear most frequently in content items in your data landscape, broken down by data location. Select Explore more sensitive info types to go to the Content explorer area, where you can view the specific SITs in your organization and the number of items in which each SIT is detected.

Top locations with sensitivity labels

See this card's description, above.

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