Aracılığıyla paylaş



Provides a way for participating sites to query a Ticket for specific properties.


  BSTR attributeName


  • attributeName
    [in] A BSTR representing the incoming property resulting from a query. This parameter can be one of the following:
    Property Value
    CredInfo Security level and credential type. Credential type is not currently in use.
    DA-Partner time-skew Supports delegated admin (DA) so the DA time can be derived from a participant Ticket.
    PinTime If the security level is set to 100, this value is greater than 0; otherwise, it is zero.
    PassportFlags Any flags set by Microsoft .NET Passport for the sign-in.
  • pVal
    [out, retval] Pointer to a  VARIANT containing the value of one of the preceding attributes.

Return values

Returns the following value:

S_OK Success.


Security level is associated with the SSL sign-in feature, which provides a two-tiered approach to help protect transactions. The first tier requires that all transactions between client, server, and domain authority travel over Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and that one of the authentication cookies be written as secure. To establish this level of security, the value must be set to 10.

The second tier requires a security key in the form of an alphanumeric personal identification number (PIN) in addition to the user's sign-in name and password. To establish this level of security, the value must be set to 100.

See Also

SSL Sign-In