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.NET Framework 4

Welcome to the .NET Framework sürüm 4. The .NET Framework is an integral Windows component that supports building and running the next generation of applications and Web services. The key components of the .NET Framework are the common language runtime (CLR) and the .NET Framework class library, which includes ADO.NET, ASP.NET, Windows Forms, and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). The .NET Framework provides a managed execution environment, simplified development and deployment, and integration with a wide variety of programming languages.

Karşıdan yüklemek için .NET Framework sürüm 4, içinde sağlanan bağlantıları kullanın Installing the .NET Framework. For an introduction to the architecture and key features of the .NET Framework, see Overview of the .NET Framework.

The documentation for the .NET Framework includes an extensive class library reference, conceptual overviews, step-by-step procedures, and information about samples, compilers, and command-line tools. To locate the information that interests you, see the following list of main topic areas.

Bu Bölümde

  • .NET Framework Class Library
    Supplies syntax, code examples, and related information for each class contained in the .NET Framework namespaces.

  • Quick Technology Finder (.NET Framework)
    Provides a table of links to the main technology areas of the .NET Framework.

  • What's New in the .NET Framework 4
    Describes key new features, breaking changes, and obsolete types and members in the latest version of the .NET Framework.

  • Overview of the .NET Framework
    Describes key .NET Framework concepts such as the common language runtime, the common type system, cross-language interoperability, managed execution, assemblies, and security.

  • .NET çerçeve temel geliştirme
    Explains common programming tasks that apply to a range of .NET Framework applications. Includes topics such as accessing data, file and stream I/O, configuration, encoding, deployment, and debugging.

  • .NET çerçeve geliştirme Gelişmiş
    Provides information about advanced development tasks and techniques in the .NET Framework, including interoperability, threading, and reflection.

  • .NET çerçeve güvenlik
    Provides information about the classes and services in the .NET Framework that facilitate secure application development.

  • ASP.NET Portal
    Provides links to the ASP.NET Geliştirme section of the documentation for information about ASP.NET applications, Web Forms, and Web services.

  • Windows Forms Portal
    Provides links to the Windows Forms section for information about common programming tasks in Windows Forms applications.

  • .NET Compact Framework Portal
    Kaynak kısıtlı bilgi işlem aygıtları için yönetilen uygulamalar geliştirme hakkında bilgilere bağlantılar sağlar Visual Studio Compact Framework uygulama geliştirme desteklenen değil Visual Studio 2010. 

  • Windows Presentation Foundation
    Provides information about developing applications using Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).

  • Windows Communication Foundation
    Provides information on the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) programming model for building service-oriented applications.

  • Windows Workflow Foundation
    Provides information on the framework, programming model, and tools for Windows Workflow Foundation (WF).

  • General Reference for the .NET Framework
    Provides reference information related to the .NET Framework. Includes sections on languages and compilers, tools, technical references, and a glossary of terms.

  • >.NET Framework Araçları
    Provides information about tools that make it easier for you to create, deploy, and manage applications and components that target the .NET Framework.

  • .NET Framework Samples
    Provides links to the MSDN Code Gallery for samples that illustrate various aspects of the .NET Framework.