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Windows Media Video 9 Decoder

The Windows Media Video 9 decoder decodes video streams that were encoded by the Windows Media Video Encoder. The encoder and decoder support the following four categories of encoded video.

  • Windows Media Video 9 Simple Profile
  • Windows Media Video 9 Main Profile
  • Windows Media Video 9 Advanced Profile
  • Windows Media Video 9.1 Image

Class Identifier

The class identifier (CLSID) for the Windows Media Video decoder is represented by the constant CLSID_CWMVDecMediaObject. You can create an instance of the video decoder by calling CoCreateInstance.


A video decoder object exposes the IMediaObject interface so that the object can be used as a DirectX Media Object (DMO), and it exposes the IMFTransform interface so that the object can be used as a Media Foundation Transform (MFT).

A video decoder behaves as a DMO or an MFT depending on which interfaces you obtain and which version of Windows is running. The following table shows the conditions under which a video decoder behaves as a DMO or an MFT.

Operating system Decoder behavior
Windows XP A Windows Media video decoder always behaves as a DMO.
Windows Vista and Windows 7 By default, a Windows Media video decoder behaves as a DMO. If you obtain an IMFTransform interface on a video decoder, it behaves as an MFT.


Beginning with Windows 7, the Windows Media Video decoder implements the IDMOQualityControl interface. For information about the IDMOQualityControl interface, see the DirectX Media Objects section of the DirectShow SDK documentation.

Input Formats

The following table shows the four-character codes (FOURCCs) that correspond to the categories of encoded input that are supported by the Windows Media Video decoder.

Category FOURCC
Windows Media Video 9 Simple Profile "WMV3"
Windows Media Video 9 Main Profile "WMV3"
Windows Media Video 9 Advanced Profile "WVC1"
Windows Media Video 9.1 Image "WMVP" for 9.1, "WVP2" for 9.1 version 2


Output Formats

The Windows Media Video decoder supports the following output media subtypes when it is acting as a DMO.


The Windows Media Video decoder supports the following output media subtypes when it is acting as an MFT.

  • MFVideoFormat_NV12
  • MFVideoFormat_YV12
  • MFVideoFormat_YUY2
  • MFVideoFormat_UYVY
  • MFVideoFormat_YVYU
  • MFVideoFormat_NV11
  • MFVideoFormat_RGB32
  • MFVideoFormat_RGB24
  • MFVideoFormat_RGB565
  • MFVideoFormat_RGB555
  • MFVideoFormat_RGB8


The Windows Media Video decoder supports the following properties.

Property Description

Specifies whether the codec decodes interlaced video frames from the compressed stream as progressive frames.

Windows XP and later. Simple Profile, Main Profile, Advanced Profile. Read/write.

Specifies whether the decoder will use DirectX video acceleration hardware, if available.

Windows XP and later. Simple Profile, Main Profile, Advanced Profile. Write-only.

Specifies the power level for the decoder.

Windows 7. Simple Profile, Main Profile, Advanced Profile, Image. Read/write.

Specifies whether the decoder should use frame interpolation.

Windows XP and later. Simple Profile, Main Profile, Advanced Profile, Image. Write-only.

Specifies whether the decoder supports frame interpolation.

Windows XP and later. Simple Profile, Main Profile, Advanced Profile, Image Read-only.

Specifies the number of threads that the decoder will use.

Windows Vista and later. Simple Profile, Main Profile, Advanced Profile, Image. Read/write.

Specifies the post processing mode for the decoder.

Windows Vista and later. Simple Profile, Main Profile, Advanced Profile, Image. Write-only.




Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7





See Also

Codec Objects

Codec Implementation

Media Subtype GUIDs



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Build date: 4/7/2010