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You can use the IsClientExcluded property to determine whether the consumer's player that is requesting a license is based on an excluded DRM component (known by Microsoft to be damaged or corrupted).


  Boolean =


This property takes no parameters.

Return Values

This property does not return a value. If it succeeds, it sets S_OK in the error object. If the property fails, it returns a number in the error object.

Return code Description
0x80048017 The application exclusion information has not been set.


Use this property when receiving a license request so you can determine whether the requesting application is one that you want to exclude. If it is, you can refuse to issue a license. You might also display information to the consumer (for example, explaining that you will only issue licenses to certain players.

Example Code

' The client (player) posts a challenge to the license issuer. The 
' challenge contains the packaged file's content header, actions requested
' by the client, and information about the client computer. To determine a
' client application's individualization version, perform the following 
' steps. 

' Declare variables and objects.
    Dim sHeader, lResult, sLicRequest, indiVersion 
    Dim HeaderObj, ChallengeObj, LicGenObj 
    Dim strRevinfo, ContainsRevinfo, strClientCRLs
    Dim bAppRevoked

' Create objects.
    Set HeaderObj = Server.CreateObject("Wmrmobjs.WMRMHeader")
    Set ChallengeObj = Server.CreateObject("Wmrmobjs.WMRMChallenge")
    Set LicGenObj = Server.CreateObject("Wmrmobjs.WMRMLicGen")

' Retrieve the license request from the client computer.
    sLicRequest = request.Form("challenge")

' Set the license request into the WMRMChallenge object.
    ChallengeObj.Challenge = sLicRequest

' Retrieve the header from the challenge.
    sHeader = ChallengeObj.Header

' Check for revocation information.
    strRevinfo = ChallengeObj.RevInfo
    ContainsRevinfo = ChallengeObj.RevInfoPresent

' Set the header into the WMRMHeader object.
    HeaderObj.Header = sHeader

' Verify the header with the public key created by the content
' packager.
    lResult = HeaderObj.Verify(sPubKey)
    if (lResult = 0) then
        ' The header is corrupt.
    end if

' Find out if the application uses an excluded DRM component.
   bAppRevoked =LicGenObj.IsClientExcluded
   if (bAppRevoked = True) then
       ' The player application is revoked.
   end if


Version: Windows Media Rights Manager 7 SDK or later

Reference: wmrmobjs 1.0 Type Library

Library: wmrmobjs.dll

Platform: Windows Server 2003

See Also

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