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Building analytics

Work plan settings that allow employees to indicate their intent to come into the office, combined with actual building occupancy data, offer real estate and facility managers a valuable tool to understand, analyze, and optimize building space use.

By comparing work plan data, which reflects employee intentions, with actual occupancy data, you can identify discrepancies between planned and real space usage.

Here are the signals used in building analytics:

  • Building use based on intent to come into the office Building analytics uses employee work plans to assess intent-driven space use.

  • Building use based on actual occupancy Building analytics uses badge data to infer the number of employees present in a building, providing a measure of actual building occupancy.

  • People data Microsoft Places analytics makes use of people profile API data sourced from Microsoft Entra ID data (or) through external connectors to analyze employees assigned to a specific building and employees under a specific leader. This data helps in mapping users to a specific building, improving the data coverage for building analytics.

Building analytics signal

Building utilization based on intent to use

Building analytics uses work plan data to track the intended building occupancy and expected hybrid trends, providing insight into employee preferences on office visits.

The source for work plan data comes from the Flexible Work Hours (FWH) setting available for users in Microsoft Places and in the Outlook app. The work plan data is dependent on the availability of the people data (from people profile datasets). People data helps with mapping employees who set work plans without choosing buildings as their assigned building in people data.

Building utilization based on actual occupancy

Building analytics uses occupancy data to detect the actual presence of people in buildings. Currently, we support the following building occupancy data:

  • Badge access data


For the building analytics dashboards to show accurate values, people data must be mapped to the buildings onboarded to Mirosoft Places.

In the next section, we'll cover details about people data onboarding along with building occupancy data onboarding.

Onboard people data

General information

Microsoft Places analytics uses the people profile API data to associate users to a specific location/building. People profile data generally pulls data from Microsoft Entra ID and, if you added connectors to bring people data to Microsoft 365 applications, then the relevant data is reflected in people profile dataset.

  • Assigned headcount in building analytics is derived from the employee to building mapping.

  • For the leader filter features to function accurately employee manager mapping should be available in people profile dataset.

Data format

Microsoft Places analytics looks for specific set of fields in people profile dataset to create mapping between employees, their assigned buildings, and their managers.

  • OfficeLocation This is the people profile API property used by Places to associate an employee to a building.


This property must match with the building name set in Places Directory to create the mapping accurately.

  • Manager This is the people profile API property used by Places to associate users to their leaders/managers.

To learn more about profile API here Data format, see Use the Profile API in Microsoft Graph to retrieve information about yourself or another user.

Data updates to Microsoft Entra ID

To match people profile data with attendance data, their Microsoft Entra ID location should be updated. It can be done using one of the following methods.

Azure portal

  1. Access the Azure portal: Go to the Azure portal and sign in with your credentials.
  2. Navigate to the Azure Active Directory: In the left-hand navigation pane, select Azure Active Directory.
  3. Find the user: Under Manage, select Users, and then search for the user whose location you want to update.
  4. Edit user information: Select the user's name to open their profile, then select Edit to update their information.
  5. Update the location: In the Job info section, you can update the user's location details. Make sure to save your changes.
  6. Update manager: In the Job info section, you can update the user's manager details. Make sure to save your changes.

To learn more about updating Microsoft Entra ID data, see Add or update a user's profile information and settings in the Microsoft Entra admin center.

Update Microsoft Entra ID attributes using a PowerShell script

# Connect to Azure AD 

Update user location

Update-AzADUser -UPNOrObjectId -OfficeLocation “18/2111”

For more information, see Update-AzADUser.

Update Microsoft Entra ID attributes using Graph API

Start by understanding the user resource type. For more information, see User resource type.

  • Sign in to Graph Explore. For more information, see Graph Explorer.
  • Invoke Update user. For more information, see Update user.


Content-type: application/json 
  "officeLocation": "18/2111" 

Data validation and troubleshooting

  • The headcount property in the Microsoft Places analytics dashboard should have the expected value.
  • The leader filters in the Building analytics page of Places analytics and should have the right leader's data filled in.
  • If the changes are being made by updating user location or manager, it should be reflected in Places analytics in 3 to 4 days.
  • Use the feedback option in the application to send Microsoft issues you encounter.

Security and privacy considerations

Microsoft Places analytics always aggregates the data points to show building use numbers. Users can't identify information about any specific, individual employees. Microsoft Places uses the people profile data used by other Microsoft 365 applications.

Onboard badge data

You can use existing badge access systems to enhance Places Analytics report on building occupancy dashboards.

Process to enable badge data

  • Step 1: Add badge-access devices to Microsoft Places (optional, but highly recommended).
  • Step 2: Upload badge data telemetry to Microsoft Places.


People data should be available for the interested buildings in Microsoft Places before onboarding badge data. Badge data is validated against the People data. The system filters out the badge data of users who aren't mapped to Microsoft Places.

Step 1: Add badge-access devices to Microsoft Places

The first step involves uploading badge access device metadata and mapping devices to a PlaceId in Microsoft Places. This step helps to contextualize the badge signals when it reaches Microsoft Places. You can add badge access devices to Microsoft Places using two options:

  • Option 1: Using PowerShell cmdlets
  • Option 2: Using Microsoft Graph APIs
Option 1: Using PowerShell cmdlets

PowerShell cmdlets are available to manage devices in Microsoft Places. To learn more about Microsoft Places cmdlets, see the Microsoft Places cmdlets module for PowerShell.


To run cmdlets, you must have the TenantPlacesManagement role assigned.

Device-data formats for cmdlets
Column Description Notes Example
DeviceId (required) The unique identifier of the device (recommended: Manufacturer_DeviceUniqueId). Must match the ID of the telemetry sent. Manuf1_3455
DisplayName The display name of the device. You can use a friendly name if applicable. Manuf1_3455
Description The description of the device.
MacAddress The Mac address of the device. Supplier provided (if available).
Manufacturer (required) The manufacturer of the device. Provided by the IT admin. Manuf1
IPV4Address The IPV4Address of the device. Supplier provided (if available).
IPV6Address The IPV6Address of the device. Supplier provided (if available).
PlaceId The PlaceId to which your device is mapped in Places. The IT admin maps DeviceID to the DisplayName field from a list of rooms. 76fe540f-01a9-425e-acd5-5d7d1da44fbf
Tags A list of custom tags associated with the device to help with search. ["IsVirtual_False", "Building_121"]
Sensor.SensorId The unique identifier of a sensor within the device. Must come in the standard telemetry payload. Badge
Sensor.DisplayName The display Name of the sensor. You can use a friendly name (if applicable). Paperclip
Sensor.SensorType (required) The type of sensor. A validated list (see examples). Badge
Sensor.PlaceId The unique identifier of the place served by the sensor (you only need to provide this information if the sensor is in a different place than the device's location). 76fe540f-01a9-425e-acd5-5d7d1da44fbf
Add badge-access device to Microsoft Places using cmdlets

[!div class="mx-tdBreakAll"]

Cmdlet name Description Parameters
New-PlaceDevice Creates a new device. DeviceId (required), DisplayName, Description, MACAddress, Manufacturer (required), IPV4Address, IPV6Address, PlaceId (required), TagsSensors (required)
Remove-PlaceDevice Deletes a device. ID (required)
Set-PlaceDevice Updates a device. ID (required), DeviceId (required), DisplayName, Description, MACAddress, Manufacturer (required), IPV4Address, IPV6Address, PlaceId, Tags, Sensors (required)
Get-PlaceDevice Gets a device. Id, Filter, Top

Steps: Using PowerShell cmdlets

  1. Open PowerShell 7 (not as an administrator).

  2. Install Microsoft Places by running the following Windows PowerShell cmdlet. For more information about Microsoft Places installation, see the Microsoft Places PowerShell Gallery.

    Install-Module -Name MicrosoftPlaces -AllowPrerelease -Force 
  3. Import the Microsoft Places module by running the following Windows PowerShell cmdlet.

    Import-Module -Name MicrosoftPlaces 
  4. After installing and importing the module, connect to the Microsoft Places module by running the following Microsoft Places PowerShell cmdlet.

  5. Use New-PlaceDevice cmdlet to add badge access device.

    New-PlaceDevice -DeviceId "contoso_9D6816" -DisplayName "Contoso 9D6816 Device" -Description "Contoso 9D6816 Device" -MACAddress "00:0A:95:9D:68:16" -Manufacturer "Contoso" -IPV4Address "" -IPV6Address "2001:db8::ff00:42:8329" -PlaceId "acfa3bc0- 2b83-425b-8910-84a0250e9671" -Tags "BuildingA" -Sensors (New-Object MicrosoftPlaces.PlacesDevices.Sensor -Property @{SensorType="badge"})


    The Sensors parameter in this example is an object of type MicrosoftPlaces.PlacesDevices.Sensor having fields mentioned in the sample.

  6. Use Get-PlaceDevice to view list of devices. By default, it returns 10 devices. To return more devices, add the -top parameter as shown in this example.

    Get-PlaceDevice -top 100 
  7. Use Set-PlaceDevice to update a device with existing ID.

    Set-PlaceDevice -Id "e5a216ff-1d32-4647-8dab-a2523ee5796e" -DeviceId "contoso_7D6816" -DisplayName "Contoso 7D6816 Device" -Description "Contoso 9D6816 Device" -MACAddress "00:0A:95:9D:68:16" -Manufacturer "Contoso" -IPV4Address "" -IPV6Address "2001:db8::ff00:42:8329" -PlaceId "acfa3bc0- 2b83-425b-8910-84a0250e9671" -Tags "BuildingA" -Sensors (New-Object MicrosoftPlaces.PlacesDevices.Sensor -Property @{SensorType="badge"})


    Provide details of all the parameters (both mandatory and optional) while updating a device. In the absence of a parameter value, it resets the value to default empty value.

  8. Use Remove-PlaceDevice to delete a device.

    Remove-PlaceDevice -Id "e5a216ff-1d32-4647-8dab-a2523ee5796e"  

Steps: Using the Microsoft Graph API

To build an application to automate registering and onboarding badge-access devices, APIs are available through Microsoft Graph. To use APIs, follow these steps.

  1. Create an app registration in Microsoft Entra. To learn more about the PlaceDeviceRead.All and PlaceDevice.ReadWrite.All permissions, see the Microsoft Graph Permissions Reference.
  2. Build and deploy an application to sync device information across Microsoft Places and your partners.
Device-data formats used in the Microsoft Graph API
Column Description Notes Example
DeviceId (required) The unique identifier of the device (recommended: Manufacturer_DeviceUniqueId). Must match the ID of the telemetry sent. Manuf1_3455
DisplayName The display name of the device. You can use a friendly name, if applicable. Manuf1_3455
Description The description of the device.
MacAddress The Mac address of the device. Supplier provided (if available).
Manufacturer (required) The manufacturer of the device. Provided by the IT admin. Manuf1
IPV4Address The IPV4Address of the device. Supplier provided, if available.
IPV6Address The IPV6Address of the device. Supplier provided, if available.
PlaceId (required) The PlaceId to which your device is mapped in Microsoft Places. The IT admin maps DeviceID to the DisplayName field from a list of rooms. 76fe540f-01a9-425e-acd5-5d7d1da44fbf
Tags A list of custom tags associated with the device to help with search. ["IsVirtual_False", "Building_121"]
Sensor.SensorId (required) The unique identifier of a sensor within the device. Must come in the standard telemetry payload. Badge
Sensor.DisplayName The display Name of the sensor. You can use a friendly name (if applicable). Paperclip
Sensor.SensorType (required) The type of sensor. A validated list (see examples). Badge
Sensor.PlaceId The unique identifier of the place served by the sensor (you only need to provide this information if the sensor is in a different place than the device's location). 76fe540f-01a9-425e-acd5-5d7d1da44fbf

To learn more about sensor devices, see the following Microsoft Graph APIs:


    "deviceId": "contoso_7D6816", 
    "displayName": "Contoso 7D6816 Device", 
    "description": "Contoso 7D6816 Device", 
    "macAddress": "00:0A:95:9D:68:16", 
    "manufacturer": "Contoso", 
    "ipV4Address": "", 
    "ipV6Address": "2001:db8::ff00:42:8329", 
    "placeId": "acfa3bc0- 2b83-425b-8910-84a0250e9671", 
    "tags": [ 
    "sensors": [ 
            "sensorId": "Badge", 
            "displayName": null, 
            "sensorType": "badge", 
            "placeId": "acfa3bc0- 2b83-425b-8910-84a0250e9671" 

    "deviceId": "contoso_7D6816", 
    "displayName": "Contoso 7D6816 Device", 
    "description": "Contoso 7D6816 Device", 
    "macAddress": "00:0A:95:9D:68:16", 
    "manufacturer": "Contoso2", 
    "ipV4Address": "", 
    "ipV6Address": "2001:db8::ff00:42:8329", 
    "placeId": "acfa3bc0- 2b83-425b-8910-84a0250e9671", 
    "tags": [ 
    "sensors": [ 
            "sensorId": "Badge", 
            "displayName": null, 
            "sensorType": "badge", 
            "placeId": "acfa3bc0- 2b83-425b-8910-84a0250e9671" 

Upload badge data telemetry to Microsoft Places

Upload data from your badge-entry system to generate building occupancy dashboards in Places Analytics.

  • The DeviceId is used to match the badge event to a specific building. In the absence of a DeviceId, LocationHint is used. We strongly recommend you onboard your devices to accurately map building occupancy.

  • LocationHint must match the building name in Microsoft Places directory if you haven't onboarded devices to Microsoft Places.

  • Users from Badge data are validated against People data (from the profile API) to make it available in the Building analytics page.

Option 1: Using the Push-Dataset cmdlet

These steps are required to push badge data to Microsoft Places:

  • Download badge data from existing systems.
  • Prepare CSV file as per the badge-data format in the following section.
  • Push prepared CSV data to Microsoft Places.
Prepare the CSV file

Badge-data format: Use the following schema when uploading badge information.

Column Type Description
DeviceId String Optional. The device ID indicates which device generated the signal.
EventType String The action of the badge, which depends on the sensor type. The value can be BadgeIn.
UserID String Optional. The badged user ID.
UserName String Optional. The badged username.
UserEmail String The badged user email address.
LocationHint String Building name. Location from where badge signal in recorded.
IngestionTime Timestamp The timestamp of the badge signal, which indicates when the event occurred.
  • Skip the CSV column headers while uploading this data.

  • CSV column values should be in order with the schema mentioned earlier.

  • User's Location to Places Mapping Logic:

    If the DeviceId isn't available, but LocationHint is available, map LocationHint with PlaceName in the people directory, and filters out which doesn't map.

    If both LocationHint and DeviceId are available, map LocationHint with PlaceName in the people directory. If it doesn't map, then map with PlaceIdFromDeviceInventory, else filters out which doesn't map.

CSV sample file content:

The following sample shows two entries in a CSV file.



Push badge data signal to Microsoft Places using cmdlets

To learn more about Microsoft Places cmdlets, see the Microsoft Places cmdlets module for PowerShell.


To run Microsoft Places cmdlets, you must have the TenantPlacesManagement role assigned.

  1. Open PowerShell 7 (not as an administrator).

  2. Install Microsoft Places by running the following Windows PowerShell cmdlet. For more information on Microsoft Places installation, see the Microsoft Places PowerShell Gallery.

    Install-Module -Name MicrosoftPlaces -AllowPrerelease -Force 
  3. Import the Microsoft Places module by running the following Windows PowerShell cmdlet.

    Import-Module -Name MicrosoftPlaces
  4. Connect to the Microsoft Places module by running the following Places PowerShell cmdlet.

  5. Upload the badge dataset from the location on your device (using the folder and path) by running the following Microsoft Places PowerShell cmdlet.

    Push-Dataset -Type BadgeSwipe -Path C:\sensordata\

This is a CreateOrOverwrite operation. For example, new badge data gets overwritten to the current day folder.

Option 2: Automate using the Microsoft Graph API

The following steps are required to push badge data to Microsoft Places using the Graph API:

  • Download badge data from existing systems.
  • Prepare the API request using the badge-data format in the following section.
    "telemetry": [ 
            "deviceId": "BadgeEntry1_BANGALORE-FERNS_MIRPL", 
            "sensorType": "badge", 
            "eventValue": { 
                "eventType": "badgeIn", 
                "user": { 
                    "id": "167b4de9-05c8-422e-916e-9d5be5b381b2", 
                    "displayName": "AlexW", 
                    "email": "" 
             "locationHint": "BANGALORE-FERNS_MIRPL", 
             "timestamp": "2024-06-28T09:36:05.144Z" 
  • Run the API to push the data to Microsoft Places.
Badge data signal-data format
Parameter Type Description
telemetry (required) workplaceSensorDeviceTelemetry, collectionText A collection of the telemetry data collected and reported by a sensor on a badge device.
deviceId String The user-defined unique identifier of the device provided at the time of creation. Don't use the system generated identifier of the device.
locationHint String The additional information to indicate the location of the device.
timestamp (required) DateTimeOffset the date and time when the sensor measured and reported its value. The timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2024 is 2024-01-01T00:00:00Z.
sensorType (required) workplaceSensorType The type of sensor. The possible values are: badge.
eventValue (required) workplaceSensorEventValue The extra values associated with badge signals.
eventValue.eventType (required) workplaceSensorEventType The type of possible sensor event value. The possible values are: badgeIn.
eventValue.user (required) emailIdentity The unique identifier of a user. It can be an email or a Microsoft Entra ID.
eventValue.user.displayName String Display name of the user. Inherited from identity. (required) String Email address of the user. String The unique identifier for the user. Inherited from identity.

Push badge data signal to Microsoft Places using Microsoft Graph API

To build an application to automate, upload of telemetry, APIs are available through Microsoft Graph. To use APIs, follow these steps.

  1. Create an app registration in Microsoft Entra.

    To learn more about the PlaceDeviceRead.All and PlaceDevice.ReadWrite.All permissions, see the Microsoft Graph Permissions Reference.

  2. Build and deploy an application to sync telemetry across Microsoft Places and your partners.

  3. Use the IngestTelemetry API to push badge data to Microsoft Places.

For more information, see workplaceSensorDevice.



    "telemetry": [ 
            "deviceId": "BadgeEntry1_BANGALORE-FERNS_MIRPL", 
            "sensorType": "badge", 
            "eventValue": { 
            "eventType": "badgeIn", 
                "user": { 
                    "id": "167b4de9-05c8-422e-916e-9d5be5b381b2", 
                    "displayName": "AlexW", 
                    "email": "" 
            "locationHint": "BANGALORE-FERNS_MIRPL", 
            "timestamp": "2024-06-28T09:36:05.144Z" 

Data validation and troubleshooting building analytics

  • Make sure the onboarded user email id matches with user email ID in Microsoft Entra ID.
  • Make sure the user location matches with user location in Microsoft Entra ID.
  • You should be able to view Building occupancy based dashboard light up within 48 hours once you onboard the badge data.

Security and privacy considerations for building analytics

  • Uploaded badge data retention is 28 days. Aggregated processed data is stored for 90 days.
  • Data is stored in privacy compliant Azure data lake.
  • Leaders having fewer than 10 members under them aren't shown in the leader hierarchy due to privacy risks.
  • Days with fewer than 10 members coming to buildings aren't shown in actual building occupancy dashboards due to privacy risks.